Anxiety and avoidance of programming?

In summary, the speaker describes a recurring problem where they have a strong aversion to programming assignments, despite enjoying working with computers. They also mention feeling stressed and tense when thinking about their current MATLAB class, even though they are getting an easy A. They wonder if others have experienced this and have considered seeking counseling, but are unsure if it will help. Another person shares a similar experience and suggests that the speaker may be worrying too much and should focus on studying and relaxing. They also mention the short duration of the course and the importance of not wasting time.
  • #1
I don't really know what the problem here is, but it's been dogging me for a long time.

Basically, despite that I really love computers and working with computers, and I actually very much enjoy programming when I get into it, whenever I'm faced with a programming assignment for class or whenever I feel like I might want to try practicing with a different language I have this strange sense of aversion to it, like an overwhelming urge to do anything else and procrastinate until hours before the deadline.

For instance, I'm in a MATLAB class right now, and even though the assignments are very easy and actually quite interesting, I can't resist the urge to put it off, and even thinking about the course makes me tense. And I have absolutely no idea why, because it's currently one of the easiest A's I've ever been given. There is no reason that it should be causing me any stress. It's a problem, because it creates this really annoying dissonance between wanting to do technical and scientific work with computers and also wanting to avoid programming at all costs.

Does anyone have experience with this kind of problem? I've thought about going to the counseling services but it just sounds so nonsensical.
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  • #2
There's nothing wrong with a counselling appointment or two -- they often have valuable insights to offer.

How do you typically start new programs? Do you just start typing, or do you write down a flowchart or pseudocode first? One trick that helps me is to diagram the overall flow of the program early, to help me sort it out in my head. Then I can start the actual coding at any point after that. The more complicated the program will be, the earlier I start it before any deadline. If it's simple and my initial flow diagram (or whatever outline) looks do-able, I often just trust in my ability and let it go until later.
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  • #3
There is nothing wrong with counseling and I sincerely recommend that you try to resolve this problem before it comes back to haunt you. Despite seeming trivial on the surface, it is the symptom of a more serious underlying issue. We all have our faults and they nothing to be embarrassed of. We can only strive to be better than we were before, and in that sense, the real tragedy would be to let your anxiety push you away from something you enjoy. Who is to say that it stops with programming. You may be learning something else in the near future and then have the same exact problem. It only stops when you stop it.

I, in fact, had a similar problem. When I took CSI, I had a strong aversion to the programming assignments. I would become incredibly frustrated even thinking about having to do the assignments and I often couldn't bring myself to start any of the programs in a timely manner. As a result, I never had enough time to complete any of the assignments and received a low F (30-40%) on all but two of them. I managed to get a C+ in the class by doing well on the tests, but I of course, could have done much better had I forced myself to do the assignments. The odd thing was that I otherwise enjoyed programming. Even sitting down with the assignments when I did finally start wasn't all that bad, but something about getting started was a huge challenge. I think I have since overcame that mental block and am actually eager to take CSII and some computational courses later on because aside from wanting to prove to myself that I can do it, they are incredibly useful courses and I'd even go as far to as to say necessary.
  • #4
jack476 said:
I don't really know what the problem here is, but it's been dogging me for a long time.

Basically, despite that I really love computers and working with computers, and I actually very much enjoy programming when I get into it, whenever I'm faced with a programming assignment for class or whenever I feel like I might want to try practicing with a different language I have this strange sense of aversion to it, like an overwhelming urge to do anything else and procrastinate until hours before the deadline.

For instance, I'm in a MATLAB class right now, and even though the assignments are very easy and actually quite interesting, I can't resist the urge to put it off, and even thinking about the course makes me tense. And I have absolutely no idea why, because it's currently one of the easiest A's I've ever been given. There is no reason that it should be causing me any stress. It's a problem, because it creates this really annoying dissonance between wanting to do technical and scientific work with computers and also wanting to avoid programming at all costs.

Does anyone have experience with this kind of problem? I've thought about going to the counseling services but it just sounds so nonsensical.
The description is very familiar. TOO familiar. You are getting an A, so maybe you worry too much and should spend more time studying so you will be more relaxed. The term of the course is short. You do not have time to waste. You are trying to earn a grade.

Related to Anxiety and avoidance of programming?

1. What causes anxiety and avoidance of programming?

Anxiety and avoidance of programming can be caused by a variety of factors, such as fear of failure, lack of confidence in one's abilities, and feeling overwhelmed by the complexity of coding.

2. How can I overcome anxiety and avoidance of programming?

One way to overcome anxiety and avoidance of programming is to break down tasks into smaller, more manageable steps. It can also be helpful to seek support from others, such as a mentor or a coding community, and to practice self-care techniques to manage stress and improve overall well-being.

3. Is anxiety and avoidance of programming a common issue among programmers?

Yes, anxiety and avoidance of programming are common issues among programmers. The pressure to constantly learn new technologies and keep up with industry demands can contribute to feelings of anxiety and avoidance.

4. Can anxiety and avoidance of programming be detrimental to a programmer's career?

Yes, if left unaddressed, anxiety and avoidance of programming can hinder a programmer's career growth. It may lead to missed opportunities, decreased productivity, and a lack of confidence in one's skills.

5. Are there any resources available to help with anxiety and avoidance of programming?

Yes, there are many resources available to help with anxiety and avoidance of programming. These include therapy or counseling, online support groups, and self-help books. Additionally, many coding bootcamps and workshops offer resources and support for managing anxiety and building confidence in programming skills.

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