Anomalous Observation: Is Two Different Types of Space In Place About the Earth?

  • Thread starter Mr. Einstein
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In summary, Mr. Einstein discusses his quest for a theory of everything and shares an interesting observation he came across regarding the Michelson Morley experiment. He questions whether there are two different types of space and suggests that the Earth may rotate in another reference frame. He also mentions the possibility of other dimensions residing in these two types of space. Another member, Nereid, asks for clarification on this idea and Mr. Einstein elaborates, proposing that space is made up of connected points and that the Earth's rotation affects local space around it.
  • #1
Mr. Einstein
Hi Everyone. I'm new here. I was referred by Tesla.

During my quest for a theory of everything I came across an interesting observation which I believe is a big clue.

The Michelson Morley experiment was an interesting read. It uses the interference patterns generated by two separated lightbeams to indicate relative motion when the lightbeams are recombined. The thing I took note of, is that this experiment does show interference in the lightbeams when the entire apparatus is rotated. The experiment was also performed to measure the Earth's rotation in space. The results reported no rotation. This tends to suggest there is a spatial reference frame that rotates with the earth.

The only thing I don't like is the fact that a gyrocompass does suggest that the Earth rotates in another reference frame that apparently does not rotate with the earth. Whether or not this other reference frame rotates with respect to the stars still remains to be shown.

Two distinct reference frames in place about the earth. Now I have to ask myself the question: Are we looking at two different types of space?

And that one question can generate a lot more. For instance: Are the dimensions of length the same in both types of space? Could time be reversed in one of the spaces? Are all four dimensions present in both spaces? Can pseudo dimensions be generated from the two spaces interacting?

I do think this is the doorway as to where the other dimensions reside. Two different types of space seems like a reasonable assumption to me in light of existing observations.
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  • #2
Originally posted by Mr. Einstein
Hi Everyone. I'm new here. I was referred by Tesla.

During my quest for a theory of everything I came across an interesting observation which I believe is a big clue.

The Michelson Morley experiment was an interesting read. It uses the interference patterns generated by two separated lightbeams to indicate relative motion when the lightbeams are recombined. The thing I took note of, is that this experiment does show interference in the lightbeams when the entire apparatus is rotated. The experiment was also performed to measure the Earth's rotation in space. The results reported no rotation. This tends to suggest there is a spatial reference frame that rotates with the earth.

The only thing I don't like is the fact that a gyrocompass does suggest that the Earth rotates in another reference frame that apparently does not rotate with the earth. Whether or not this other reference frame rotates with respect to the stars still remains to be shown.

Two distinct reference frames in place about the earth. Now I have to ask myself the question: Are we looking at two different types of space?

And that one question can generate a lot more. For instance: Are the dimensions of length the same in both types of space? Could time be reversed in one of the spaces? Are all four dimensions present in both spaces? Can pseudo dimensions be generated from the two spaces interacting?

I do think this is the doorway as to where the other dimensions reside. Two different types of space seems like a reasonable assumption to me in light of existing observations.
Welcome to Physics Forums Mr Einstein!

You say that 'a gyrocompass does suggest that the Earth rotates in another reference frame that apparently does not rotate with the earth. Whether or not this other reference frame rotates with respect to the stars still remains to be shown.'

I'm not sure I understand what you mean; could you elaborate please?
  • #3

You say that 'a gyrocompass does suggest that the Earth rotates in another reference frame that apparently does not rotate with the earth. Whether or not this other reference frame rotates with respect to the stars still remains to be shown.'

I'm not sure I understand what you mean; could you elaborate please?

A gyrocompass will align its poles with the poles of the Earth due to the Earth's rotation. It takes a curved path in order for the gyrocompass to do this. This does suggest the Earth is rotating relative to some other reference frame. I think it would be an unjustifiable assumption to arbitrarily pick that reference frame. Experimental analysis would determine if this other reference frame has any rotation rate relative to the stars.

Obviously the reference frame that rotates with the Earth as the Michelson Morley experiment suggests, would more than likely be a local reference frame created by some process that has yet to be understood.

The fact that there are two verifiable physical preferred reference frames in place about the Earth does suggest our comprehension of the phenomona is lacking.

Preferred reference frames that appear to be independant of one another. Two kinds of reference frames independant of one another does seem to me to be two kinds of space.
  • #4
In my idea that I have tried to explain but no one seems to understand yet, I say Neutrons affect the space around them. When many neutrons are part of a very large rotating system like the earth, they would drag local space around with them.

This is not the wild idea of a dreamer who likes brain teasers and wild flights of fantasy, but I have pieced together a set of ideas for 19 years that start with the idea that space is made of real and actual points, not just points that are mathematical concepts.

Swirl water, and the local area swirls around, but the water a certain distance away doesn't swirl. I say space is made of points that are connected to each other like a liquid or gas is connected. Waves travel through liquids and gases, and waves travel through space.

When one photon at a time is sent through the double slit experiment, each photon excites the space around it, creating waves that go through both slits. And then the individual photons arrange themselves according to those waves. We currently believe that space is nothing, but we are willing to say that nothingness can have shape, so we get contradictions and anomalies. If space is made of something, then objects have to swim through a space that offers some resistance, which totally changes the way objects maintain their momentum.

How can a photon travel for trillions and trillions of miles or billions of years and maintain a precise speed if it is really just free falling through nothingness? We know space isn't empty, it contains other photons and particles. Why don't photons brush against things and slow down? If momentum is just momentum, free falling through space as it appears to be, things would slow photons down and they would never regain their speed. But if photons and electrons are being powered through a kind of space soup, and if they are being pulled through space by a force, when they lose speed they immediately regain it, and maintain a precise speed.

So in this soup, when the Earth is spinning around; it will naturally drag space with it, making space appear to rotate with the earth.
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  • #5

The pure concept of momentum, and the idea of consistent movement through space (which we call momentum) are really two different things. A gyro demonstates pure momentum, so it would not agree with how light beams travel though the space soup. Space actually mimicks real momentum.

FAQ: Anomalous Observation: Is Two Different Types of Space In Place About the Earth?

1. What is an anomalous observation?

An anomalous observation is a scientific observation that does not fit with current theories or explanations. It is often considered unusual or unexpected.

2. What are the two different types of space in place about the Earth?

The two different types of space in place about the Earth are the outer space, which is the region beyond the Earth's atmosphere, and the inner space, which is the region within the Earth's atmosphere.

3. How do we know that there are two different types of space in place about the Earth?

Scientists have observed and studied the Earth and its surroundings for many years, using various instruments and techniques. Through these observations, it has been determined that there are two distinct types of space in place about the Earth.

4. What are some examples of anomalous observations related to the two types of space around the Earth?

Some examples of anomalous observations related to the two types of space around the Earth include the existence of the Van Allen radiation belts, the auroras, and the effects of solar wind on the Earth's atmosphere.

5. How can understanding these anomalous observations help us in our understanding of the Earth and its surroundings?

Studying and understanding these anomalous observations can help us gain a deeper understanding of the Earth's atmosphere, magnetic field, and interactions with outer space. It can also lead to advancements in technology and knowledge about the universe.

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