Angular momentum - length of day change if drive on other side of road

In summary, the conversation discusses whether changing the direction of traffic in Great Britain would affect the length of the day. The answer is yes, but only by a small amount. This is because the angular momentum of all traffic would increase, leading to a longer day due to conservation of angular momentum. However, the two directions of traffic do not cancel out because they have different distances to the Earth's axis. The conservation of angular momentum is similar to the falling cat problem, where the Earth's rotation is affected by the movement of cars. It is important to clarify which angular momentum is being discussed, and the change in Earth's rotation rate would come from a change in the angular momentum of the cars.
  • #1
This is a question that I remember hearing a few years ago:

If the law were changed so that traffic in Great Britain traveled on the righthand
side of the road instead of on the left, would the length of the day increase,
decrease or be unaltered?

I remember the answer was increase but not by much.

The assumed that there is as much traffic west-east as east-west. Changing from left to right side of the road means that the west-east traffic moves a bit further away from the Earth axis, the
east-west traffic moves a bit closer (because generally the north is closer to the axis
than the south).

The person that told me this then claimed that this meant that the angular momentum of all traffic increases. (and therefore the day becomes longer due to conservation of angular momentum)

My question is: why does the two directions not cancel out? and therefore the length of day would remain the same?
Physics news on
  • #2
lavster said:
north is closer to the axis than the south
My question is: why does the two directions not cancel out?
You have the answer right there.
  • #3
but would one increase the angular momentum and the other decrease the angular momentum? I think I am missing something that is staring me in the face...
  • #4
lavster said:
but would one increase the angular momentum and the other decrease the angular momentum?
By different amounts, due to different distance to the axis.
  • #5
lavster said:
but would one increase the angular momentum and the other decrease the angular momentum? I think I am missing something that is staring me in the face...

but angular momentum is conserved.
  • #6
tade said:
but angular momentum is conserved.

Try sitting in an office chair and waving your feet around in a circle. You can get the chair to rotate as long as you keep rotating your legs. When you stop the chair stops.

I believe the cars would have the same effect. They would cause the Earth to rotate as long as they are moving.

I think the falling cat problem is similar.
  • #7
tade said:
but angular momentum is conserved.
  • We must be clear on what angular momentum we are talking about. It is the total angular momentum of the cars+Earth system that is conserved.
  • The angular momentum due to the cars changes if Great Britain shifts to driving on the other side of the road.
  • Therefore, the angular momentum of Earth must have an equal-but-opposite change. And since the distribution of Earth's mass does not change, the angular momentum change must come from a change in rotation rate.

p.s. The angular momentum of the cars can change because there can be net torque exerted on the cars by Earth.

FAQ: Angular momentum - length of day change if drive on other side of road

What is angular momentum and how does it relate to the length of day?

Angular momentum is a property of a rotating object, such as the Earth. It is the product of an object's moment of inertia and its angular velocity. The angular momentum of the Earth determines the length of the day, as any changes in the Earth's rotation will affect its angular momentum and therefore the length of the day.

Can driving on the other side of the road affect the Earth's angular momentum?

Yes, driving on the other side of the road can affect the Earth's angular momentum. The Earth's rotation is impacted by the distribution of mass on its surface. When large numbers of cars are driven on one side of the road, the weight distribution can change and cause a small change in the Earth's rotation, and therefore its angular momentum.

How much of an impact does driving on the other side of the road have on the Earth's angular momentum?

The impact of driving on the other side of the road on the Earth's angular momentum is very small. While the weight distribution of cars can have a slight effect, it is not significant enough to cause a noticeable change in the Earth's rotation or the length of the day.

Are there other factors that can affect the Earth's angular momentum and the length of day?

Yes, there are other factors that can affect the Earth's angular momentum and the length of day. These include natural events such as earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and changes in ocean currents. Human activities such as construction and mining can also have a small impact on the Earth's rotation and therefore its angular momentum.

Can we control the Earth's angular momentum and the length of day?

No, we cannot control the Earth's angular momentum and the length of day. The Earth's rotation is influenced by many complex factors, and while humans may have a small impact on it, we cannot control or alter it significantly. The Earth's rotation will continue to change naturally over time, but it is not something that we can manipulate or control.

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