And more.Constructing Infinite Triples for x^2 + y^2 = 5z^3

  • MHB
  • Thread starter tda1201
  • Start date
In summary, the conversation discusses strategies for solving a given diophantine equation and constructing an infinite amount of triples that satisfy the equation. The suggested method involves finding one solution and using transformations to generate more solutions. It is also noted that the given equation has similarities to a Pythagorean triplet.
  • #1
Could anyone give me a hint to solve this diophantine equation?
Show how to construct an infinite amount of triples x, y and z e N with (x,y)=1 and x^2 + y^2=5z^2?
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  • #2
Re: triplets x^2 + y^2 =5z^3

You have to verify what your intended equation was. Your title says \(\displaystyle x^2 + y^2 = 5z^3\) whereas your thread material says \(\displaystyle x^2 + y^2 = 5z^2\).

For the later one, invoke a rational transformation to convert it into \(\displaystyle X^2 + Y^2 = 5\) over \(\displaystyle \mathbb{Q}[X, Y]\). Now try to seek a nontrivial solution to this and then use transformations \(\displaystyle P = x - x_0\) and \(\displaystyle Q = y - y_0\) for the initial solution \(\displaystyle (x_0, y_0)\) -- this is the basic line of thought to approach all the Pythagoras-like forms over \(\displaystyle \mathbb{Z}[x, y, z]\)

  • #3
Re: triplets x^2 + y^2 =5z^3

O sorry; my mistake! The title is right! x^2 + y^2 =5z^3..?.
  • #4
Re: triplets x^2 + y^2 =5z^3

tda120 said:
Could anyone give me a hint to solve this diophantine equation?
Show how to construct an infinite amount of triples x, y and z e N with (x,y)=1 and x^2 + y^2=5z^2?

First find 1 solution.
Let's call it $(x_0, y_0, z_0)$.
Did you already find one?

Then pick $x$ and $y$ by multiplying $x_0$ and $y_0$ by some $a^k$ or something like that, such that it pans out.
That is, pick $x = a^k \cdot x_0$ and $y = a^k \cdot y_0$.
Can you find an $a$ and corresponding $z$ such that the equation is satisfied?
  • #5
Re: triplets x^2 + y^2 =5z^3

I like Serena said:
First find 1 solution.
Let's call it $(x_0, y_0, z_0)$.
Did you already find one?

Then pick $x$ and $y$ by multiplying $x_0$ and $y_0$ by some $a^k$ or something like that, such that it pans out.
That is, pick $x = a^k \cdot x_0$ and $y = a^k \cdot y_0$.
Can you find an $a$ and corresponding $z$ such that the equation is satisfied?
Coolerino! (Sun) As I've never seen the method I'll ask the obvious question: Does this generate all possible solutions?

  • #6
Re: triplets x^2 + y^2 =5z^3

I stumble upon the very first hint; I cannot even find one solution!.. Usually (x,y) isn’t 1 then… Am I missing something simple?
  • #7
Re: triplets x^2 + y^2 =5z^3

I didn't look much at I like Serena's solution, but an $(x, y, z)$ can easily be found. Try $(1, 2, 1)$.

What I worked out last night was a heuristic analysis, i.e., Note that there are heuristically $\frac{N}{\log N}$ numbers which can be written as $x^2 + y^2$ for $(x, y) \leq (N, N)$. Hence, the n-th such number should be heuristically $\gg \frac{N}{(\log N)^\epsilon}$, implying that the total number of such integers, upto a correct error, is $\gg \frac{N}{(\log N)^\epsilon}$ for some $\epsilon \geq 1$, therefore, there should be asymptotically more or less $\frac{\log(N)}{N^{2/3}}$ such triple satisfying the given Diophantine equation.
  • #8
Re: triplets x^2 + y^2 =5z^3

Ok, thank you. I tried so many triples but of course missed this one:eek:
But, I like Serena, if you multiply both x0 and yo with the same factor a^k, then x and y aren't relatively prime anymore?
  • #9
Re: triplets x^2 + y^2 =5z^3

topsquark said:
Coolerino! (Sun) As I've never seen the method I'll ask the obvious question: Does this generate all possible solutions?


