Angular Momentum and Eigenfunctions

In summary: The ResultIn summary, the result of finding Lz then Lx is zero, and the result of finding Lx then Lz is non-zero.
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Homework Statement


Part (a): What is momentum operator classically and in quantum?
Part (b): Show the particle has 0 angular momentum.
Part (c): Determine whether angular momentum is present along: (i)z-axis, (ii) x-axis and find expectation values <Lz> and <Lx>.
Part (d): Find the result of finding Lz then Lx.
Part (e): Find the result of finding Lx then Lz.

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

Part (a)
Classically, ##\vec L = \vec r x \vec p##.
Quantum mechanically, ##\vec L = -i\hbar \vec r x \vec \nabla##.

Part (b)
Since ##L^2## is the angular part of ##\nabla^2 = -\frac{1}{sin \theta}\frac{\partial}{\partial \theta}\left(sin \theta \frac{\partial}{\partial \theta}\right) + \frac{1}{sin^2\theta}\frac{\partial^2}{\partial \theta^2}##, it has no radial dependence.

So ##\langle \psi|L^2|\psi\rangle = 0##.

Part (c)

Along z-axis, it is zero, since ##L_z = -i\hbar \frac{\partial}{\partial \phi}##.

Along x-axis, it is non-zero, since ##L_x## is a function of both ##(\theta, \phi)##.

Expectation value ##\langle L_z\rangle = 0##.

I'm not sure how to find the expectation value ##\langle L_x \rangle## without using brute force integration. Is there a trick somewhere I've missed?The rest of the question boggles me very much. Would appreciate any help!
Physics news on
  • #2
unscientific said:
Part (a)
Classically, ##\vec L = \vec r x \vec p##.
Quantum mechanically, ##\vec L = -i\hbar \vec r x \vec \nabla##.
FYI, you can use the "times" macro in Latex instead of your ##x##. That makes things look nicer:
##\vec L = \vec r \times \vec p##
##\vec L = -i\hbar \vec r \times \vec \nabla##

I'm not sure how to find the expectation value ##\langle L_x \rangle## without using brute force integration. Is there a trick somewhere I've missed?

The rest of the question boggles me very much.
You have the expression ##\vec L = -i\hbar \vec r \times \vec \nabla##. Can you re-write this in x,y,z component form, i.e.,
## L_x ~=~ \dots\text{what?}\dots##
(Hint: use the definition of the ##\times## cross-product.)

Then apply the operator ##L_x## to your wave function. It's probably best for your education if you work it out by brute force first, then look to see if there's any shortcuts for subsequent parts of the question.
  • #3
(a) not bad ... in LaTeX the cross-product is provided by "\times" so:
classically: ##\vec L = \vec r \times \vec p##
QM: ##\hat L = \hat r\times \hat p = -i\hbar(\vec r \times \vec \nabla)## ... remember that ##\hat L## is an operator. The angular momentum is the result of using the operator.

(b) the statement is kinda correct - but it does not quite answer the question.
note: just because the operator has no radial dependence does not mean that the result of applying the operator to the wavefunction will have no radial dependence,

I suspect you are expected to work the problem in cartesian coordinates - though the spherical argument is a nice one.

(c) No pain no gain: you'll have to use the brute force integration.
This one may actually be easier in Cartesian coordinates or cylindrical-polar.

[edit: strangerep beat me to it]

FAQ: Angular Momentum and Eigenfunctions

1. What is angular momentum?

Angular momentum is a physical quantity that describes the rotational motion of an object around an axis. It is a vector quantity, meaning it has both magnitude and direction, and is defined as the product of an object's moment of inertia and its angular velocity.

2. How is angular momentum related to eigenfunctions?

In quantum mechanics, angular momentum is an observable quantity that can be described by a set of eigenfunctions. These eigenfunctions represent the different possible states of angular momentum for a given system, and the corresponding eigenvalues represent the possible values of the angular momentum measurement.

3. Can you explain the concept of eigenfunctions in more detail?

An eigenfunction is a function that, when acted upon by a linear operator, remains unchanged except for a scaling factor. In the context of angular momentum, the eigenfunctions represent the different possible orientations of the angular momentum vector, while the eigenvalues represent the magnitude of the angular momentum in each orientation.

4. How do eigenfunctions and eigenvalues relate to the uncertainty principle?

The uncertainty principle states that the more precisely we know the value of one observable quantity (such as angular momentum), the less precisely we can know the value of its conjugate quantity (such as position). In the case of angular momentum, the eigenfunctions and eigenvalues provide a way to characterize the different possible states of the system while still respecting the uncertainty principle.

5. Are there any real-world applications of angular momentum and eigenfunctions?

Yes, angular momentum and its associated eigenfunctions are used in various fields such as quantum mechanics, electromagnetism, and fluid dynamics. For example, in quantum mechanics, the concept of spin, which is a form of intrinsic angular momentum, is essential in understanding the behavior of subatomic particles. In fluid dynamics, the angular momentum of a rotating body plays a crucial role in determining the movement of fluids in a system.
