Angular Momentum and ladder operators

In summary: L_x satisfy Lx=1/2 (L+ + L-).In summary, the spherical harmonics are not defined as eigenfunction of L_x, however, since x,y, and z are arbitrary labels, if simultaneous eigenfunction of L^2 and L_z can be found, so can simultaneous eigenfunctions of L^2 and L_x. The question denotes these latter eigenfunctions by \Phi.
  • #1

I have done most of the problem in this word document (attached). I have some trouble though. In my QM class, we assumed that the z component of angular momentum Lz satisfies, Lz Ylm = m hbar Ylm and the ladder operator L+ and L- were defined as L+_ = Lx +- iLy. We were able to find the eigen values of Lx and Ly using the ladder operators.

In this problem initially they define Lx to satisfy Lx Ylm = m hbar Ylm and the continue to say tha Lx = 1/2 (L+ + L-). How is this possible? Further, in part C, they are asking to find the eigen values of Lz. I am not sure how to find this. I would like to know what is Lz in terms of L+ and L-. Please help me out if possible. Thank You,



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  • #2
My question is: can we have

Lx |l,m> = m hbar |l,m> and

Lx = 1/2 (L+ + L-)

The familier thing in QM is to have Lz |l,m> = m hbar |l,m> and define
L+- as L+_ = Lx +_ i Ly.

Any help and ideas would be greatly appreciated. Thannk You.

  • #3
The question looks fine. Note that in the original statement of the problem, the spherical harmonics are not defined as eigenfunction of L_x. However, since x, y, and z are arbitrary labels, if simultaneous eigenfunction of L^2 and L_z can be found, so can simultaneous eigenfunctions of L^2 and L_x. The question denotes these latter eigenfunctions by \Phi.

The answer in blue for (a) is incorrect. The correct answer is, roughly, that both l and l' label definite values of L^2, and if a state has a definite value of L^2, this value is unique, so l = l'.

I haven't had a chance to look at the other answers, and I have to go do work now, but, if no one else steps in, I'll be back in 2 or 3 hours to give more help.

  • #4
The answer in blue for (a) is incorrect. The correct answer is, roughly, that both l and l' label definite values of L^2, and if a state has a definite value of L^2, this value is unique, so l = l'.

In part (a), what I was saying is since Ylm' are eigen functions of L2 and Lx, then superposition of Ylm' should also be an eigen function fo L2 and Lx where m' (= -l, ...,+l ).

if simultaneous eigenfunction of L^2 and L_z can be found, so can simultaneous eigenfunctions of L^2 and L_x. The question denotes these latter eigenfunctions by \Phi.

I agree. But we are expected to do part (b) of this prolem using Lx=1/2 (L+ + L-). L+ and L- are ladder operators. So it looks like L+- has been defined as L+_ = Lx +_ iLy or L+_ = Lx +_ iLz.

I would expect L+_ = Ly +_ i Lz. This is where I am confused. Please clarify if possible. Thank You.

  • #5
Gamma said:
In part (a), what I was saying is since Ylm' are eigen functions of L2 and Lx

But the Y_{lm'} are not eigenfunctions of L_x, the \Phi_{lm'} are.

In blue, you write

L_x Y_{lm} = mћ * Y_{lm}.

This is not true.

However, as you wrote in your last post, that an eigenfunction of L_x is a superposition of the Y_{lm'} for m = -l, ... , +l.

  • #6
okay, let see the problem like this: as George mentioned x,y,z are arbit labels. We generally use the covariant notations 1,2,3 in place of x,y,z.
So this way, there is no priviage for a,y,or, z.
if a relation is true for L_z in a co-ordinate frame. It'll be true for L_x and L_y too, in a suitable frame. Physics is invariant under such choices.
So u can use the same algebra.

FAQ: Angular Momentum and ladder operators

1. What is Angular Momentum?

Angular momentum is a physical quantity that represents the rotational motion of an object. It is a vector quantity that describes the amount of rotational motion an object has, as well as its direction.

2. How is Angular Momentum measured?

Angular momentum is measured in units of kilogram meters squared per second (kg m^2/s). It is calculated by multiplying an object's moment of inertia (a measure of its resistance to rotation) by its angular velocity (the rate at which it rotates).

3. What are ladder operators in relation to Angular Momentum?

Ladder operators are mathematical operators used in quantum mechanics to describe the energy levels of a system. In the context of Angular Momentum, they are used to describe the relationship between different states of angular momentum. They allow us to calculate the angular momentum of an object in a specific state by raising or lowering it to a different state.

4. How do ladder operators work?

Ladder operators work by changing the angular momentum of a system by a fixed amount, depending on the type of system. In the case of a quantum system, they change the angular momentum by a fixed amount known as Planck's constant. By repeatedly applying these operators, we can move up or down the energy levels of the system.

5. What is the significance of ladder operators in quantum mechanics?

Ladder operators are an essential tool in quantum mechanics as they allow us to understand and predict the behavior of quantum systems. They provide a way to calculate the energy levels and angular momentum of a system, which is crucial in understanding the properties and behavior of particles at a microscopic level.