I'm afraid not.
It only generates some of the solutions that are multiples of $x_0$ and $y_0$.
And for instance it does not generate any of the multiples of with $x_0$ and $y_0$ reversed (assuming they are distinct).
tda120 said:
Ok, thank you. I tried so many triples but of course missed this one:eek:
But, I like Serena, if you multiply both x0 and yo with the same factor a^k, then x and y aren't relatively prime anymore?

Oops. You're right.
I missed that condition.
  • #10
Re: triplets x^2 + y^2 =5z^3

tda120 said:
But, I like Serena, if you multiply both x0 and yo with the same factor a^k, then x and y aren't relatively prime anymore?

Your problem looks a bit like a pythagorean triplet.
Let's see if we can make it one.

Suppose we pick $z=5^m$, or rather $z=5^{2k+1}$.
Then we get:
$$x^2 + y^2 = 5\left(5^{2k+1}\right)^3$$
$$x^2 + y^2 = \left(5^{3k+2}\right)^2$$

Hmmm... not sure yet if this goes anywhere though...
  • #11
Re: triplets x^2 + y^2 =5z^3

I like Serena said:
Your problem looks a bit like a pythagorean triplet.
Let's see if we can make it one.

Suppose we pick $z=5^m$, or rather $z=5^{2k+1}$.
Then we get:
$$x^2 + y^2 = 5\left(5^{2k+1}\right)^3$$
$$x^2 + y^2 = \left(5^{3k+2}\right)^2$$

Hmmm... not sure yet if this goes anywhere though...
Yes, I think that does go somewhere, in combination with the fact that the product of a sum of two squares is a sum of two squares: $$(a^2+b^2)( c^2+d^2) = (ac+bd)^2 + (ad-bc)^2 = (ac-bd)^2 + (ad+bc)^2.$$ Start with $5=2^2+1^2$ and $5^3 = 125 = 11^2 + 2^2$. Using the above formula, you then get $$5(5^3) = 5^4 = 24^2+7^2,$$ $$5(5^2)^3 = 5^7 = 278^2 + 29^2,$$ $$5(5^3)^3 = 5^{10} = 3116^2 + 237^2,$$ $$\ldots\,.$$

In this way, you inductively construct $x_n$, $y_n$ so that $x_n^2 + y_n^2 = 5(5^n)^3$. The only other thing you need to do is to ensure that $x_n$ and $y_n$ are relatively prime. But their only possible common prime factor is $5$, so you want to choose the $\pm$ signs in the formula $(ac\pm bd)^2 + (ad\mp bc)^2$ in such a way as to avoid that. That is always possible, since (in the inductive construction) it cannot happen that both $ac+bd$ and $ac-bd$ are multiples of $5$.
  • #12
Re: triplets x^2 + y^2 =5z^3

Thank you both. Amazing how you think of this!

I get it until your last sentence: 'That is always possible, since (in the inductive construction) it cannot happen that both ac+bd and ac−bd are multiples of 5 .'
Can you please give me some explanation on this?
  • #13
Re: triplets x^2 + y^2 =5z^3

