Angular velocity after collision?

In summary, the problem involves a small circular block colliding and sticking to the end of a thin rod that is initially traveling with a speed v on a frictionless table. The block and rod are shown on a top-down view of the table. The question asks for the final angular velocity of the rod after the collision, expressed in terms of the block's mass (M), initial speed (v), and the rod's length (D) and mass (M). Using conservation of angular momentum and the formula for the rod's moment of inertia, the initial angular momentum (L_i) is found to be equal to M*v*D/2. However, to solve for the final angular velocity, another equation is needed. This can be obtained by
  • #1

Homework Statement


A small circular block of mass M traveling with a speed v on a frictionless table collides and sticks to the end of a thin rod of with length D and mass M. The picture shows a top down view of the block and rod on the frictionless table. What is the rod's angular velocity after the collision? Express your answer in some combination of M, v, and D.

Homework Equations

conservation of angular momentum
I_cm = M*D^2/12
I_point mass = Mr^2

The Attempt at a Solution

So I guess the part that I'm struggling with is where to put the reference point. I tried the center of mass first:

L_i = M*v*D/2 + I*omega
and since omega_i = 0 its just
L_i = M*v*D/2

L_f = omega(I_cm + I_point mass) = omega(M*D^2/12+M*D^2/4)

and using conservation of angular momentum:
M*v*D/2 = omega(M*D^2/12+M*D^2/4)

M*v*D/2 = omega*M*D^2/3

omega = 3*v/(2*D)

I tried the same thing with the upper end of the rod and got 3*v/(4*D) so I'm obviously doing something wrong. Do I have to include the translation of the center of mass? If I do I'm not quite sure how.
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  • #2
naianator said:

The Attempt at a Solution

So I guess the part that I'm struggling with is where to put the reference point. I tried the center of mass first:
OK, just to be clear, it appears that you are choosing your origin to be at the initial position of the center of mass of the rod, not the center of mass of the whole system.

L_i = M*v*D/2 + I*omega
and since omega_i = 0 its just
L_i = M*v*D/2
L_f = omega(I_cm + I_point mass) = omega(M*D^2/12+M*D^2/4)
No, the equation above isn't correct.
Do I have to include the translation of the center of mass?
Yes. Just after the collision, the center of the rod will have a horizontal "recoil" velocity Vc,f. The velocity of the point mass just after the collision will have a contribution from Vc,f and a contribution from ω.

Both Vc,f and ω are unknowns. So, you're going to need another equation. Can you think of another conservation principle that is applicable?

Note: there is a tool bar for formatting. The Σ icon will bring up some mathematical symbols.
  • #3
TSny said:
OK, just to be clear, it appears that you are choosing your origin to be at the initial position of the center of mass of the rod, not the center of mass of the whole system.OK
No, the equation above isn't correct.
Yes. Just after the collision, the center of the rod will have a horizontal "recoil" velocity Vc,f. The velocity of the point mass just after the collision will have a contribution from Vc,f and a contribution from ω.

Both Vc,f and ω are unknowns. So, you're going to need another equation. Can you think of another conservation principle that is applicable?

Note: there is a tool bar for formatting. The Σ icon will bring up some mathematical symbols.
Conservation of energy right? Or can you use conservation of linear momentum to find the velocity of the center of mass?
  • #4
naianator said:
Conservation of energy right? Or can you use conservation of linear momentum to find the velocity of the center of mass?
Is the collision elastic or inelastic?
  • #5
TSny said:
Is the collision elastic or inelastic?
inelastic, so I should use conservation of linear momentum?
  • #6
naianator said:
inelastic, so I should use conservation of linear momentum?
in which case v_f = v/2 but how do i incorporate that into the angular momentum equation?
  • #7
naianator said:
in which case v_f = v/2 but how do i incorporate that into the angular momentum equation?
It's not that easy to get the final velocity of the center of the rod, Vc,f. You'll need to set up the linear momentum equation carefully.
  • #8
TSny said:
It's not that easy to get the final velocity of the center of the rod, Vc,f. You'll need to set up the linear momentum equation carefully.
p_i = M*v right?
and p_f = M*v'+M*v' = 2*M*v'
What am i doing wrong?
  • #9
naianator said:
in which case v_f = v/2 but how do i incorporate that into the angular momentum equation?
In general, a reference point for conservation of angular momentum should be either a fixed point or the mass centre of the system. You appear to have taken the mass centre of the rod, but not as a fixed point. Take it it as fixed at the initial position of the rod's mass centre. Then, as TSny says, you get a post-collision contribution from the linear motion of the disc. You can treat that either as purely linear motion, or as the linear motion of the rod's centre plus a contribution from the rotation of the rod.

Although it's easy to find the post-collision velocity of the system's mass centre, it is, as you found, awkward to use. I would introduce an unknown for the post-collision velocity of the rod's mass centre. The velocity of the disc can easily be expressed in terms of that and the rotation rate. The two conservation equations allow you to solve for those two unknowns.
I believe this is the path TSny laid out.
  • #10
haruspex said:
In general, a reference point for conservation of angular momentum should be either a fixed point or the mass centre of the system. You appear to have taken the mass centre of the rod, but not as a fixed point. Take it it as fixed at the initial position of the rod's mass centre. Then, as TSny says, you get a post-collision contribution from the linear motion of the disc. You can treat that either as purely linear motion, or as the linear motion of the rod's centre plus a contribution from the rotation of the rod.

