Angular momentum quantum numbers

I may mention that $j$ is not independent quantum number. As you must have read, $j$ is constrained by $L$ and $s$. So for a given $L$ and $s$ there are only a few possible $j$'s. And the allowed values of $m$ are determined by the allowed values of $j$, too. 4. $n$ is independent quantum number.5. $s$ is independent quantum number.6. $L$ is independent quantum number.In summary, In summary, the allowed values for the total angular momentum quantum number j, given a particle with spin s=3/2 and orbital angular momentum quantum number l=2, are j=
  • #1

Homework Statement

What are the allowed values of the total angular momentum quantum number j for a particle with spin s=3/2 and orbital angular momentum quantum number l=2?

I know that the angular momentum addition theorem states that the allowed values for the total angular momentum quantum number j given two angular momentum j1 and j2 are
j=j1+j2 , j1+j2-1, ...j1-j2
where m=j, j-1,...-j
but I'm not sure how the spin number s relates to the second angular momentum quantum number.

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The Attempt at a Solution

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  • #2

so j can be [itex]\frac{1}{2},\frac{3}{2},\frac{5}{2}[/itex]
  • #3
So you just consider spin number s to be the second angular momentum quantum number j2 ?
  • #4
Also, what are the allowed values of m and l for a given value of n ?
Is it that l can be any value from 0 to n-1 and m can be any value from -l to +l ?

  • #5
captainjack2000 said:
So you just consider spin number s to be the second angular momentum quantum number j2 ?
Yes, exactly.

captainjack2000 said:
Also, what are the allowed values of m and l for a given value of n ?
Is it that l can be any value from 0 to n-1 and m can be any value from -l to +l ?

Correct again! :smile:
  • #6
Dear Captainjack2000, I wish I could do some help.

The state of a bounded particle around the nucleus is determined by ( or expressed in ) four quantum numbers:

main quantum number: n

angular magnitude quantum number: L

angular direction quantum number: m

spin quantum number: s
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  • #7
Tian WJ said:
1. s=3/2, L=2, hence j= {answer omitted}

Since we believe students learn more by figuring out the answers themselves, the policy at Physics Forums is to give help in the form of hints but not to give direct answers to the questions.
  • #8
Dear Captainjack2000, I wish I could do some help.

The state of a bounded particle around the nucleu is determind by ( or expressed in ) four quantum numbers:

main quantum number: n

angular magnitude quantum number: L

angular direction quantum number: m

spin quantum number: s

As to a determined $n$, $L$ can be $0, 1, 2, ..., n-2, n-1$, and there are $n$ possible values of $L$. Recall that $n >= L+1$.

For each possible value of $L$, there are $2L+1$ possible values of $m$: $-L, -L+1, -L+2, ..., 0, 1, 2, ..., L$. Recall that $L >= |m|$.

For a bounded particle around the nucleu, with spin angular momentum $s$, orbital angular momentum $L$, the allowed values of the total angular momentum quantum number $j$ will be : $j = L+s, L+s-1, L+s-2, ..., |L-s|$.

Attention that the $L$ $s$ and $j$ are always positive, while $m$ can be negative. So the lower boundary of the total angular momentum quantum numbe $j$ is set to be the absolution of $L-s$, because $s$ can be larger than $L$ sometimes.

Now, let's get down to your questions concretely.

1. s=3/2, L=2, hence j={do it yourself}.

2. Does $s$ relates to $m$ ?--- Probaly not.

$ n, L, m $ are introduced in Schrodinger's non-relativistic approach, the wave function of the bounded particle depends on $ n, L, m $ only. $s$ comes into being naturally only via Dirac's relativistic approach, although in fact $m$ was introduced phenominologically before Dirac's work.

$L$ depends on $n$, $m$ depends on $L$ (or also $n$ !). $n, L, s$ live together in bounded states, yet $s$ is insintric charactars of elementary particles whenever they are bounded or free. And for a certain particle, $s$ is determined and could only has one value. Most particles have $s$ of $\sqrt{3}/2$, with the third component $+-1/2$ (the 3/2 you referred to is the third component of the total s of some special particle). Thus, $s$ depends on none of $ n, L, m $. Moreover, no mathematical relations between $s$ and $m$, too.

FAQ: Angular momentum quantum numbers

What is the definition of an Angular Momentum Quantum Number?

The Angular Momentum Quantum Number, denoted as l, is a quantum number that describes the shape of an electron's orbital in an atom. It determines the angular momentum of an electron in a specific energy level.

What is the range of possible values for the Angular Momentum Quantum Number?

The Angular Momentum Quantum Number can have values ranging from 0 to n-1, where n is the principal quantum number of the electron's energy level. For example, if n=3, l can have values of 0, 1, or 2.

How does the Angular Momentum Quantum Number affect the energy of an electron?

The energy of an electron is directly related to the value of the Angular Momentum Quantum Number. As the value of l increases, the energy of the electron also increases. This is because higher values of l indicate higher orbital shapes and thus, greater distance from the nucleus.

What is the physical significance of the Angular Momentum Quantum Number?

The Angular Momentum Quantum Number represents the orbital angular momentum of an electron, which is a fundamental property of particles in motion. It is also related to the shape and orientation of the electron's orbital around the nucleus.

How does the Angular Momentum Quantum Number relate to the other quantum numbers?

The Angular Momentum Quantum Number is one of the four quantum numbers that describe the state of an electron in an atom, along with the Principal Quantum Number, Magnetic Quantum Number, and Spin Quantum Number. It determines the shape and energy of the electron's orbital, while the other quantum numbers determine its position and orientation in space.
