Angular dependance of NEXAFS spectroscopy - derivation

In summary, the quantum mechanical description of the excitation process for a single electron in the dipole approximation is given by |<ψi|e.p|ψf>|, with e as the unit electric field vector and p as the dipole transition operator. For linearly polarised light, the matrix elements can be simplified to e.|<ψi|p|ψf>| due to the perpendicular and oscillating nature of the electric field vector. This allows us to take the electric dipole vector out front, representing the direction and magnitude of the electric field responsible for the transition. This is why we can rewrite the inner product as a dot product, giving us the component of the dipole transition operator aligned with
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Hi all, this is my first time posting so I hope it's in the right place, if not I apologise. I'm trying to understand the angular dependence in NEXAFS spectroscopy for linearly polarised light.

So from what I understand, the quantum mechanical description of the excitation process for a single electron in the dipole approximation, is given as |<ψi|>| where e is the unit electric field vector and p is the dipole transition operator. In all the books/sites I have read it then states that for linearly polarised light, the matrix elements of interest take a simplified form, and can be written as:

|<ψi|>| = e.|<ψi|pf>|

It then goes on with the derivation, which is fairly straightforward What I don't understand is this seemingly simple step, more specifically why the electric dipole vector can be taken out front (I have no prior knowledge of quantum mechanics so there's a good chance it's something really simple which I'm just not understanding!). Would someone please be able to shed some light on this? Thanks in advance.
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Hello and welcome to the forum! I'm happy to help you understand the angular dependence in NEXAFS spectroscopy for linearly polarised light.

First of all, let's start with the dipole approximation. This is a simplification that is often used in quantum mechanics to describe the interaction between an atom or molecule and an external electric field. In this approximation, the size of the atom or molecule is considered to be much smaller than the wavelength of the light, so the atom or molecule is treated as a point-like object.

Now, in the excitation process, the external electric field causes the electron to transition from an initial state |ψi> to a final state |ψf>. The dipole transition operator, denoted by p, describes the strength and direction of this transition. It is a vector operator, meaning that it has both magnitude and direction.

In the case of linearly polarised light, the electric field vector e is also a vector, with a specific direction and magnitude. This electric field vector is perpendicular to the direction of propagation of the light, and it oscillates along a single plane. This is why we call it linearly polarised light.

Now, when we take the inner product |<ψi|p|ψf>|, we are essentially calculating the overlap between the initial and final states, which gives us the probability of the electron transitioning from one state to the other. However, since both the electric field vector and the dipole transition operator are vector quantities, we can rewrite the inner product as a dot product, which is given by e.|<ψi|p|ψf>|.

This dot product essentially tells us the component of the dipole transition operator that is aligned with the direction of the electric field, which is what we are interested in for linearly polarised light. This is why we can take the electric field vector out front, as it represents the direction and magnitude of the electric field that is responsible for the transition.

I hope this explanation helps you understand why the electric dipole vector can be taken out front in the case of linearly polarised light. If you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to ask. Happy researching!

FAQ: Angular dependance of NEXAFS spectroscopy - derivation

1. What is NEXAFS spectroscopy and how does it work?

NEXAFS (Near-edge X-ray absorption fine structure) spectroscopy is a type of X-ray absorption spectroscopy that is used to study the electronic structure and chemical bonding of materials. It works by shining a beam of X-rays onto a sample and measuring the absorption of photons at different energies.

2. What is the angular dependence of NEXAFS spectroscopy?

The angular dependence of NEXAFS spectroscopy refers to the relationship between the angle of incidence of the X-ray beam and the intensity of the absorption signal. This dependence can provide information about the orientation and symmetry of molecules in a sample.

3. How is the angular dependence of NEXAFS spectroscopy derived?

The angular dependence of NEXAFS spectroscopy is derived from the dipole selection rule, which states that only transitions with a change in the dipole moment of the molecule are allowed. By considering the orientation of the molecule and the polarization of the X-ray beam, the angular dependence can be calculated.

4. What factors can affect the angular dependence of NEXAFS spectroscopy?

The angular dependence of NEXAFS spectroscopy can be affected by various factors, including the orientation and symmetry of the molecules in the sample, the polarization of the X-ray beam, and the energy of the X-rays used. Additionally, the surface sensitivity of NEXAFS spectroscopy can also play a role in the angular dependence.

5. How is the angular dependence of NEXAFS spectroscopy used in scientific research?

The angular dependence of NEXAFS spectroscopy is used in many areas of scientific research, including materials science, chemistry, and biology. It can provide valuable information about the electronic structure and bonding of molecules, as well as the orientation and arrangement of molecules in a sample. This information can be used to understand the properties and behavior of materials, and to design new materials with specific properties.
