What limits the strength of a field at a given point in space?

In summary, the conversation discusses the limitations of field strength at a given point in space, particularly in regards to gravitational, electric, and magnetic fields. The concept of creating a black hole using electric repulsion and attraction of charged particles is also brought up, but it is noted that this is not possible due to the necessary imbalance of charges. The conversation also highlights the importance of understanding each step and avoiding "handwaving" when asking questions.
  • #1
Ok even though Vanadium recently asked me to stop this stupid way of learning something through asking the same questions , even though their not all the same , I'll try my cards with this one.Ok so we have fields like gravitational, electric and magnetic , now theoretically the fields don't have any upper limits of their strength at a given point in space if I understand correctly but practically what limits a fields strength at a given point of measurement ?
Okay take gravitational field of a black hole for example , according to our current understanding the field inside the event horizon goes to infinity as there is so much mass at such a infinitely small point, and because mass gravitates it can make up a field which is so strong.

(theoretically)Would it be possible to make a black hole using electric repulsion , attraction of charged particles which also have mass , like having an extremely strong say negative potential which would attract positively charged particles and crush them in a place so small that later on given enough mass of the particles it could turn into a black hole?

I ask this because gravity is much weaker as a force than electromagnetism , and if it takes a star of huge mass to later fall into a BH then why couldn't it take a much smaller mass of charged particles and a extremely strong negative potential to crush that into a BH.?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #3
Because charged particles have the tendency to repel each other.
Also, I notice that you do a lot of "handwaving" when you ask questions. For example:

like having an extremely strong say negative potential which would attract positively charged particles

See? You're skipping steps here. The fact is that we can't just have this crazy negative potential. It's literally not possible. To get this negative potential you want you'd need an imbalance of charges, meaning more negative charges in an area compared to positive. At best you'd attract enough positive charges to neutralize the negative ones and end up with plain old neutral matter. Try to work your way up to the question you want to ask. Understand what it would take to make the next step happen. A lot of times you can answer your own question this way.

FAQ: What limits the strength of a field at a given point in space?

1. What is a field strength limit?

A field strength limit is the maximum level of electric or magnetic field that can exist in a given space without causing harmful effects to living organisms or interfering with electronic equipment. It is usually measured in units of volts per meter (V/m) for electric fields and tesla (T) for magnetic fields.

2. Why are field strength limits important?

Field strength limits are important because they help protect human health and safety. Exposure to high levels of electric and magnetic fields can have adverse health effects such as tissue heating, nerve stimulation, and interference with pacemakers. It also ensures that electronic equipment operates properly without interference from external fields.

3. How are field strength limits determined?

Field strength limits are determined through scientific studies and research that examine the effects of electric and magnetic fields on living organisms and electronic equipment. These studies take into account factors such as frequency, duration of exposure, and sensitivity of different organisms and equipment.

4. Are field strength limits the same for all locations?

No, field strength limits can vary depending on the location. They are typically set by regulatory agencies and may differ between countries or regions. They can also be specific to certain environments, such as residential, commercial, or industrial areas.

5. What happens if field strength limits are exceeded?

If field strength limits are exceeded, it can potentially cause harm to living organisms or interfere with electronic equipment. In some cases, it may be necessary to implement safety measures or limit exposure to the fields. Regulatory agencies may also enforce penalties for exceeding field strength limits.
