Angular Speed of Rotating Disk: Omega Final & Initial

In summary, at some point the translational speed will be just enough compared to the rotational speed so that the condition for rolling without slipping will be met.
  • #1

Homework Statement

A uniform disk is set into rotation with an initial angular speed about its axis through its center. While still rotating at this speed, the disk is placed in contact with a horizontal surface and released. What is the angular speed of the disk once pure rolling takes place (in terms of omega final and initial)?

Homework Equations

1/2mv(int)^2 + 1/2Iw(int)^2 = 1/2mv(final)^2 + 1/2Iw(final)^2
Normal Force=mg

The Attempt at a Solution

I knew that the only once a disk rolls without slipping does w=v/r
I simplified the first equation as follows:
v(int)^2 + 1/2r^2w(int)^2 = v(final)^2 + 1/2v(final)^2
v(int)^2 + 1/2r^2w(int)^2 = 3/2v(final)^2

I also knew that the only force acting on the disk was the surface. So I knew that
Fr= d(L)/d(t)
from there I got that

I really have no idea where to go from here though. Any push in the right direction would be appreciated!
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  • #2
The only horizontal force acting on the disk is friction from the surface. That force does two things: (1) It accelerates the center of mass, (2) It creates a torque that slows down the initial rotation.

At some point the translational speed will be just enough compared to the rotational speed so that the condition for rolling without slipping will be met. Solve for that point.
  • #3
So do I use those equations...or is it a lot easier than I am thinking? I was thinking you could do something with work being equal to final ke - initial ke and also that
torque x change in time= change in angular momentum.
I guess I am still really lost.
  • #4
I suggest that you use Newton's 2nd law for translation and rotation, and a bit of kinematics: Δv = at; Δω = αt.
  • #5
Thank you for your help so far by the way!
I set up an equation for the rotation, but I'm still a little confused on the rotation.



I guess I really don't know how to relate them?

I was also thinking that F(frict)rt=I(w(fin)-w(int))

I'm sorry I have to keep asking questions about it, this rotational stuff is killing me!
  • #6
mburt3 said:
I set up an equation for the rotation, but I'm still a little confused on the rotation.

Do this for rotation:
Fr = Iα = (1/2 mr²)α
α = 2F/mr (note that the disk rotation is slowing down)

Now use kinematics to find ω as a function of time:
ω = ω0 - αt

Do the same thing for translation--find the velocity as a function of time.

Then solve for the time when the condition for rolling without slipping is met.

FAQ: Angular Speed of Rotating Disk: Omega Final & Initial

What is the angular speed of a rotating disk?

The angular speed of a rotating disk refers to the rate at which the disk is rotating around its central axis. It is measured in radians per second (rad/s) or revolutions per minute (rpm).

How do you calculate the angular speed of a rotating disk?

The angular speed of a rotating disk can be calculated by dividing the change in the angle of rotation (in radians) by the change in time (in seconds). This can be represented by the formula: omega (ω) = Δθ/Δt.

What is the difference between omega final and initial?

Omega final (ωf) refers to the angular speed of a rotating disk at the end of a given time period, while omega initial (ωi) refers to the angular speed at the beginning of the same time period. The difference between the two values is the change in angular speed.

How does the mass of a rotating disk affect its angular speed?

The mass of a rotating disk does not directly affect its angular speed. However, it can indirectly affect the angular speed if the mass is unequally distributed around the central axis, causing an imbalance and affecting the rate of rotation.

What factors can affect the angular speed of a rotating disk?

The angular speed of a rotating disk can be affected by a variety of factors, such as the applied torque, the mass and distribution of the disk, the frictional forces acting on the disk, and any external forces or influences on the disk.
