Anyone got these papers, or a good source?

In summary, the person is an A level student who has rarely written essays before, but now has to write two. They are struggling to find affordable access to scientific papers for research. Someone suggests using JSTOR, but the student has already tried that and found the papers to be expensive. They will continue to look for free or cheap resources.
  • #1
I'm an A level student, and one that doesn't usually write much in school other than the odd word between squiggles and numbers. (I'm studying maths, further maths, physics and electronics.)

But now I find myself in the position of writing two different essays, which should be good, as it's an opportunity to actually write something longer which could otherwise become a forgotten skill...

So my problem, I've been searching around for material to read - I should say at this point that one essay is on the history of electricity and electromagnetism, the other on British Engineering.

I've never really had the call to read any scientific papers before - I do have (and have read and understood what I could at the time) Maxwell's On Physical Lines of Force, and Newton's Principia.

But clearly those are famous, widely-celebrated works - and were not difficult for me to come across and access. I bought OPLF very cheaply from Amazon (about £1), and Principia is available for free as a .pdf.

Now, I have found and read extracts of some papers that I'd like to read for background and sources for these essays - but some of them I just can't seem to get hold of.

One in particular, 'The Diaspora of British Engineering' by Buchanan, has been especially annoying. I can only find it on one site - which wants $24 for a .pdf of the 20page article.

As a student just trying to write an essay, I both can't afford that, nor think it should have to be that way!

Is there something I'm missing? How does one both find out about, and get hold of a copy, good papers?

Or does everyone worth their salt live/work near a massive copyright library, or at least one that stocks scientific papers and journals?

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  • #2
Have you tried JSTOR? It has a massive database of papers you can access. Also since you are a student, your library should be subscribed to all kinds of journals.
  • #3
DeadOriginal said:
Have you tried JSTOR? It has a massive database of papers you can access. Also since you are a student, your library should be subscribed to all kinds of journals.

That was the one place I found The Diaspora of British Engineering that I mentioned charged $24. Forgot to specify.

Seems like a solid enough idea, I just can't afford it!

And no, as I said I'm a sixth form student, the library is fairly small in the grand scheme of things, probably more than 50% fiction, and of what's left obviously only a fraction is scientific, and even less would be relevant. They also don't hold any subscriptions, just books.
  • #4

I have never been in that sort of predicament before. All of the papers I find on JSTOR are usually free. Maybe someone else can give you some advice.
  • #5
DeadOriginal said:

I have never been in that sort of predicament before. All of the papers I find on JSTOR are usually free. Maybe someone else can give you some advice.

Ah that is helpful though, thanks.

I sort of disregarded looking for anything else on JSTOR assuming everything would be similarly priced.

I will see what else I can find that looks useful for free/cheap.


FAQ: Anyone got these papers, or a good source?

1. Where can I find these papers?

The best place to start looking for these papers is in academic databases such as JSTOR, Google Scholar, or your university's library database. You can also try reaching out to the author directly or asking your colleagues if they have access to the papers.

2. Are there any free sources for these papers?

Some academic databases offer a limited number of free articles, but most require a subscription or payment to access full papers. However, you can try searching for preprint versions on platforms like arXiv or checking if the author has made their work available on their personal website.

3. Can I get these papers through interlibrary loan?

Interlibrary loan is a great option for accessing papers that your university does not have access to. However, it may take some time for the papers to be delivered, so it is best to request them as early as possible.

4. How can I be sure that the papers are reliable?

When looking for sources, it is important to critically evaluate the reliability and credibility of the papers. You can check the reputation and impact factor of the journal or conference where the paper was published, the credentials of the authors, and if the research has been peer-reviewed.

5. What should I do if I can't find the papers I need?

If you are unable to find the specific papers you need, try broadening your search terms or reaching out to experts in the field for recommendations. You can also consider contacting the authors directly to request a copy of the paper or ask if they have any upcoming publications related to your topic.

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