Angular Speed Problem: Understanding the Effects of Weight Release on Rotation

In summary: The masses are moving outward, thus the system is moving outward. The rotation must then slow down to conserve momentum.In summary, when a student sitting on a frictionless rotating stool with her arms outstretched holding equal heavy weights in each hand suddenly releases the weights, her angular speed will decrease due to conservation of momentum. This is because the moment of inertia decreases when the weights are released, but the angular momentum of the system remains constant. Therefore, the rotational speed must decrease to compensate for the decrease in moment of inertia.
  • #1
A student is sitting on a frictionless rotating stool with her arms outstretched holding equal heavy weights in each hand. If she suddenly let's go of the weights, her angular speed will:

A) increase
B) stay the same
C) decrease

attempt: i think it's B because angular speed is V/r and does not depend on mass. is this the correct thought process?
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  • #2
kirby27 said:
A student is sitting on a frictionless rotating stool with her arms outstretched holding equal heavy weights in each hand. If she suddenly let's go of the weights, her angular speed will:

A) increase
B) stay the same
C) decrease

attempt: i think it's B because angular speed is V/r and does not depend on mass. is this the correct thought process?

I believe your answer is correct. Not over keen on you reason.
This problem relates to conservation of momentum, and it trying to distract you into thinking that if momentum is conserved, and the mass is reduced [it is now just her, not her plus masses] then velocity will increase.
However here, any part of the original angular momentum the masses had will go with those masses when she "lets go of them"
  • #3
can anyone else also confirm this answer?
  • #4
Option B is wrong, definitely.
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  • #5
The reduction of mass makes the moment of inertia smaller. If angular momentum is conserved, how do you think would angular speed change? It is easy to tell it taking in account what I said above.
  • #6
You really need to try this if you think it makes no difference. Look at the formula definition of moment of inertia. It depends on both mass and the location of the mass. So when you toss the mass what do you change?

Than do as suggested and look at conservation of angular momentum.
  • #7
BetoG93 said:
The reduction of mass makes the moment of inertia smaller. If angular momentum is conserved, how do you think would angular speed change? It is easy to tell it taking in account what I said above.

This is the sucker answer!

Yes the moment of inertia is smaller, but also the angular momentum.

To begin with, the person had a share, and the masses had a share of the original.

Since the masses were simple released, not thrown away in any particular direction, they took their share with them - leaving behind the person, with his/her original share.

This is the same example as traveling on a skate board at constant speed, carrying two 20kg masses, one in each out-stretched hand. You then release the masses.
You do not speed up! [the masses don't stop moving forwards either-until they hit the ground!]
  • #8
netgypsy said:
You really need to try this if you think it makes no difference. Look at the formula definition of moment of inertia. It depends on both mass and the location of the mass. So when you toss the mass what do you change?

Than do as suggested and look at conservation of angular momentum.

The key is that the masses are not "tossed". The masses are merely released.

Perhaps you should try this for yourself.
  • #9
kirby27 said:
can anyone else also confirm this answer?

If you wait long enough, someone who understands the situation will confirm that answer.
  • #10
If angular momentum doesn't change, then the product of the initial angular speed and moment of inertia is equal to the product of the final angular speed and final moment of inertia.
  • #11
BetoG93 said:
If angular momentum doesn't change, then the product of the initial angular speed and moment of inertia is equal to the product of the final angular speed and final moment of inertia.

You are right -- IF the angular momentum doesn't change.

But the angular momentum of the system does change, since the system separates.

The speed and angular momentum of the person does not change - meaning that part of the momentum that is "with" the person.

The momentum of the masses has gone away with the masses, and eventually been transferred to the Earth when they finally impacted.

Had the person, instead, drawn the two masses in towards the centre, they would increase the speed but they just let go!

If you have access to a child's merry-go-round in a park - go and try it.
position yourself close to the edge, so that you can hold a good solid mass out over the edge as it rotates. Release the mass - don't throw it! - and see what happens.
  • #12
BetoG93 said:
If angular momentum doesn't change, then the product of the initial angular speed and moment of inertia is equal to the product of the final angular speed and final moment of inertia.

This is the rotational equivalent of the classic filling and emptying of a rail car with grain.

The rail car rolls freely under a hopper, from which pours a quantity of grain - filling the car.

The car then continues to roll, to a point where the bottom of the car opens, depositing the grain into a second hopper.

In the first part, the car slows down. The car has a certain amount of translational momentum. The falling grain has none [it is moving down, not along]. That means that as the mass increases, the car and load slow down. [actually the car slows down, the grain speeds up]

When the car is dropping its load, however, it does not speed up. All the translational momentum the grain took from the car during the loading phase, it takes with it during unloading.

Although the grain falls vertically into the cart, it falls out with some forward velocity during the unloading.
  • #13
It is definitely B, the reason you would spin faster by pulling your hands in is because the kinetic energy must be maintained, if by dropping weights you somehow sped faster then you just invented free energy.
  • #14
Very interesting. Conservation of momentum does apply but you do have to consider the momentum of the masses when they are released as part of the system.
  • #15
You really should try this. When the masses are pulled inward you can feel a force that results from the fact that they had a certain linear velocity and wish to maintain that so they now make more rpm's and pull you along with them. The reverse is true if you let your arms out. But releasing the masses and not moving your arms, even though you definitely have a smaller moment of inertia, the masses you are holding as you travel at constant rpm, don't cause you to gain or lose rpm's when released, BUT you would be easier to slow down now if someone grabbed you.

Great question.

FAQ: Angular Speed Problem: Understanding the Effects of Weight Release on Rotation

1. What is angular speed?

Angular speed is a measure of the rate at which an object is rotating, and is typically measured in radians per second (rad/s) or revolutions per minute (rpm).

2. How do you calculate angular speed?

Angular speed can be calculated by dividing the angular displacement (change in angle) by the time it takes for the object to rotate through that displacement. It can also be calculated by dividing the angular velocity (rate of change of angle) by the radius of the circle.

3. What is the difference between angular speed and linear speed?

Angular speed measures the rate of change of angle, while linear speed measures the rate of change of distance. Angular speed is typically used for objects that rotate, while linear speed is used for objects that move in a straight line.

4. How is angular speed related to angular velocity?

Angular speed and angular velocity are closely related, as angular velocity is the rate of change of angular displacement. In other words, angular velocity is the derivative of angular speed with respect to time.

5. Can angular speed be negative?

Yes, angular speed can be negative if the object is rotating in the opposite direction than the chosen reference direction. For example, if the reference direction is counterclockwise and the object is rotating clockwise, the angular speed would be negative.

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