Angular Momentum, calculating uncertainties

In summary, the conversation discusses using Heisenberg uncertainty relationship to calculate uncertainties of Delta Lz and Delta Ly in an eigenstate |l,m>. The suggested method is to express Lx and Ly in terms of the Ladder operators and use orthogonality to perform the operations.
  • #1
Any help would be great! I'm just starting off with Quantum and am having trouble with this problem.

Homework Statement

Angular momentum eigenstates |l,m> satisfy the equality in the Heisenberg uncertainty relationship.

Calculate the uncertainties of Delta Lz and Delta Ly in an eigenstate |l,m> using raising and lowering operators.
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  • #2
I'm never sure how to use latex code properly so I'll do my best to make everything as clear as possible.

The way to go about this, I'm pretty sure would be to write

(delta Lx)^2 = <Lx^2> - <Lx>^2

then express Lx in terms of the Ladder operators.

L+ = Lx + iLy

L- = Lx - iLy

so you get

Lx = ((L+) + (L-))/2

Ly = ((L+) - (L-))/2i

then you can substitute these into the first equation and perform the operations, keeping track of the order of operators, and using orthogonality to say that

<L1,m1|L2,m2> = (zero if L1 and m1 are not equal to L2 and M2 respectively) or 1 if they are equal.

hope that helps

FAQ: Angular Momentum, calculating uncertainties

1. What is angular momentum?

Angular momentum is a measure of an object's rotational motion. It is the product of an object's moment of inertia and its angular velocity.

2. How do you calculate angular momentum?

The formula for calculating angular momentum is L = Iω, where L is the angular momentum, I is the moment of inertia, and ω is the angular velocity.

3. What are some common units for angular momentum?

The most common units for angular momentum are kilogram meters squared per second (kg·m²/s) and joule seconds (J·s).

4. How do you calculate uncertainties in angular momentum?

To calculate the uncertainty in angular momentum, you need to determine the uncertainties in both the moment of inertia and angular velocity, and then use the formula for calculating uncertainties in products.

5. Why is it important to consider uncertainties when calculating angular momentum?

Considering uncertainties in calculations of angular momentum is important because it allows us to understand the potential errors or variations in our measurements, and therefore, have a better understanding of the accuracy and reliability of our results.