tda120 said:
I get it until your last sentence: 'That is always possible, since (in the inductive construction) it cannot happen that both ac+bd and ac−bd are multiples of 5 .'
Can you please give me some explanation on this?
In more detail, the inductive hypothesis is "There exist co-prime integers $x_n,y_n$ such that $x_n^2+y_n^2 = 5^{3n+1}$." The inductive step then takes the form $5^{3n+4} = 125(5^{3n+1}) = (11^2 + 2^2)(x_n^2+y_n^2) = (11x_n\pm 2y_n)(2x_n\mp 11y_n)$. But neither $x_n$ nor $y_n$ can be a multiple of $5$, and therefore $4y_n$ is also not a multiple of $5$. Suppose that $11x_n+2y_n$ is a multiple of $5$. Then $11x_n-2y_n = (11x_n+2y_n) - 4y_n$ is not a multiple of $5$. So by a suitable choice of $+$ and $-$ we can define $x_{n+1} = 11x_n\pm 2y_n$ and $y_{n+1} = 2x_n\mp 11y_n$ so that $x_{n+1}^2 + y_{n+1}^2 = 5^{3n+4}$ and $x_{n+1}$ is not a multiple of $5$. It then follows that $y_{n+1}$ is also not a multiple of $5$. But $x_{n+1}$ and $y_{n+1}$ cannot have any other common prime factor and are therefore coprime.
  • #14
Re: triplets x^2 + y^2 =5z^3

Very nice, Opalg. This particular superfermat form was much harder, although Cohen reckons that there should be infinitely many solutions for any spherical superfermat coordinate.

Now, it is a very interesting thing to discuss with this nice little diophantine form. There are lots of problem related to this one, for example, is there any (at least partial) parameterization for this?* For another, is there any genuine lower bound for the solutions?** If so, then what is the order of magnitude?

(*) : I think there is a way by analysis in \(\displaystyle \mathbb{Z}\). I hope someone can bring this one down, I am too busy with the incoming examinations to do anything with it.

(**) : Note that a couple of posts back, my analysis partially settles the matter. A better treatment of the sum of squares function and a probabilistic approach should show that there are only finitely many N exceeding \(\displaystyle \delta N^\epsilon \log N\) for some doable \(\displaystyle \delta, \epsilon \geq 1\).
  • #15
Re: triplets x^2 + y^2 =5z^3

mathbalarka said:
Note that a couple of posts back, my analysis partially settles the matter.

Perhaps. But I for one did not understand your analysis.
Could you clarify?
  • #16
Re: triplets x^2 + y^2 =5z^3

mathbalarka said:
Now, it is a very interesting thing to discuss with this nice little diophantine form. There are lots of problem related to this one, for example, is there any (at least partial) parameterization for this?* For another, is there any genuine lower bound for the solutions?** If so, then what is the order of magnitude?

(*) : I think there is a way by analysis in \(\displaystyle \mathbb{Z}\). I hope someone can bring this one down, I am too busy with the incoming examinations to do anything with it.

(**) : Note that a couple of posts back, my analysis partially settles the matter. A better treatment of the sum of squares function and a probabilistic approach should show that there are only finitely many N exceeding \(\displaystyle \delta N^\epsilon \log N\) for some doable \(\displaystyle \delta, \epsilon \geq 1\).

I conjecture that a necessary and sufficient condition for the problem to have a solution (with $x$ and $y$ coprime) is that all the prime factors of $z$ should be congruent to $1$ mod $4$.

The first case where $z$ has a prime factor other than $5$ is when $z=13$. We then have $5(13)^3 = 10985 = 101^2 + 28^2.$
  • #17
Re: triplets x^2 + y^2 =5z^3

I like Serena said:
Perhaps. But I for one did not understand your analysis.
Could you clarify?

Never mind my previous post, I did a mistake. It should have been \(\displaystyle N^{4/3}/\log N\). For my defense, it was 3:40 am here when I was posting it.

My approach was probabilistic. The usual way to show a weaker result is that the number of integers of the form \(\displaystyle x^2\) inside the interval \(\displaystyle [-N, N]\) is at most \(\displaystyle \mathcal{O}\left (N^{1/2}\right )\). Similarly, integers of the form \(\displaystyle y^2\) and \(\displaystyle -5z^3\) are \(\displaystyle \mathcal{O}\left (N^{1/2}\right )\) and \(\displaystyle \mathcal{O}\left (N^{1/3}\right )\), respectively.

