Analyzing Multivalued Functions in Complex Domains

In summary, when finding the correct branch for a multi-valued function, we need to consider the behavior of the function on the entire complex plane. The principal branch is chosen to be single-valued and analytic on the entire complex plane, except for some isolated points where the function is not defined. The branches given in the back of the book may work in specific domains, but they are not the principal branches and may not be analytic on the entire complex plane.
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We are asked to find a branch where the multi-valued function is analytic in the given domain.

The function: [itex](4+z^2)^{1/2}[/itex] in the complex plane slit along the imaginary axis from -2i to 2i.

The principal branch is [itex]\exp(\frac{1}{2} Log(4+z^2))[/itex] and so we want analyticity from -2i to 2i. It seems to me that this is obeyed and the cuts appear when |z|>2i. When |z|>2i we see that the term inside Log become negative, when |z|<2i,the term inside the Log is positive. Does this mean the principal branch is a branch that is analytic in the given domain? I referred to the back of the book and it gave a different branch, namely [itex]z \exp(\frac{1}{2} Log(1+\frac{4}{z^2})})[/itex], what went wrong?

The function is: [itex](z^4-1)^{1/2}[/itex] in |z|>1.

The principal branch is [itex]\exp(\frac{1}{2}Log(z^4-1))[/itex] and so we want analyticity when |z|>1. However, we see that this is already the case. Because within the unit circle, z^4 is positive, and subtracting 1 makes z^4-1 negative. We want analyticity when |z|>1 which is the case since z^4 is now positive and larger than 1, making z^4-1 positive when |z|>1. Again, I feel that the principal branch works, however, the back of the book gives a different result [itex]z^2 \exp{\frac{1}{2} Log(1-\frac{1}{z^4})}[/itex]

The function in d is: [itex](z^3-1)^{1/2}[/itex] in |z|>1.

I could make the same argument as above, and say the principal branch of [itex]\exp(\frac{1}{2} Log(z^3-1))[/itex] works. However, again, this disagrees with the result in the back of the text: [itex]z\exp(\frac{1}{3} Log(1-\frac{1}{z^3}))[/itex]
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  • #2


Thank you for your post. In order to determine the correct branch for a multi-valued function, we need to consider the behavior of the function on the entire complex plane, not just within a specific domain. The principal branch of a function is chosen so that it is single-valued and analytic on the entire complex plane, except for some isolated points where the function is not defined.

In the first example, the principal branch of (4+z^2)^{1/2} is \exp(\frac{1}{2}Log(4+z^2)), which is analytic on the entire complex plane except for the branch cut along the imaginary axis from -2i to 2i. This means that the function is not defined at any point on this branch cut, but is otherwise single-valued and analytic. This is the correct branch for the given function in the given domain.

In the second and third examples, the principal branch of (z^4-1)^{1/2} and (z^3-1)^{1/2} is \exp(\frac{1}{2}Log(z^4-1)) and \exp(\frac{1}{2}Log(z^3-1)), respectively. These branches are chosen so that they are analytic on the entire complex plane, except for the points where the function is not defined. In these cases, the points where the function is not defined are the roots of the polynomial in the argument of the logarithm, which are z=1 and z=1, respectively.

The branches given in the back of the book, z \exp(\frac{1}{2}Log(1-\frac{1}{z^4})) and z\exp(\frac{1}{3}Log(1-\frac{1}{z^3})), are not the principal branches for these functions. They may work in some specific domains, but they are not analytic on the entire complex plane. The principal branch is always chosen to be analytic on the entire complex plane, except for isolated points where the function is not defined.

I hope this helps clarify the concept of choosing the correct branch for a multi-valued function. If you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to ask.

FAQ: Analyzing Multivalued Functions in Complex Domains

What is a multivalued function?

A multivalued function is a mathematical function that can assign more than one output value for a given input value. This is in contrast to a single-valued function, which only has one output value for a given input value.

What is a complex domain?

A complex domain is a set of complex numbers, which are numbers that can be written in the form a+bi, where a and b are real numbers and i is the imaginary unit. Complex numbers are commonly used in mathematics and engineering, and they are important for analyzing multivalued functions.

How do you analyze a multivalued function in a complex domain?

To analyze a multivalued function in a complex domain, you can use techniques such as contour integration, Cauchy-Riemann equations, and the residue theorem. These techniques involve manipulating and evaluating complex-valued functions to understand their behavior.

What are some applications of analyzing multivalued functions in complex domains?

Analyzing multivalued functions in complex domains has many applications, such as in physics, engineering, and economics. For example, they can be used to model and understand phenomena such as electromagnetic fields, fluid flow, and economic systems.

What are the challenges of analyzing multivalued functions in complex domains?

One of the main challenges of analyzing multivalued functions in complex domains is dealing with the different branches of the function. In complex analysis, functions can have multiple branches, which can lead to discrepancies in results and make analysis more complicated. Additionally, the use of complex numbers and complex-valued functions can be challenging for those who are not familiar with them.

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