Although it's easy to find the post-collision velocity of the system's mass centre, it is, as you found, awkward to use. I would introduce an unknown for the post-collision velocity of the rod's mass centre. The velocity of the disc can easily be expressed in terms of that and the rotation rate. The two conservation equations allow you to solve for those two unknowns.
I believe this is the path TSny laid out.
I'm not sure I completely understand, if I take the center of mass of the system 3*D/4 as the reference point will the linear conservation be less awkward to use?
  • #11
haruspex said:
I believe this is the path TSny laid out.
Yes, I was considering the origin as a fixed point that coincides with the initial location of the center of the rod.
  • #12
naianator said:
I'm not sure I completely understand, if I take the center of mass of the system 3*D/4 as the reference point will the linear conservation be less awkward to use?
No, I'm saying that I regard it generally as simpler not to bother working out where the mass centre of the system is. I just assign a variable to the velocity of each component. But it's a matter of taste.
  • #13
TSny said:
Yes, I was considering the origin as a fixed point that coincides with the initial location of the center of the rod.
so how do I find the final velocity?
  • #14
Try to express the final linear momentum of the system in terms of M, Vc,f, ω, and L.
  • #15
haruspex said:
No, I'm saying that I regard it generally as simpler not to bother working out where the mass centre of the system is. I just assign a variable to the velocity of each component. But it's a matter of taste.
So would it be correct to say that L_f = m*D^2/3*ω+2*m*D/4*v_f
  • #16
naianator said:
So would it be correct to say that L_f = m*D^2/3*ω+2*m*D/4*v_f
It depends... what's vf here?
  • #17
haruspex said:
It depends... what's vf here?
the final velocity of the center of mass of the system
  • #18
naianator said:
the final velocity of the center of mass of the system
Then the equation is wrong. ##\omega \frac D2## is the velocity of the disc relative to what?
  • #19
haruspex said:
Then the equation is wrong. ##\omega \frac D2## is the velocity of the disc relative to what?
the center of the rod right?
  • #20
TSny said:
Try to express the final linear momentum of the system in terms of M, Vc,f, ω, and L.
  • #21
naianator said:
the center of the rod right?
Right. You have accounted for the angular momentum from that relative motion in the m*D^2/3*ω term, so what do you need still to add in for the disc's angular momentum?
  • #22
haruspex said:
Right. You have accounted for the angular momentum from that relative motion in the m*D^2/3*ω term, so what do you need still to add in for the disc's angular momentum?
  • #23
naianator said:
You already have the part of the disc's angular momentum that comes from the rotation of the rod. But that is only relative to the linear velocity of the mass centre of the rod. So what part of the disc's motion does it not account for?
  • #24
haruspex said:
You already have the part of the disc's angular momentum that comes from the rotation of the rod. But that is only relative to the linear velocity of the mass centre of the rod. So what part of the disc's motion does it not account for?
the translational? How do I account for that?
  • #25
naianator said:
the translational? How do I account for that?
I thought the translation of the center of mass would account for the translation of the system
  • #26
naianator said:
I thought the translation of the center of mass would account for the translation of the system
The rod's mass centre is moving at velocity vc,f. That has no angular momentum about the reference point because the path is through the reference point.
The rod is rotating about its mass centre. That has angular momentum ##\frac 1{12}m*D^2\omega## about the reference point.
The disc is rotating about the rod's mass centre. That has angular momentum ##\frac 1{4}m*D^2\omega## about the reference point.
The disc's total velocity is ##\vec v_{c,f}+\vec{\omega} \times \frac 12 \vec D##. The ##\vec v_{c,f}## part is not through the reference point in this case. So what is the disc's angular momentum about the reference point?

FAQ: Angular velocity after collision?

1. What is angular velocity after collision?

Angular velocity after collision refers to the rate of change of the angular position of an object after it has collided with another object.

2. How is angular velocity after collision calculated?

Angular velocity after collision is calculated by taking the difference between the angular velocities of the two objects before the collision, and dividing it by the sum of their moments of inertia.

3. How does the mass and shape of an object affect its angular velocity after collision?

The mass and shape of an object can affect its angular velocity after collision by changing its moment of inertia, which is a measure of an object's resistance to rotational motion. Objects with a larger moment of inertia will experience a smaller change in angular velocity after collision.

4. Is angular velocity after collision always conserved?

No, angular velocity after collision is not always conserved. If there is an external torque acting on the system during the collision, then angular velocity may not be conserved.

5. How does the coefficient of restitution affect angular velocity after collision?

The coefficient of restitution, which is a measure of the elasticity of a collision, can affect the change in angular velocity after collision. A higher coefficient of restitution means that the objects will bounce off each other with more energy, resulting in a larger change in angular velocity.
