Angular Acceleration of a rubber wheel

In summary: The pottery wheel has an initial velocity of 7.2 rad/s^2, and the smaller rubber wheel has an angular acceleration of 0.0004 rad/s^2.
  • #1
A small rubber wheel is used to drive a large pottery wheel. The two wheels are mounted so that their circular edges touch. The small wheel has a radius of 2.0 cm and accelerates at the rate of 7.2 rad/s^2, and it is in contact with the pottery wheel (radius 21.0 cm) without slipping.

(A)Calculate the angular acceleration of the pottery wheel
(B)and the time it takes the pottery wheel to reach its required speed of 65 RPM.


I don't know enough about pottery wheels to know if they are all made the same, but based on the problem I want to assume that the smaller wheel is inside the bigger wheel, that way the outer edge of the small wheel turns the inner edge of the pottery wheel. This may be where I am wrong...but that's what I'm rolling with for now.

If that is the case, then the velocity of the smaller wheel ought to be the initial velocity of the larger wheel, then there should be some sort of proportional relationship between the two based on the difference in radii. As a matter of fact, I venture to say that the acceleration for the larger wheel (what I'm looking for) will be much smaller than the 7.2 rad/s^2 given for the small wheel.

Carrying on, then [tex]\omega[/tex] (small wheel) will equal 7.2t. This would be equal to the initial [tex]\omega[/tex] of the wheel.

Beyond that, I don't know where to go from there. Any clues would be appreciated!
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  • #2
When the two wheels are in contact and rotating without slip, there linear velocities and acceleration are the same. Hence r1w1 = r2w2 = v and
a = r1*alpha1 = r2*alpha2. From the given data find the angular acceleration of pottary wheel.
  • #3
Ahhhhhhhhhh yes. I've done so much physics tonight that I think I often lose focus of the problem and wind up going on wild goose chases when it's a lot simpler than it should be. Thanks for your help!

Related to Angular Acceleration of a rubber wheel

1. What is angular acceleration?

Angular acceleration is a measure of how quickly the angular velocity of an object changes. It is defined as the rate of change of angular velocity over time.

2. How is angular acceleration different from linear acceleration?

Angular acceleration refers to changes in the rotational motion of an object, while linear acceleration refers to changes in the linear motion of an object. Angular acceleration is measured in radians per second squared, while linear acceleration is measured in meters per second squared.

3. How is angular acceleration of a rubber wheel calculated?

The angular acceleration of a rubber wheel can be calculated by dividing the change in angular velocity by the change in time. It can also be calculated by taking the second derivative of the angular displacement with respect to time.

4. What factors affect the angular acceleration of a rubber wheel?

The angular acceleration of a rubber wheel can be affected by factors such as the mass and shape of the wheel, the friction between the wheel and the surface it is rolling on, and any external forces acting on the wheel.

5. Why is the angular acceleration of a rubber wheel important?

The angular acceleration of a rubber wheel is important because it helps us understand the rotational motion of the wheel and how it responds to external forces. This information can be used in various applications, such as designing and optimizing wheel-based systems for maximum efficiency and stability.