So, the sum of them to be equal to 0, a doable heuristic would be that there are \(\displaystyle \mathcal{O} \left ( N^{1/2 + 1/2 + 1/3} \right )\) or, \(\displaystyle \ll N^{4/3}\) solutions smaller than N.

My approach was to think of \(\displaystyle x^2 + y^2\) and \(\displaystyle -5z^3\) rather than each term individually. So that we get \(\displaystyle \mathcal{O} \left ( N^{4/3} / \log N\right )\)
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  • #18
Re: triplets x^2 + y^2 =5z^3

Opalg said:
I conjecture that a necessary and sufficient condition for the problem to have a solution (with $x$ and $y$ coprime) is that all the prime factors of $z$ should be congruent to $1$ mod $4$.

Since $x$ and $y$ has opposite parity, it's quite straightforward that your conjecture holds.

  • #19
Re: triplets x^2 + y^2 =5z^3

mathbalarka said:
Opalg said:
I conjecture that a necessary and sufficient condition for the problem to have a solution (with $x$ and $y$ coprime) is that all the prime factors of $z$ should be congruent to $1$ mod $4$.

Since $x$ and $y$ has opposite parity, it's quite straightforward that your conjecture holds.
It will take a lot more than that to prove the conjecture. First, you have to show that if $z$ has any prime factor of the form $4k+3$ then either no solution exists or, if it does, then in every such solution $x$ and $y$ must have a nontrivial common factor. Then you also have to show that if all the prime factors of $z$ are of the form $4k+1$ then a solution does exist with $x$ and $y$ coprime.
  • #20
Re: triplets x^2 + y^2 =5z^3

Opalg said:
It will take a lot more than that to prove the conjecture. First, you have to show that if $z$ has any prime factor of the form $4k+3$ then either no solution exists or, if it does, then in every such solution $x$ and $y$ must have a nontrivial common factor. Then you also have to show that if all the prime factors of $z$ are of the form $4k+1$ then a solution does exist with $x$ and $y$ coprime.

Oh, I see what you're asking. Right, then I have merely proved that z is 1 modulo 4.

For the other part of the conjecture, that it is sufficient to have z in the 1 mod 4 congruence class, I expect this to be almost surely false.
  • #21
Re: triplets x^2 + y^2 =5z^3

mathbalarka said:
(*) : I think there is a way by analysis in \(\displaystyle \mathbb{Z}\). I hope someone can bring this one down, I am too busy with the incoming examinations to do anything with it.

Given the original problem with $x^2+y^2=5z^3$ and gcd(x,y)=1 and x,y,z positive.

We can factorize the left hand side in $\mathbb Z$ as follows.
Let d be the gcd(x+iy, x-iy).
Then d divides the sum and the difference: d|2x and d|2iy. Therefore d is one of 1, 1+i, 2 up to a unit.
Only d=1 pans out, so (x+iy) and (x-iy) are co-prime in $\mathbb{Z}$.

We can factorize 5 into (1+2i)(1-2i) which are also co-prime.
So we might construct x+iy as $(1+2i)(a+ib)^3$ and x-iy as$ (1-2i)(a-ib)^3$.

Multiplying this out, and separating the real and imaginary parts gives us x and y, and from their choice also z:
x&=a^3-6a^2b-3ab^2+2b^3 \\
y&=2a^3+3a^2b-6ab^2-b^3 \\

That leaves how to find a and b such that x and y are co-prime and positive.
I still have some trouble finding those.
  • #22
Re: triplets x^2 + y^2 =5z^3

Finding a parameterization for the general case is easy, the problem occurs when one wants (x, y) = 1.
  • #23
Re: triplets x^2 + y^2 =5z^3

mathbalarka said:
Finding a parameterization for the general case is easy, the problem occurs when one wants (x, y) = 1.

I think it should suffice if $x+iy=(1+2i)(a+ib)^3$ and $x-iy = (1-2i)(a-ib)^3$ are co-prime.

