Another electric field question, =/

In summary, the conversation discusses a homework problem involving a particle with specific charge and mass connected to a string tied to a pivot point and resting on a horizontal table. The string is initially at an angle of 58.8° and the particle is released when the string is parallel to a uniform electric field. The question asks for the particle's speed at this point, and the conversation explores potential solutions using equations for torque and conservation of energy. The correct answer is achieved by using conservation of energy to find the potential difference between the two points.
  • #1

Homework Statement

A particle having charge q=+2.30 µC and mass m=0.0139 kg is connected to a string that is L=1.30 m long and is tied to the pivot point P in the figure below.
The particle, string, and pivot point all lie on a horizontal table. The particle is released from rest when the string makes an angle θ=58.8° with a uniform electric field of magnitude E=294 V/m. Determine the speed of the particle when the string is parallel to the electric field (point a in the figure).

Homework Equations

Note: These are equations I think might apply, they are no equations given specifically for this question

E = -dV/dx
F = qE
τ = rFsinθ = Iɑ
U = qV
ѡf2 = wi2 + 2ɑΘ
v = ѡr

F = force
V = voltage
E = electric field
I = moment of inertia
ɑ = angular acceleration
q = charge
τ = torque
ѡ = angular velocity
d = angular displacement
r = radius
v = velocity

The Attempt at a Solution

The question states that the system rests on top of a horizontal table. Therefore, I ignored the gravity / normal forces.

It looks like a torque question, so.

τ = rFsinθ
τ = r(qE)sinθ
τ = 7.519 x 10-4

T = Iɑ
ɑ = T/I

I = ∑miri2
I = 0139(1.3)2

ɑ = 0.032rad/s2

ѡf2 = wi2 + 2ɑΘ
ѡf2 = 2ɑΘ
ѡf2 = 2(0.032)(58.8π/180)
ѡf = 0.256rad/s

v = wr
v = 1.3(0.256)
v = 0.333m/s

the computer says this is the wrong answer =/
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  • #2
I haven't gone through your calculations in detail (I approached the problem a different way). But this problem should be a lot easier by invoking conservation of kinetic and potential energy.

What is the charge's electrical potential energy difference between the cases where θ=58.8° and θ=0°? :wink:

[Edit: I think I see where you went wrong in your calculations. It looks like you were assuming a constant angular acceleration, -- i.e. a constant torque. But that is not the case with this problem. If you want to use kinematics to solve this, you've have to use calculus and perform an integral. Alternately, you can use conservation of energy like I mentioned above and avoid the calculus.]
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  • #3

E = -dV/dx

dV = -E∫dx

dV = -294(1.3cos58.8)

U = qV
U = -4.237E-4

-4.237E-4 = K
-4.237E-4 = 1/2mv2
how do I cancel out the negative sign??
If i pretend that negative isn't there..
v = 2.47m/s

this is the correct answer
  • #4
Ush said:

E = -dV/dx

dV = -E∫dx

dV = -294(1.3cos58.8)

That should be ΔV = -[294(1.3cos58.8) - 294(1.3cos0)] :smile:

Remember, you're calculating the potential difference. You need to take both points into account and find the difference in voltage between them.

[Edit: or another way to think about it is to find the difference ΔLx between the cases where θ = 58.8o and θ = 0o. The use ΔV = (E)(ΔLx) which applies for a uniform electric field point along the positive x-axis.]
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  • #5
ah, okay perfect!
ΔV = -E[(1.3cos58.8) - 1.3(294)]
ΔV = 294(1.3) - 294cos58.8)

I wish I had gotten a hint or something saying "apply conservation of energy"... but that never happens =p

I was hoping the torque method also worked =/

thanks for your help
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FAQ: Another electric field question, =/

1. What is an electric field?

An electric field is a physical phenomenon that surrounds any charged object and exerts a force on other charged objects within its vicinity. It is created by the presence of electric charges and can be either attractive or repulsive.

2. How is an electric field measured?

The strength of an electric field can be measured by its magnitude and direction at any given point. It is typically measured in units of volts per meter (V/m) using specialized instruments such as an electric field meter or a voltmeter.

3. What factors affect the strength of an electric field?

The strength of an electric field is affected by the magnitude of the electric charges present and the distance between them. The strength of the electric field also decreases with distance from the source, following the inverse square law.

4. How is an electric field different from an electric potential?

An electric field is a physical quantity that describes the force exerted by electric charges, while electric potential is a measure of the potential energy of a charged object. Electric potential is related to electric field by the equation V = Ed, where V is the electric potential, E is the electric field, and d is the distance between the charges.

5. What are some real-world applications of electric fields?

Electric fields have numerous applications in everyday life, such as in electronic devices, power transmission, and medical procedures like electrocardiograms. They are also used in technologies like capacitors, electric motors, and generators.

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