Another Mechanics Problem Using Vectors

In summary, B calculates its kinetic energy at time t=2 and finds it to be 29.62 J. A finds the acceleration vector and finds it to be constant, with a force of 2.9 N acting upon it. C calculates the angle between the line of action of F and Oy and finds it to be 34°. Finally, D finds the distance between A and B to be 8.
  • #1

Homework Statement

the unit vectors i and j are parallel to the cordinate axey Ox and Oy. Two particles A and B each have a mass of 0.4kg, they both leave the origin O at the same time, and move in the x-y plane. The velocity vectors at t time for A and B are [itex](4t\hat{i} + 6t\hat{j})m/s[/itex] and [itex](3t^2\hat{i}-2\hat{j})m/s[/itex] respectively.

A: calculate in Joules the kinetic energy of B when t=2
B: Find the acceleration vector of A and prove the force acting on A is constant
C: Calcualte to the nearest 0.1N the magntiude of F and find to the nearest degree the angly between Oy and the line of action of F.
D:Find the distance between A and B when t=2.

I am unsure on all of them to be honest, I am not sure if I am using the vectors correctly and especially my integration as I can't see where any integration constants are.

Homework Equations


The Attempt at a Solution

Part A:
First I find the magnitude of the velocity of B
\dot{r_b}= 3(2)^2\hat{i} - 2\hat{j} \\
\dot{r_b} = 12\hat{i} - 2\hat{j} \\
|\dot{r_b}|= \sqrt{12^2 + 2^2} = 12.17m/s
and then use that in the KE formula
KE=\frac{1}{2}mv^2 \\
KE=\frac{1}{2}0.4(12.17)^2 \\
KE=0.2 \times 148.11 = 29.62J \\

Part B:
I differentiate to get the acceleration vector
and as the I and J components are not functions of time that means the force must be constant as the acceleration is constant. Is that correct?

Part C:
I use Newtons second law to find F
F=0.4(4\hat{i}+6\hat{j}) \\
F=1.6\hat{i}+2.4\hat{j} \\
And then to get the angle i did..
arctan(\frac{2.4}{1.6})=56.31 \\
to the nearest degree, I took the 56.31 from 90 as the question wants the angle between F and the y-axis, i hope I done it correct.

Part D:
To find the distance I first found both of the position vectors by integrating.
r_a=∫(4t\hat{i}+6t\hat{j}) \ dt = 2t^2\hat{i}+3t^2\hat{j} \\
r_b=∫(3t^2\hat{i}+2\hat{j}) \ dt = t^3\hat{i}+2t\hat{j} \\
And it asks when t is 2 so then i found the position vectors for both when t=2
r_a=2(2)^2\hat{i}+3(2)^2\hat{j} = 8\hat{i}+12\hat{j} \\
r_b=(2)^3\hat{i}+2(2)\hat{j} = 8\hat{i}+4\hat{j}
And then taking b from a
and then the magnitude

Any help is appreciated. :)
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  • #2
your answers to parts A,B,C all look correct. But in part D, you use
[tex]r_b=∫(3t^2\hat{i}+2\hat{j}) \ dt = t^3\hat{i}+2t\hat{j} \\[/tex]
But I don't think this is right, because the velocity vector that was given is:
Maybe you accidentally forgot the minus sign?
p.s. excellent name :)
  • #3
BruceW said:
your answers to parts A,B,C all look correct. But in part D, you use
[tex]r_b=∫(3t^2\hat{i}+2\hat{j}) \ dt = t^3\hat{i}+2t\hat{j} \\[/tex]
But I don't think this is right, because the velocity vector that was given is:
Maybe you accidentally forgot the minus sign?
p.s. excellent name :)

Ah thanks for point that out!

So should it be...

[tex]r_b=∫(3t^2\hat{i}-2\hat{j}) \ dt = t^3\hat{i}-2t\hat{j} \\[/tex]
and then taking the difference and magnitude then becomes..
(8\hat{i}+12\hat{j})-(8\hat{i}-4\hat{j})=16\hat{j} \\
  • #4
yep. looks good, nice work! pretty neat too. it makes it easy to read, so thanks!
  • #5
BruceW said:
yep. looks good, nice work! pretty neat too. it makes it easy to read, so thanks!

Thanks for your help :)

Related to Another Mechanics Problem Using Vectors

1. What is the purpose of using vectors in mechanics problems?

Vectors are used in mechanics problems to represent physical quantities that have both magnitude and direction. This allows for a more accurate and comprehensive understanding of the problem at hand.

2. How are vectors used to solve mechanics problems?

Vectors are used to represent forces, velocities, displacements, and other physical quantities in mechanics problems. They are added or subtracted using vector algebra to determine the resultant vector, which can then be used to solve the problem.

3. Can vectors be used in both two-dimensional and three-dimensional mechanics problems?

Yes, vectors are used in both two-dimensional and three-dimensional mechanics problems. In two-dimensional problems, vectors are represented using two components (x and y), while in three-dimensional problems, vectors have three components (x, y, and z).

4. What is the difference between a scalar and a vector in mechanics?

A scalar is a physical quantity that has only magnitude, such as distance or mass. A vector, on the other hand, has both magnitude and direction, such as force or velocity. Vectors are used in mechanics to represent quantities that have both magnitude and direction, while scalars are used to represent quantities with only magnitude.

5. How do you determine the direction of a vector in mechanics?

The direction of a vector can be determined by using the direction angle, which is the angle between the vector and a reference axis. It can also be determined by using the unit vector, which is a vector with a magnitude of 1 and points in the same direction as the original vector.
