Antisymmetrized tensor product

In summary, the antisymmetric tensor product is a way of calculating the antisymmetric factor of a differential form. It arises from the need to integrate a function over a region in which both sides of the equation are antisymmetric.
  • #1
Could someone explain to me what this is and explain the formula to me? I don't think I understand the formula.

I don't think I quite understand why that's the antisymmetrized tensor product. Maybe its because i don't want o think about it too much.
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  • #2

[tex]F_{ab}=\partial_a A_b - \partial_b A_a[/tex]

See it is antisymmetric in its 2 indices: therefore

[tex]F_{ab} = -F_{ba}[/tex]

which further implies that

[tex]F_{aa} = 0[/tex]
  • #3
These are the properties of an antisymetric tensor. I think Terilien is talking about the antisymmetrized tensor product, which is something like

[tex]W_{ab}=T_{[a}S_{b]} = \frac{1}{2!}(T_aS_b-T_bS_a)[/tex]

More generally,it creates an antisymetric tensor of valence (a+c,b+d) out of two tensors of valence (a,b) and (c,d).

This definition is pretty straightfoward and unambiguous (to me at least). So what don't you understand about this?

We have two tensors [itex]\mathbf{T}[/itex] and [itex]\mathbf{S}[/itex] whose components are [itex]T_a[/itex] and [itex]S_b[/itex] respectively, and we define a new tensor [itex]\mathbf{W}[/itex] by constructing its components from the components of [itex]\mathbf{T}[/itex] and [itex]\mathbf{S}[/itex]. And it is straightfoward to verify that [itex]\mathbf{W}[/itex] defined in this way is indeed a tensor (i.e. that the set of numbers [itex]W_{ab}[/itex] transform like the components of a tensor)
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  • #4
Yes but how exactly do we get the general formula (p +q)!/p!q!A_[u,1...u,pB_u,p+1...u,p+q]. for some reason I'm scared to figure this out on my own. I usally do, but I'm too anxious. Please help. I think i understand the P!Q! but I don't quite get the the term (p+q)!. As in i don't know why its in the formula.

so essentially I don't understand the coefficients that well.
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  • #5
Terilien said:
Yes but how exactly do we get the general formula (p +q)!/p!q!A_[u,1...u,pB_u,p+1...u,p+q]. for some reason I'm scared to figure this out on my own. I usally do, but I'm too anxious. Please help. I think i understand the P!Q! but I don't quite get the the term (p+q)!. As in i don't know why its in the formula.

hint: nCr = n!/r!(n-r)!
it is all about finding all possible pairs of indices. because total anti-symmetric means [tex]A_{ij}=-A_{ji}\; \forall \, i, j[/tex]
  • #6
Your question was posed quite badly. What you want to know is what motivated people to define the antisymetrized tensor product that way, and particularly, what's with the coefficients.
  • #7
Ok well could someone tell me? I'm assuming it has to do with integration. frankly i'd like to leanr about differential forms in such a way that I know how they arise.
  • #8

your question about differential forms seems to have two parts:

1) why do we need antisymmetric tensors as diff. forms? in other words, why is it that "dxdy" in the integral of f(x,y)dxdy needs to be interpreted as an antisymmetric product of dx and dy, rather than an ordinary product?

2) how to define the antisymmetric product of two antisymmetric tensors in the general case.

Regarding 1), I am not sure if a clear explanation of this can be found in an existing textbook. You may look at the lecture notes" , chapter 1 - maybe it will help. Regarding 2), the antisymmetric factors are largely cosmetic and some people define them differently. But the idea is that an antisymmetric n-form is a function of a completely antisymmetric combination of n different vectors. So it is natural to introduce a factor of 1/n! into the formula. When we compute the product of two antisymmetric tensors of valence m and n, they will come with factors 1/m! and 1/n! and then there will be an overall factor (m+n)! from the resulting tensor. Hope this helps. Try an example with m=1 and n=2 to see how it works.
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  • #9
One is already pretty clear. It always has been.

FAQ: Antisymmetrized tensor product

1. What is an antisymmetrized tensor product?

An antisymmetrized tensor product is a mathematical operation that combines two tensors to create a new tensor that is antisymmetric with respect to the exchange of any two of its indices.

2. How is an antisymmetrized tensor product calculated?

The calculation of an antisymmetrized tensor product involves taking the ordinary tensor product of two tensors and then applying the antisymmetry operation, which involves summing over all possible permutations of the indices and assigning a plus or minus sign to each permutation based on whether it is an even or odd permutation.

3. What is the significance of the antisymmetrized tensor product in physics?

In physics, the antisymmetrized tensor product is often used to describe systems with multiple identical particles, such as electrons, which are subject to the Pauli exclusion principle. It allows us to construct wavefunctions that are antisymmetric under particle exchange, which is necessary for fermions like electrons.

4. What are some properties of the antisymmetrized tensor product?

One important property of the antisymmetrized tensor product is that it is multilinear, meaning that it distributes over addition and scalar multiplication. It is also idempotent, which means that applying the antisymmetry operation twice results in the same tensor. Additionally, the antisymmetrized tensor product of two antisymmetric tensors is symmetric.

5. How is the antisymmetrized tensor product used in quantum mechanics?

In quantum mechanics, the antisymmetrized tensor product is used to construct wavefunctions for systems of identical particles, such as electrons. This allows us to accurately describe the behavior of these particles, including their spin states, which are essential for understanding the properties of atoms and molecules.

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