Angular Momentum of Moving Water?

In summary, a fluid with linear momentum can be turned into angular momentum by applying a force, while a fluid with angular momentum can't be turned into linear momentum.
  • #1
A spinning top has angular momentum that creates a force that keeps it from falling over, and it precesses. Mass in motion has momentum and/or angular momentum.

That made me wonder:

Does fluid in motion create angular momentum?
If so, how would it materialize?

Consider a fictional example:
Let’s say a river has a cross-sectional area of 1000 square metres and is flowing at 1 metre per second. In 1 second, the amount of water flowing through the cross section at a particular point would be 1000 cubic metres. That corresponds to 1,000,000 kilograms.
Basically, a mass is flowing past a point at the rate of 1,000,000 kilograms per second.
Would this mass in motion create a force that can be measured? For example, on a bridge above the river, would the period of a pendulum indicate that gravity is decreased (or increased) as opposed to a time when the water is still, but still the same volume of water in the test volume?

At this point, I am not concerned about quantitative information; I just want to know if a force materializes by a moving fluid or not.
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  • #2
I believe moving water or any other fluid does indeed have angular momentum.
  • #3

Contribution to angular momentum of the system around the Origin, from part of volume dV = dx dy dzat at coordinate vector r(x,y,z) is

ρv X r dxdydz where ρ is mass density of fluid and v is flow velosity.

By integration in space we get the value of angular momentum of all the fluid.

If the value changes by time, torque is applied to fluid from bank ,bottom of the floor or so on and vice versa.

  • #4
DuncanM said:
A spinning top has angular momentum that creates a force that keeps it from falling over

That is a back-to-front way of looking at the situation.

Angular (or even linear) momentum does not "create" any force, at least in clasical mechanics.

If a top is spinning and you want to move it so it the axis is spinning in a different direction, you have to apply a lot of force to cancel out the origianal angular momentum and create the new momentum in a different direction, compared with the small force it would take to move the top if it was not spinning. That is not the same as saying the the top "creates a force".

You can think of "precession" is a side-effect of the process of changing the angular momentum, because the top is a rigid body so the different parts of it can't move independently of each other.

A fluid can have linear and angular momentum, but the different parts of a fluid can move in arbitrary directions and at different speeds relative to each other, so a rotating fluid doesn't usually behave in the same way a a rotating rigid bodys when you apply a force to it.

FAQ: Angular Momentum of Moving Water?

1. What is Angular Momentum of Moving Water?

Angular Momentum of Moving Water refers to the rotational motion of a body of water, such as a river or ocean current, around a central axis. It is a measure of the amount of rotational energy possessed by the water as it moves.

2. How is Angular Momentum of Moving Water calculated?

The formula for calculating Angular Momentum of Moving Water is L = Iω, where L is the angular momentum, I is the moment of inertia, and ω is the angular velocity. The moment of inertia is a measure of the water's resistance to changes in its rotational motion, and the angular velocity is the rate at which the water is rotating.

3. What factors affect the Angular Momentum of Moving Water?

The Angular Momentum of Moving Water is affected by several factors, including the mass and velocity of the water, the shape and size of the body of water, and any external forces acting on the water, such as wind or other currents.

4. Why is Angular Momentum of Moving Water important in fluid dynamics?

Angular Momentum of Moving Water is important in fluid dynamics because it helps to explain and predict the behavior of rotating bodies of water, such as eddies and whirlpools. It is also a key factor in the study of ocean currents and weather patterns.

5. How is Angular Momentum of Moving Water used in real-world applications?

Angular Momentum of Moving Water has many practical applications, such as in hydroelectric power generation, where the rotational energy of moving water is harnessed to produce electricity. It is also used in the design of boats and ships, as well as in the study of weather patterns and ocean currents for navigation and safety purposes.

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