Angular momentum of rotating hoop

  • #1
Homework Statement
Hi! See attached below a question from Kleppner's Intro to Mechanics. I calculated the angular momentum using ##\mathbf L=M \mathbf R \times \mathbf V + \mathbf L_{cm}##, where ##\mathbf L_{cm}## is the angular momentum about the center of mass, but I got a different answer than the official solution.
I think both answers are correct: I calculated the angular momentum about the origin showed in the diagram, while (I think) the official solution implicitly calculated the angular momentum about the point of contact between the axle and the z axis. Is this correct? Yet it's strange for me that the angular momentum on the y axis cancels out: is this a mistake on my part, or really what happens? Why does it cancel out?
Relevant Equations
##\mathbf L=M \mathbf R \times \mathbf V + \mathbf L_{cm}##
2023-12-02 12_31_10-Physics 1 - An Introduction to Mechanics Kleppner, Kolenkow 2nd Edition.pd...png

Official solution:
2023-12-02 12_49_25-Physics 1 - An Introduction to Mechanics Kleppner, Kolenkow 2nd Edition So...png

My calculation:
\mathbf L &= M \mathbf R \times \mathbf V + \mathbf L_{cm} \\
&= M R (\hat j + \hat k) \times (- \Omega R \hat i) + MR^2 \Omega \hat j \\
&= MR^2 \Omega (\hat k - \hat j + \hat j) \\
&= MR^2 \Omega \hat k
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  • #2
The problem is ill posed since it fails to specify with respect to which point the angular momentum should be computed and the center of mass is not stationary.
  • #3
I've realized the answer on my own, posting it here.
I've been blindly using the ##\mathbf \omega _s## vector of the official solution, but I've realized it should point in the opposite direction to negative y. Also, in my calculation of ##\mathbf L_{cm}## I've neglected the z axis rotation of the hoop, giving the correct angular momentum of
$$\mathbf L = MR^2 \Omega (\frac{3}{2}\hat k - 2 \hat j)$$
This value is off by ##-MR^2 \Omega \hat j## from the official answer of (with correction of the sign) ##\mathbf L = MR^2 \Omega (\frac{3}{2}\hat k - \hat j)##, which makes sense because my origin is off by $R$ from the origin used in the offical solution.

FAQ: Angular momentum of rotating hoop

What is angular momentum in the context of a rotating hoop?

Angular momentum in the context of a rotating hoop refers to the quantity of rotation the hoop possesses. It is a vector quantity defined by the product of the hoop's moment of inertia and its angular velocity. For a rotating hoop, this can be expressed as L = Iω, where L is the angular momentum, I is the moment of inertia, and ω is the angular velocity.

How do you calculate the moment of inertia for a rotating hoop?

The moment of inertia for a rotating hoop is calculated based on its mass and radius. For a thin hoop rotating around its central axis, the moment of inertia is given by I = mR², where m is the mass of the hoop and R is its radius.

What factors affect the angular momentum of a rotating hoop?

The angular momentum of a rotating hoop is affected by two main factors: the moment of inertia and the angular velocity. Changes in either the mass distribution (which affects the moment of inertia) or the rate of rotation (angular velocity) will alter the angular momentum. External torques can also change the angular momentum of the hoop.

How does conservation of angular momentum apply to a rotating hoop?

The principle of conservation of angular momentum states that if no external torque acts on a system, the total angular momentum of the system remains constant. For a rotating hoop, this means that if it is not subjected to any external forces or torques, its angular momentum will remain unchanged over time.

What is the relationship between torque and angular momentum for a rotating hoop?

Torque and angular momentum are related through the equation τ = dL/dt, where τ is the torque and dL/dt is the time derivative of the angular momentum. This means that the rate of change of angular momentum of the hoop is equal to the applied torque. If a constant torque is applied to the hoop, it will result in a constant rate of change in its angular momentum.