And to get that, it should suffice that $\gcd(a+ib, 1-2i)=\gcd(a+ib, a-ib)=1$.
And finally, we don't have to find any $a$ and $b$, only that there are infinitely many.

I guess I'll have to practice a bit with gaussian integers.
  • #24
Re: triplets x^2 + y^2 =5z^3

Probably true, perhaps. You shouldn't pay much attention to my "baseless" heuristics and criticism now, since I am having a very less time of doing math outside of the syllabus since my examinations are coming (a day to go).

And by the way, I think Darmon & Granville must have something to say about these particular equations. I believe there exists a general theorem for all spherical genrealized Fermat-Catalan equations, a theorem on infinitude of the solutions. A similar theorem concerning the finitude of parabolic ones (appearing in the same paper) has been explicitly worked out there, as I have heard, and a general construction of parametric solution is given also.

  • #25
Re: triplets x^2 + y^2 =5z^3

Gotcha! :D

Let $N(u+iv)$ be the gaussian integer norm. That is, $N(u+iv)=u^2+v^2$.

Now suppose $d=\gcd(a+ib, 1-2i)$.
Then d|1-2i and N(d)|N(1-2i)=5.
So we can pick a and b such that $5\not|a^2+b^2$ to make sure a+ib and 1-2i are co-prime.

Suppose $e=\gcd(a+ib, a-ib)$.
Pick a and b co-prime.
Then e|2a and e|2ib, therefore e=1, 1+i, or 2.
Also pick $a \not\equiv b \pmod 2$, then we get that e=1.

There are infinitely many a and b such that $\gcd(a,b) =1, \quad 5 \not| a^2 + b^2, \quad a \not\equiv b \pmod 2$.
With such a and b, the chosen x+iy and x-iy are co-prime.
It follows that x and y are co-prime, because if they have a common divisor > 1, that divisor would also divide both x+iy and x-iy.

Therefore $x^2+y^2=5z^3$ with $\gcd(x,y)=1$ and $x,y,z \in \mathbb N$ has infinitely many solutions. $\qquad \blacksquare$
  • #26
Well done! :D
  • #27
Generally always better to record the formula itself.
Especially when she looks rather cumbersome. For example, even for a particular case, it is not simple.
the equation:

\(\displaystyle X^2+Y^2=Z^3\)

Has the solutions:

\(\displaystyle X=2k^6+8tk^5+2(7t^2+8qt-9q^2)k^4+16(t^3+2qt^2-tq^2-2q^3)k^3\)\(\displaystyle +2(7t^4+12qt^3+6q^2t^2-28tq^3-9q^4)k^2+\)

\(\displaystyle +8(t^5+2qt^4-2q^3t^2-5tq^4)k+2(q^6-4tq^5-5q^4t^2-5q^2t^4+4qt^5+t^6)\)


\(\displaystyle Y=2k^6+4(3q+t)k^5+2(9q^2+16qt+t^2)k^4+32qt(2q+t)k^3\)\(\displaystyle +2(-9q^4+20tq^3+30q^2t^2+12qt^3-t^4)k^2+\)

\(\displaystyle +4(-3q^5-tq^4+10q^3t^2+6q^2t^3+5qt^4-t^5)k-2(q^6+4tq^5-5q^4t^2-5q^2t^4-4qt^5+t^6)\)


\(\displaystyle Z=2k^4+4(q+t)k^3+4(q+t)^2k^2+4(q^3+tq^2+qt^2+t^3)k+2(q^2+t^2)^2\)

\(\displaystyle q,t,k\) - What are some integers any sign. After substituting the numbers and get a result it will be necessary to divide by the greatest common divisor. This is to obtain the primitive solutions.
  • #28
In the equation: \(\displaystyle X^2+Y^2=qZ^3\)

If the ratio is such that the root of an integer: \(\displaystyle c=\sqrt{q-1}\)

