Anybody with understanding of how Air pressure regulators function?

In summary: He has done calculations for a variety of diameters and pipe sizes. One of the things that you'll see is that the flow rates are generally pretty much the same for a variety of different diameter pipes. The pressure is also generally pretty much the same for a variety of different diameter pipes. What you'll see is that as the diameter of the pipe gets bigger, the flow rate gets smaller.
  • #1
As title dipicts I'm wishing to understand the relationships between CFM and PSI in regards to Air Regulation.

For example let's say I had a compressor tank with a compressor connected to it, to fill it to 200 PSI. I connect an X diameter Air line to an air regulator, and than have its output just an open X diameter Air line.

So my question is how can I control both variables. How could I have let's say a high flow rate, but lower maintained pressure. Or vice or versa, how could I have a low flow but at high pressure.

What I understand is that an air regulator (by some means) reduces the air pressure (PSI) by having a preset (spring rate) spring that opens after what ever you set the pressure tension bolt at(or what ever means the system uses to change spring reaction/travel). What I don't see is if the CFM would change based on what PSI the regulator is at. Also another thing I don't understand is how the X diameter line falls into play. I would think the larger the line, the higher the flow. Pressure would be the same but the tank would empty faster. How can I understand this fine line and learn how to balance those numbers.

Hypothetically let's say I know how much CFM I would like to generate, and I know at what PSI I want the CFM to be at. So in the end how would I control both those variables.

Hopefully me spelling it all out will avoid missunderstandings and replies that wouldn't hit the nail on the head and end up not giving me the exact answers or where to look for them.

Thanks for all those who read this short "story" and also to those who may reply!
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  • #2
Regulators operate on a balance of forces combined with a particular flow geometry. Whether that includes a spring or a compressed air volume doesn't matter.

Here's a pretty good paper describing the theory:
  • #3
Excellent, thanks! That covered most of what I needed to know about the pressure regulators. I didn't end up seeing anything about how that changes how much air is flowed. It limits the pressure of the air comming out, so wouldn't that also mean the amount of air flowed would be substaintially less? Or because its compressed air, if its let out at 8psi, it will expand to a volume based on the compression level of 8psi?

Does anybody have any info on ways of compairing how CFM and PSI react with varrying sizes/diameter of piping or lines? For example, If I had a 1/2 inch diameter line, how much CFM could I flow through it. Also, how does the pressure its compressed at factor into this.
  • #4
The amount that you can flow through a given pipe/opening will be totally dependent on the delta P across the thing you're flowing through. In the case of a regulator, you have to look at the specific model's engineering data to see the flow characteristics. There is no one set way that handles all different models.

This does not hold true for pipe flows though. If you do a search on this topic, there are a number of posts by Q_Goest in which he has posted a PDF of some very well known flow calculations.

FAQ: Anybody with understanding of how Air pressure regulators function?

1. How do air pressure regulators work?

Air pressure regulators work by controlling the flow of air from a high-pressure source to a lower pressure destination. They typically consist of a valve, a diaphragm, and a spring. As the pressure on the high-pressure side increases, the diaphragm is pushed against the spring, closing the valve and reducing the flow of air. When the pressure decreases, the spring pushes the diaphragm back, opening the valve and allowing more air to flow through.

2. What is the purpose of an air pressure regulator?

The main purpose of an air pressure regulator is to regulate and maintain a consistent pressure within a pneumatic system. This is important for ensuring the proper functioning of tools and equipment that rely on compressed air, as well as for safety reasons.

3. How do I choose the right air pressure regulator for my application?

There are several factors to consider when choosing an air pressure regulator, including the required pressure range, flow rate, and compatibility with the type of gas or air being used. It is important to consult the manufacturer's specifications and guidelines for the specific application to ensure the correct regulator is selected.

4. Can air pressure regulators be used for other gases besides air?

Yes, air pressure regulators can be used for a variety of gases, including oxygen, nitrogen, and carbon dioxide. However, it is important to make sure that the regulator is compatible with the specific gas being used, as different gases may require different materials or components for safe and accurate regulation.

5. How do I maintain and troubleshoot an air pressure regulator?

Regular maintenance, such as cleaning and lubricating the valve and diaphragm, is important for ensuring the proper functioning of an air pressure regulator. If an issue arises, it is important to check for any obstructions or damage to the components and make any necessary adjustments or replacements. It may also be helpful to consult the manufacturer's troubleshooting guide or seek professional assistance.
