Angular momentum or work-energy balance?

In summary, the conversation discusses different methods for finding the final angular velocity of an apparatus with initial angular velocity \omega_{1}. The first method uses a work-energy balance, while the second method involves conservation of angular momentum. The conversation also touches on the concept of energy conservation and how it relates to the final kinetic energy of the apparatus. Ultimately, it is determined that conservation of angular momentum will provide the correct answer for the final angular velocity.
  • #1

The apparatus above has an initial angular velocity of [itex]\omega_{1}[/itex] as the rods are released. I need to find the angular velocity [itex]\omega_{2}[/itex] of the apparatus at the bottom.

I've tried 3 methods.
First I tried a work-energy balance where I included a gravitational potential energy.
[itex]KE_{1} + PE = KE_{2}[/itex]
[itex]0.5 I_{1}\omega_{1}^{2} + mgh = 0.5 I_{2}\omega_{2}^{2}[/itex]

Then I figured that the potential energy is going to only contribute to an increase in velocity of the arms falling down so I dropped the PE term and got,
[itex]0.5 I_{1}\omega_{1}^{2} = 0.5 I_{2}\omega_{2}^{2}[/itex]

I'm just wondering which is correct?

Then I spoke to another student in the class and he said he used conservation of angular momentum. So, he got,
[itex]I_{1}\omega_{1} = I_{2}\omega_{2}[/itex]
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  • #2
The angular momentum I have to solve for is indicated by N in the picture.
  • #3

There are no external torques acting on the apparatus. So, total angular momentum about the vertical rotation axis will be conserved. So, ##I_1\omega_1 = I_2\omega_2## will get the answer.

Energy conservation is interesting here. If you assume no dissipation of mechanical energy due to friction in the horizontal pins through the ends of the rods, then total mechanical energy will be conserved. When the rods reach the horizontal position, they will be rotating about the pins as well as rotating about the vertical axis. So, you would have to write the equation of conservation of energy as $$KE_1 + PE = KE_2 + KE'$$ where ##KE_1## and ##KE_2## are the initial and final KE's associated with rotation about the vertical axis and ##KE'## is the kinetic energy associated with the rotation of the rods about the pins in the ends of the rods at the instant the rods are horizontal. Both ##KE_2## and ##KE'## are unknowns, so the energy equation alone does not allow you to get the answer.

Although you might expect ##KE'## to equal ##PE##, it turns out that ##KE'## is greater than ##PE##. So, when the arms reach the horizontal position, they have more KE of rotation about the horizontal pins than the amount of initial PE. Thus, it must be that some of the initial ##KE_1## about the vertical axis is transferred to ##KE'##. This in turn means that ##KE_2 < KE_1##; i.e., the final KE about the vertical axis is less than the initial KE about the vertical axis.

You can verify this by first using conservation of angular momentum to get ##\omega_2## and then calculating ##KE_2## to see that ##KE_2 < KE_1##.
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FAQ: Angular momentum or work-energy balance?

1. What is angular momentum?

Angular momentum is a measure of an object's rotational motion. It is defined as the product of the object's moment of inertia and its angular velocity. In simpler terms, it is the quantity of rotation an object possesses.

2. How is angular momentum conserved?

According to the law of conservation of angular momentum, the total angular momentum of a system remains constant if no external torque is applied. This means that in the absence of external forces, the angular momentum of a system will not change.

3. What is the work-energy balance theorem?

The work-energy balance theorem states that the net work done on an object is equal to the change in its kinetic energy. This means that when work is done on an object, its kinetic energy will increase or decrease depending on the direction of the work.

4. How is work related to energy?

Work is defined as the force applied to an object multiplied by the distance the object moves in the direction of the force. Energy, on the other hand, is the ability to do work. Therefore, work and energy are directly related to each other.

5. Can angular momentum and work-energy balance be applied to all types of motion?

Yes, angular momentum and work-energy balance can be applied to all types of motion, as long as the system is isolated and external forces are negligible. This includes linear, rotational, and even orbital motion.