Then the solution is:

\(\displaystyle X=-2(c+1)p^6+4(2c(q-2)-3q)p^5s+2(c(5q^2-2q-8)-q^2-22q+8)p^4s^2+\)\(\displaystyle 8q(5q^2-14q+4)p^3s^3+\)

\(\displaystyle +2(c(5q^2-2q-8)+q^2+22q-8)q(q-2)p^2s^4-4(2c(q-2)+3q)q^2(q-2)^2ps^5\)\(\displaystyle -2(c-1)q^3(q-2)^3s^6\)


\(\displaystyle Y=2(c-1)p^6+4(2qc+q-4)p^5s+2(c(-5q^2+18q-8)+15q^2-22q-8)p^4s^2\)\(\displaystyle +8q(q^2+6q-12)p^3s^3\)

\(\displaystyle -2(c(5q^2-18q+8)+15q^2-22q-8)q(q-2)p^2s^4-4(2qc-q+4)q^2(q-2)^2ps^5\)\(\displaystyle +2(c+1)q^3(q-2)^3s^6\)


\(\displaystyle Z=2p^4+8p^3s+4(q^2-2q+4)p^2s^2-8q(q-2)ps^3+2q^2(q-2)^2s^4\)

And more.

\(\displaystyle X=-2(c-1)p^6-4(2c(q-2)+3q)p^5s+2(c(5q^2-2q-8)+q^2+22q-8)p^4s^2\)\(\displaystyle +8q(5q^2-14q+4)p^3s^3+\)

\(\displaystyle +2(c(5q^2-2q-8)-q^2-22q+8)q(q-2)p^2s^4+4(2c(q-2)-3q)q^2(q-2)^2ps^5\)\(\displaystyle -2(c+1)q^3(q-2)^3s^6\)


\(\displaystyle Y=2(c+1)p^6-4(2qc-q+4)p^5s+2(c(-5q^2+18q-8)-15q^2+22q+8)p^4s^2\)\(\displaystyle +8q(q^2+6q-12)p^3s^3+\)

\(\displaystyle +2(c(-5q^2+18q-8)+15q^2-22q-8)q(q-2)p^2s^4+4(2qc+q-4)q^2(q-2)^2ps^5\)\(\displaystyle +2(c-1)q^3(q-2)^3s^6\)


\(\displaystyle Z=2p^4-8p^3s+4(q^2-2q+4)p^2s^2+8q(q-2)ps^3+2q^2(q-2)^2s^4\)

FAQ: And more.Constructing Infinite Triples for x^2 + y^2 = 5z^3

1. What is the equation for "Triplets x^2 + y^2 =5z^3"?

The equation is a Diophantine equation, meaning it involves finding integer solutions to the equation. In this case, the equation represents a relationship between three variables (x, y, and z) where the sum of the squares of x and y is equal to 5 times the cube of z.

2. Can this equation have an infinite number of solutions?

No, this equation has a finite number of solutions. It is a special case of the more general equation called the Fermat's Last Theorem, which states that for any integer n greater than 2, the equation xn + yn = zn has no solutions in positive integers x, y, and z. However, for the specific case of n = 3, there are only a finite number of solutions.

3. How can one find the solutions to this equation?

There are various methods to find solutions to this equation, such as using modular arithmetic, elliptic curves, or computer algorithms. However, since it is a Diophantine equation, there is no single general method that can be used to find all the solutions.

4. Are there any known applications of this equation?

The equation has been studied as a mathematical curiosity and has been used to demonstrate the importance of number theory in cryptography. It has also been used in the construction of some geometric shapes and in the study of certain algebraic structures.

5. Can this equation be solved for any values of x, y, and z?

No, this equation has certain restrictions on its solutions. For example, since the equation involves squares and cubes, the variables x, y, and z must be integers. Additionally, the equation has constraints on the values of x, y, and z, such as their parity (odd or even) and the greatest common divisor between them.
