Ansys - Boundary conditions for 2 cylinders and fluid

In summary: The problem would have to be solved in a linear dynamic solver where the mass is simply determined, and the solver solves for the centripetal acceleration and force. Still, I don't think approximating the fluid as a solid will be a very good one.
  • #1
ansys -- Boundary conditions for 2 cylinders and fluid

i want to do a analysis in ansys in which a cylinder will rotate about a axis which is out side of the cylinder and this cylinder is also rotating about its own axis. cylinder is half filled with liduid. i want to do the stress analysis or in more general structural analysis of cylinder
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  • #2

I'm thinking the modeling of the fluid "sloshing" in the cylinder will be far more challenging than you realize. Calculating stresses based on cetripetal acceleration is relatively straightforward; calculating the net force (and stress) from a sloshing fluid will be a nightmare.
  • #3

ok...thanks for the reply...can you suggest how i can proceed..what is the procedure to account for inertia load..
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  • #4

or suppose, i have made fluid part in this analysis as solid material then i rotate cylinder, and this fluid part account for centriptal force...but how i will apply boundry condition.thats the problem.
  • #5

The problem would have to be solved in a linear dynamic solver where the mass is simply determined, and the solver solves for the centripetal acceleration and force. Still, I don't think approximating the fluid as a solid will be a very good one.
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  • #6

i think treating fluid as solid mass is quit justified as the fluid and cylindr is going to rotate about some other axis with very high RPM...all fluid will come in one half of the cylinder..if we neglect gravity...i have calculated that the fluid will make only 3degree of angle with verticle i mean if we take account for gravity...can any1 suggest how to rotate a body with axix not passing through it...if i get this ans. i will be able to solve it...whole problem!
  • #7

I'm having trouble visualizing what you're describing, but if what you're saying is the cylinder which has the fluid inside will be rotating about a remote point outside of the cylinder, then as long as the centripetal acceleration is significantly larger than gravity you're probably right that the fluid will all pool in one half of the cylinder. BUT, if the cylinder containing fluid is also rotating about its own axis, the problem gets about 1000 times harder.

So- where is your rotation axis (axes)?
  • #8

cylinder radius is arround 200 mm and this is to be rotated arround an axis which is half meter aways from axis of cylinder...actualy i want to look structural stability of the cylinder when 3 loads 1st gravity, 2nd rotation of fluid which i will assume to be solid in cylinder 3rd when cylinder and fluid both will rotate about axis away from approximately check weather it is going to yield or not..

FAQ: Ansys - Boundary conditions for 2 cylinders and fluid

1. What is Ansys?

Ansys is a computer-aided engineering software used for simulation and analysis of various physical phenomena such as fluid dynamics, structural mechanics, and electromagnetics.

2. How do I set boundary conditions for 2 cylinders in Ansys?

To set boundary conditions for 2 cylinders in Ansys, you can use the "Named Selection" feature to select the desired cylinders and then apply the appropriate boundary conditions such as velocity, pressure, or temperature.

3. What is the purpose of boundary conditions in Ansys?

Boundary conditions in Ansys are used to define the behavior of the system at its boundaries, such as inlet and outlet boundaries, to simulate real-world conditions and obtain accurate results.

4. How can I ensure the accuracy of my boundary conditions in Ansys?

To ensure the accuracy of boundary conditions in Ansys, it is important to carefully define the boundaries of the system and choose appropriate boundary conditions that reflect the real-world conditions of the problem being simulated.

5. Can I change the boundary conditions during the simulation in Ansys?

Yes, Ansys allows you to change the boundary conditions during the simulation. This can be done by using the "Solution Controls" feature to define the time or step at which the boundary conditions should change.
