Another (candidate) test of primality of Mersenne number

  • Thread starter T.Rex
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In summary, the conversation is about a conjecture that could potentially speed up the process of proving a Mersenne number is composite. The conjecture is based on the properties of the cycles of length (q-1) built by x^2-2 modulo a Mersenne number. The conversation also includes a discussion on how to do mod arithmetic in fractions and an example of the conjecture being checked for M_5, M_7, and M_13. The conversation ends with a proposed test for determining if M_p is prime or composite.
  • #1

You probably already know the Lucas-Lehmer-Test (LLT) used for proving that a Mersenne number is prime or composite. (See:" ).

The LLT is based on the properties of the Tree built by [tex]x^2-2[/tex] modulo a Mersenne number.

Now, here is a conjecture (checked up to M26 = [tex]M_{23209}[/tex]) based on the properties of the Cycles of length (q-1) built by [tex]x^2-2[/tex] modulo a Mersenne number.

[tex]\large M_q=2^q-1 \text{ is prime } \Longleftrightarrow \ S_{q-1} \equiv S_0 \ \pmod{M_q} \text{ , where: } S_0=3^2+1/3^2 , \ S_{i+1}=S_i^2-2 \ .[/tex]

How can it be proved ?

(far from Internet till 8th of May)
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  • #2
No idea ?

This conjecture is the first step of an attempt to find a primality proof for Mersenne numbers faster than the Lucas-Lehmer test (LLT).
So a proof could help the GIMPS project.

  • #3
T.Rex said:
[tex]M_q[/tex] is a Mersenne number.

[tex]\large M_q=2^q-1 \text{ is prime } \Longleftrightarrow \ S_{q-1} \equiv S_0 \ \pmod{M_q} \text{ , where: } S_0=3^2+1/3^2 , \ S_{i+1}=S_i^2-2 \ .[/tex]

How can it be proved ?

(far from Internet till 8th of May)

I not sure how to do mod arithmetic in fractions.
Say [tex]M_q = 7 = 63/9[/tex] and[tex]S_{0} = \frac{82}{9}[/tex]
1) Is the following true?
[tex]S_0 \equiv \frac{(82-63)}{9} = \frac{19}{9} \mod M_q[/tex]

2)If S_0 is squared the denominator gets larger, but how does it then become equal to [tex]9[/tex] again?

3)Can you illustrate this for M_2 or M_3?
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  • #4
ramsey2879 said:
I not sure how to do mod arithmetic in fractions...
1/3^2 mod Mq can be easily computed, since Mq=1+2.3.q.k .
1/3 mod Mq = (2.Mq+1)/3 .

Examples with q=5, 7, 13 (using PARI/gp) :
(1/3)%31 --> 21
(2*31+1)/31 --> 21
(3^2+1/3^2)%31 --> 16

(1/3)%127 --> 85
(2*127+1)/3 --> 85
(3^2+1/3^2)%127 --> 122

(1/3)%8191 --> 5461
(2*8191+1)/3 --> 5461
(3^2+1/3^2)%8191 --> 7290


  • #5
Iterations for q=5,7,11,13 and PARI/gp code

q=5: S0=16 -> 6 -> 3 -> 7 -> 16

q=7: S0=122 -> 23-> 19 -> 105 -> 101 -> 39 -> 122

q=11: S0=464 -> 359 -> 1965 -> 581 -> 1851 -> 1568 -> 175 -> 1965 -> 581 -> 1851 -> 1568

q=13: S0=7290 -> 890 -> 5762 -> 2519 -> 5525 -> 5957 -> 2435 -> 7130 -> 3552 -> 2562 -> 2851 -> 2727 -> 7290


M=2^q-1; S0=(3^2+1/3^2)%M; print(S0); S=S0;
for(i=1, q-1, S=(S^2-2)%M; print(S));
if(S==S0, print("Prime !"), print("Composite"))
  • #6
T.Rex said:
This conjecture is the first step of an attempt to find a primality proof for Mersenne numbers faster than the Lucas-Lehmer test (LLT).
I forgot to say that the idea could only speed up proving a Mersenne number is composite.
  • #7
T.Rex said:
1/3^2 mod Mq can be easily computed, since Mq=1+2.3.q.k .
1/3 mod Mq = (2.Mq+1)/3 .

