Angular momentum in a two dimensional world

In summary, in a two dimensional world, angular momentum would be represented as a scalar. If we were living in such a world, people would not be able to understand concepts such as angular momentum.
  • #1
If we were living in a two dimensional world. would we know about angular momentum of an object?
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  • #2
Shubham135 said:
If we were living in a two dimensional world. would we know about angular momentum of an object?
Your concern is that in our three dimensional world, angular momentum is represented as a [pseudo-]vector at right angles to both applied force and moment arm and that people in a two dimensional world could not represent such a quantity?

It would not be a problem. Angular momentum in such a world would be a scalar.
  • #3
Imagine the body rotating in a plane about a point. In a circle. The mass is a mystery though to me, because then the body ought to have infinite density, but perhaps the definition of mass would be different in such a world...
  • #4
croad said:
Imagine the body rotating in a plane about a point. In a circle. The mass is a mystery though to me, because then the body ought to have infinite density, but perhaps the definition of mass would be different in such a world...
Even in our own three dimensional universe, satellites can revolve around the point at the center of a planet [actually the barycenter of the system] without requiring the planet to have infinite density.
  • #5
jbriggs444 said:
Even in our own three dimensional universe, satellites can revolve around the point at the center of a planet [actually the barycenter of the system] without requiring the planet to have infinite density.
mass = density x volume. In a 2-dim world volume (as it is defined) is zero. How does a body therefore get any mass in a 2-dim world?
  • #6
croad said:
mass = density x volume. In a 2-dim world volume (as it is defined) is zero. How does a body therefore get any mass in a 2-dim world?
In a 2 dim world, volume is length times width. Height does not come in.

Edit: If you wanted to embed such a two dimensional world in our three dimensional world then one way of proceeding would indeed require using sheets of infinite 3-density. But my understanding is that we are not talking about actually implementing such a world but merely contemplating its logical consequences.
  • #7
Shubham135 said:
If we were living in a two dimensional world. would we know about angular momentum of an object?
In classical mechanics we often solve problems in 2D only. A 2D object is a collection of point masses, and it's angular momentum is the sum of their angular momenta.
  • #8
jbriggs444 said:
In a 2 dim world, volume is length times width. Height does not come in.

