Anesthesia vs Pain: How Does it Work?

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In summary, anesthesia prevents people from feeling physical pain. The mechanism of all anesthetics isn't known, but the most common ones used as surgical anesthetics block a particular neurotransmitter known as gamma aminobutyric acid, or GABA.
  • #1
When a person undergoes surgery, they must take anesthesia so that the pain is not felt by the person who is undergoing surgery.

This is simple enough, but not so when I began to wonder how pain is felt (i.e.,the degree of which the level of pain is identified in the brain). IOW, do the chemical reactions that constitute what we refer to as "physical pain" occur? If so, to what level? Are they subconsciously registered? How does anesthesia prevent us from feeling physical pain...or does it PREVENT?
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  • #2
The mechanism of all anesthetics isn't known, but the most common ones used as surgical anesthetics block a particular neurotransmitter known as gamma aminobutyric acid, or GABA. This renders the person unconscious by blocking firing of neurons (there are a lot that use this transmitter) and is different from drugs known as analgesics that just block pain without blocking consciousness.

With regard to whether the other physical reactions that cause pain are still happening, at a local level (the site of the incision), that is still happening, which is why it still hurts when you wake up from surgery, but during the surgery, that information isn't sent to the brain.
  • #3
The mechanism of all anesthetics isn't known, but the most common ones used as surgical anesthetics block a particular neurotransmitter known as gamma aminobutyric acid, or GABA. This renders the person unconscious by blocking firing of neurons (there are a lot that use this transmitter) and is different from drugs known as analgesics that just block pain without blocking consciousness.

Do you think practices such as "mind over matter" ,in places like Zen temples (where priests are able to walk over burning coal and seemingly have no pain or bruising) are able to influence the ability of the GABA to transmit pain?

What do you know about the relationship between psychopathy and GABA?
  • #4
I find it amazing that the body knows when to repress pain sensation in the case of severe trauma. I watched Opra a few weeks ago (:smile:) where she interviewed a girl who got attacked by a shark and had her arm ripped off by the shoulder. She said she didn't feel any pain until 2 hours after the event. She also interviewed a lawyer who got shot many times by a client and he also didn't feel the pain of impact of the bullets. Only if he had been shot in the back, unaware of the danger, would he have felt the pain.

FAQ: Anesthesia vs Pain: How Does it Work?

1. What is the difference between anesthesia and pain relief medications?

Anesthesia is a medical technique used to induce a temporary loss of sensation or consciousness, usually for the purpose of performing a medical procedure. Pain relief medications, on the other hand, are drugs that are used to alleviate discomfort or pain.

2. How does anesthesia work?

Anesthesia works by interrupting the transmission of nerve signals to the brain, resulting in a temporary loss of sensation and consciousness. This can be achieved through various methods such as inhalation, injection, or topical application of anesthetic drugs.

3. What are the risks associated with anesthesia?

Just like any medical procedure, there are risks associated with anesthesia. These can include allergic reactions, respiratory issues, and complications related to pre-existing medical conditions. However, these risks are low and are closely monitored by trained professionals during the entire process.

4. Can anesthesia cause permanent damage?

In rare cases, anesthesia can cause permanent damage, but this is extremely uncommon. The risk of permanent damage is usually associated with certain pre-existing medical conditions, rather than the anesthesia itself.

5. How does pain relief medication work?

Pain relief medications work by blocking the production or transmission of pain signals in the body. This can be achieved through various mechanisms, such as inhibiting the production of pain-causing chemicals or blocking the receptors that receive pain signals.

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