Examples with q=5, 7, 13 (using PARI/gp) :
(1/3)%31 --> 21
My excel program gives 1/3 mod 31 = .333 which seems correct to me.
T.Rex said:
(2*31+1)/31 --> 21
Why not (2*31+1)/31 = 3?
  • #8
T.Rex said:
q=5: S0=16 -> 6 -> 3 -> 7 -> 16

q=7: S0=122 -> 23-> 19 -> 105 -> 101 -> 39 -> 122

q=11: S0=464 -> 359 -> 1965 -> 581 -> 1851 -> 1568 -> 175 -> 1965 -> 581 -> 1851 -> 1568

q=13: S0=7290 -> 890 -> 5762 -> 2519 -> 5525 -> 5957 -> 2435 -> 7130 -> 3552 -> 2562 -> 2851 -> 2727 -> 7290


M=2^q-1; S0=(3^2+1/3^2)%M; print(S0); S=S0;
for(i=1, q-1, S=(S^2-2)%M; print(S));
if(S==S0, print("Prime !"), print("Composite"))
Could you work these through to show how one would get a integer as the result using pencil and paper instead of a fraction when you compute [tex]S_{0} (or 9 + 1/9) mod 7[/tex]
  • #9
ramsey2879 said:
My excel program gives 1/3 mod 31 = .333 which seems correct to me. Why not (2*31+1)/31 = 3?
It is Arithmetic. Use an appropriate tool, like PARI/gp.
Here y=1/x=x^(-1) mod z means y*x = 1 mod z , where x, y and z are integers ...
  • #10
ramsey2879 said:
Could you work these through to show how one would get a integer as the result using pencil and paper instead of a fraction when you compute [tex]S_{0} (9 + 1/9) mod 7[/tex]
Since 9 = 2 mod 7 and since 2*4=8=1 mod 7 , 9+1/9 = 2+1/2=2+4=6 mod 7.
  • #11
OK Now I understand how fractions can be converted to integers in mod calculations.
[tex]1/9= 1/2 = 8/2 = 4 \mod 7[/tex]

  • #12
I thimk you and I have something

I can't begin to proove it but you seem to have something here.
P.S. How about my test?
If [tex]M_{p}[/tex] is prime, then for the recursive series [tex]S_{1}=a, S_{2} = b,[/tex]
[tex] S_{n} = 6*S_{(n-1)} - S_{(n-2)} \mod M_{p} \quad \mid 0 \leq a,b < M_{p}[/tex]
Then [tex]S_{2^{(p-1)}} = a[/tex]

For [tex]m_{p}[/tex] = composite the test is not conclusive for a single a and b but it is easy to find a false set.
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FAQ: Another (candidate) test of primality of Mersenne number

1. What is a Mersenne number?

A Mersenne number is a positive integer that can be written in the form 2n - 1, where n is also a positive integer. These numbers are named after the French mathematician Marin Mersenne who studied them extensively.

2. How are Mersenne numbers related to prime numbers?

Mersenne numbers can only be prime if the exponent n is also prime. In fact, the largest known prime numbers are Mersenne primes. However, not all Mersenne numbers are prime, and it is still an open problem whether there are infinitely many Mersenne primes.

3. What is the significance of testing primality of Mersenne numbers?

Testing primality of Mersenne numbers is important for several reasons. First, it helps in the search for large prime numbers, which have applications in cryptography and other areas of mathematics. Second, it allows for a better understanding of the distribution of prime numbers. Finally, it helps in the development of more efficient primality testing algorithms.

4. How is primality of Mersenne numbers tested?

There are several methods for testing the primality of Mersenne numbers. One method is the Lucas-Lehmer test, which involves a series of modular exponentiations. Another method is the Lucas-Lehmer-Riesel test, which is a modification of the Lucas-Lehmer test. Other methods include the Proth test and the Lucas test.

5. What is the purpose of "Another (candidate) test of primality of Mersenne number"?

The purpose of "Another (candidate) test of primality of Mersenne number" is to propose a new method for testing the primality of Mersenne numbers. This may be done to improve upon existing methods, or to provide an alternative method that may be more efficient for certain values of n. The effectiveness of this new method would need to be rigorously tested and proven before it can be considered a reliable primality test for Mersenne numbers.

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