Edit: If you wanted to embed such a two dimensional world in our three dimensional world then one way of proceeding would indeed require using sheets of infinite 3-density. But my understanding is that we are not talking about actually implementing such a world but merely contemplating its logical consequences.
That was precisely my point. The definition of mass (or volume) would change.
  • #9
By (modern) definition angular momentum is the generator of rotations. The most convenient description of rotations is to describe the plane as the complex plane of ##\zeta=x+\mathrm{i} y##. Then a rotation is described by
$$\zeta'=\exp(-\mathrm{i} \varphi) \zeta, \quad \varphi \in [0,2 \pi[,$$
where ##\varphi## is the rotation angle. For an infinitesimal translation you get
$$\delta \zeta =-\mathrm{i} \delta \varphi \zeta=\delta \varphi (y-\mathrm{i} \varphi).$$
Now going back to real Cartesian ##\mathbb{R}^2## vectors we have
$$\delta \vec{r}=\delta \tilde{\varphi} \vec{r} \quad \text{with} \quad (\delta \tilde{\varphi})_{ij}=\delta \varphi \epsilon_{ij}.$$
So angular momentum is an antisymmetric tensor or equivalently a pseudoscalar
$$J=\epsilon_{ij} x_i p_j,$$
because then the Poisson bracket gives the correct relation
$$\delta \varphi \{J,x_k\}=\delta \varphi \epsilon_{ij} \{x_i p_j,x_k\}=-\delta \varphi \epsilon_{ij} x_i \delta_{kl} \delta_{jl}=\delta \varphi \epsilon_{ki} x_i.$$
  • #10
A.T. said:
In classical mechanics we often solve problems in 2D only. A 2D object is a collection of point masses, and it's angular momentum is the sum of their angular momenta.
in our 3D world suppose an object is rotating in X-Y plane we say that it has angular momentum whose direction is Z direction.In a 2D world how will they give direction to such rotation in fact they won't know about any axis of rotation.
  • #11
vanhees71 said:
By (modern) definition angular momentum is the generator of rotations. The most convenient description of rotations is to describe the plane as the complex plane of ##\zeta=x+\mathrm{i} y##. Then a rotation is described by
$$\zeta'=\exp(-\mathrm{i} \varphi) \zeta, \quad \varphi \in [0,2 \pi[,$$
where ##\varphi## is the rotation angle. For an infinitesimal translation you get
$$\delta \zeta =-\mathrm{i} \delta \varphi \zeta=\delta \varphi (y-\mathrm{i} \varphi).$$
Now going back to real Cartesian ##\mathbb{R}^2## vectors we have
$$\delta \vec{r}=\delta \tilde{\varphi} \vec{r} \quad \text{with} \quad (\delta \tilde{\varphi})_{ij}=\delta \varphi \epsilon_{ij}.$$
So angular momentum is an antisymmetric tensor or equivalently a pseudoscalar
$$J=\epsilon_{ij} x_i p_j,$$
because then the Poisson bracket gives the correct relation
$$\delta \varphi \{J,x_k\}=\delta \varphi \epsilon_{ij} \{x_i p_j,x_k\}=-\delta \varphi \epsilon_{ij} x_i \delta_{kl} \delta_{jl}=\delta \varphi \epsilon_{ki} x_i.$$
Yes ..the generator of rotation tells us about rotation of an object in a plane about an axis, my point is that in 2D world we won't know about any axis of rotation in fact to extend it further in any space with even number of dimentions .It is ony logical to talk about rotation in space with odd number of dimentions. Fortunately we live in 3D world so the concept of rotation seems logical.IN fact you can imagine roation about an axis in 1D also as the point is rotating and the axis of the rotation is the dimention.
  • #12
Shubham135 said:
Yes ..the generator of rotation tells us about rotation of an object in a plane about an axis, my point is that in 2D world we won't know about any axis of rotation in fact to extend it further in any space with even number of dimentions.
One does not need for the "axis of rotation" to be associated with a direction vector in order for it to be meaningful.
  • #14
A.T. said:
Sorry ..i would like to modify my only make sense to talk about rotation around AN AXIS in space withh odd number of dimentions for even number we can talk about point of rotation and not the axis.for example in two dimentions the axis of rotation is out of the space.
  • #15
Shubham135 said:
Sorry ..i would like to modify my only make sense to talk about rotation around AN AXIS in space withh odd number of dimentions for even number we can talk about point of rotation and not the axis.for example in two dimentions the axis of rotation is out of the space.
and i read all you have any thoughts of your own?
  • #16
Shubham135 said:
If we were living in a two dimensional world. would we know about angular momentum of an object?

In Euclidean 2D angular momentum is a scalar, a plain old real number. There is only one possible plane, so there is no need or use for a normal vector to define the plane. The scalar can be positive if the mass is spinning one direction, negative if spinning in the other sense, or zero with no spin at all.

If 2D space is a Mobius strip then some 2D Bernhard Riemann might come up with a more complicated scheme.
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Related to Angular momentum in a two dimensional world

1. What is angular momentum in a two dimensional world?

Angular momentum in a two dimensional world refers to the measure of rotational motion of an object in a plane. This can be calculated by multiplying the object's moment of inertia by its angular velocity.

2. How does angular momentum differ from linear momentum in a two dimensional world?

Angular momentum and linear momentum are two different types of motion. While linear momentum refers to the measure of an object's straight line motion, angular momentum refers to the measure of its rotational motion in a two dimensional world.

3. What is the conservation of angular momentum in a two dimensional world?

The conservation of angular momentum in a two dimensional world states that in the absence of any external torque, the total angular momentum of a system remains constant. This means that the total amount of rotational motion in a system cannot change unless acted upon by an external force.

4. How does angular momentum affect an object's stability in a two dimensional world?

In a two dimensional world, an object's angular momentum affects its stability by determining how easily it can be rotated or tipped over. Objects with a higher angular momentum are typically more stable and harder to tip over compared to objects with a lower angular momentum.

5. What are some real-life examples of angular momentum in a two dimensional world?

Some examples of angular momentum in a two dimensional world include the spinning motion of a top, the rotation of a wheel on an axle, and the swinging motion of a pendulum. Angular momentum is also important in sports such as figure skating and gymnastics, where rotational movements are essential.

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