Answer: Diffraction Maxima: Angular Locations of 1-4th Maxima

In summary, the conversation discusses finding the angular locations of the secondary maximas in a diffraction pattern. It is mentioned that the slit width is 0.00016m and the wavelength of the laser is 650nm. An equation for the intensity of the diffraction pattern is provided, and it is suggested to differentiate it and set it to zero to find the maxima locations. The conversation ends with a question on how to solve the equation \pi\alpha = tan (\pi\alpha).
  • #1

Homework Statement

Show that the angular locations of the first to fourth secondary maximas are [tex]\alpha[/tex] = a sin [tex]\Theta[/tex]/[tex]\Lambda[/tex] = 1.43030 2.45902 3.47089 4.46641 respectively.

a is the slit width = 0.00016m
[tex]\Lambda[/tex] wavelength of laser 650nm

Homework Equations

I([tex]\Theta[/tex]) = I0 [sin([tex]\Pi\alpha[/tex])/[tex]\Pi\alpha[/tex]]2

where I0 is the intensity at the central peak

The Attempt at a Solution

I have no idea how to begin..
Physics news on
  • #2
You have an equation for the intensity of the diffraction pattern. The maxima and minima of the function will give the maxima and minima of the diffraction pattern. So, simply differentiate and set to zero. You'll get two factors. One of these gives the minima and the other gives the maxima, or, at least, another equation for the maxima. Solving the "maxima equation" will give the values at which the maxima occur.
  • #3
hi there
thanks for your reply,

after differentiating, i got this equation

2I0 sin([tex]\pi[/tex][tex]\alpha[/tex])/[tex]\pi[/tex]^2[tex]\alpha[/tex]^3 ([tex]\pi \alpha[/tex] cos([tex]\pi\alpha[/tex]) - sin [tex]\pi\alpha[/tex] )

i hope this is correct.. anyway i set this to zero and got 2 different sets of eqn.2I0 sin([tex]\pi[/tex][tex]\alpha[/tex])/[tex]\pi[/tex]^2[tex]\alpha[/tex]^3 = 0

so sin([tex]\pi[/tex][tex]\alpha[/tex]) = 0
[tex]\alpha[/tex] = 0,1,2,3,...

and ([tex]\alpha[/tex]^2 cos([tex]\pi\alpha[/tex]) - sin [tex]\pi\alpha[/tex] ) = 0
[tex]\pi\alpha[/tex] = tan ([tex]\pi\alpha[/tex])
how do I solve this?
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  • #4
sorry the correct maxima eqn should be this.

[tex]\pi[/tex][tex]\alpha[/tex] = tan ([tex]\pi[/tex][tex]\alpha[/tex])

how do i solve it?
  • #5
Let me rewrite this as
b = tan(b)

Plot y = b and y = tan(b) on the same plot. Where the two plots intersect are the solutions.

Related to Answer: Diffraction Maxima: Angular Locations of 1-4th Maxima

What is diffraction and how does it relate to maxima?

Diffraction is the bending of waves around obstacles or through small openings. When light waves pass through a narrow slit, they diffract and form patterns of bright and dark areas known as diffraction patterns. The locations of these bright areas, or maxima, can be calculated using the principles of diffraction.

What is the significance of the 1-4th maxima in diffraction?

The 1-4th maxima in diffraction refer to the first four bright spots in the diffraction pattern. These are the most intense and easily observable maxima, and their angular locations can be used to determine the properties of the diffracting object, such as the size of the slit or the wavelength of the light.

How are the angular locations of the 1-4th maxima calculated?

The angular locations of the 1-4th maxima are calculated using the equation θ = sin^-1 (nλ/d), where θ is the angle of diffraction, n is the order of the maximum (1-4), λ is the wavelength of the light, and d is the distance between the diffracting object and the screen.

What factors can affect the angular locations of the 1-4th maxima?

The angular locations of the 1-4th maxima can be affected by the wavelength of the light, the size of the diffracting object or opening, and the distance between the diffracting object and the screen. Additionally, the angle of incidence of the light and the properties of the medium through which the light is passing can also have an impact on the diffraction pattern.

How is the diffraction maxima pattern used in scientific research?

The diffraction maxima pattern is used in various scientific fields, such as optics, crystallography, and spectroscopy. By analyzing the angular locations and intensities of the maxima, scientists can determine the structure and properties of materials, study the behavior of light, and make precise measurements in various experiments.

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