Answer "Can a Human Become a Black Hole? Theoretically Explored

In summary, it is theoretically possible for a human being to become a black hole if they were compressed to a size much smaller than a proton. However, this would require immense pressure and result in the human's death. Additionally, the resulting black hole would have a very short lifespan according to quantum mechanics.
  • #1
glowing lights
please calrify this doubt for me guys...

is there any possibility for a human being becoming a black hole...(theoretically of course)...
Astronomy news on
  • #2
Well, in theory, if you take a 200kg human being, and compress him so that he fits into a sphere of radius [itex]\approx[/itex]1.5e-25 meters (this is the Schwarzschild radius for a 200kg object), he should, in theory, form a black hole.

For comparison, the usual figure given for the "size" of a proton is about 1e-15 meters,

so you're talking about compressing a human being down to a size that's ten orders of magnitude smaller than a proton. So the pressure required is going to have to crush not only the human, but his nuclei and even his protons. AFAIK this is totally impractical, but not theoretically impossible. It would be a state of matter much denser than the neutron degenerate matter on a neutron star, however. I believe this would be known as quark degenerate matter.Note that this process will undoubtedly kill the human.

Another issue is that such a small black hole would, according to quantum mechanics, have a very small lifetime. (I get about 3e-11 seconds, using the formula from
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  • #3

The short answer is no, a human cannot become a black hole. Black holes are formed when a massive star collapses under its own gravity, and the resulting object is so dense and has such a strong gravitational pull that even light cannot escape from it. Humans do not have the mass or density to undergo this type of collapse.

However, there is a concept known as a "micro black hole" which is a theoretical and much smaller version of a regular black hole. Some scientists have proposed that if the Large Hadron Collider were to create micro black holes, they would evaporate almost immediately due to Hawking radiation.

So, while it is theoretically possible for a human to become a micro black hole, it is highly unlikely and would require extreme circumstances and technology that we do not currently possess. It is important to remember that black holes are not just objects with strong gravity, but they also have a specific structure and behavior that is not replicable by a human being. Therefore, the idea of a human becoming a black hole remains in the realm of science fiction.

FAQ: Answer "Can a Human Become a Black Hole? Theoretically Explored

1. Can a human physically turn into a black hole?

No, a human cannot physically turn into a black hole. This is because the formation of a black hole requires a massive amount of matter to collapse into an infinitely small point, known as a singularity. The mass of a human is far too small to create a black hole.

2. Is it possible for a human to mimic the properties of a black hole?

Theoretically, yes, it is possible for a human to mimic some properties of a black hole. For example, if a human were to travel at nearly the speed of light, their mass would increase and they would experience time dilation, similar to what happens near a black hole. However, this is not the same as becoming a black hole.

3. Can technology be used to turn a human into a black hole?

No, technology cannot be used to turn a human into a black hole. As mentioned before, the mass of a human is not enough to create a black hole. Additionally, the technology and energy required to artificially create a black hole would far exceed our current capabilities.

4. What would happen if a human were to enter a black hole?

If a human were to enter a black hole, they would experience intense gravitational forces and be stretched and torn apart by the extreme tidal forces near the singularity. This process is known as spaghettification. However, it is highly unlikely that a human could survive the journey into a black hole.

5. Can a human become a black hole after death?

No, a human cannot become a black hole after death. The formation of a black hole requires a specific process of gravitational collapse, which cannot occur after an individual has died. Additionally, the mass of a human body is still not enough to create a black hole, even if it were to somehow undergo a process of collapse.
