Anyone seen any neat physics paper for a casual talk?

In summary, the conversation is about finding a physics journal article for a casual talk or mini colloquium. The speaker has been looking for articles published in Nature or Physical Review Letters but most of them are too complex for the intended audience. They are specifically interested in a paper that explains concepts using basic knowledge of quantum mechanics. The talk is around 30 minutes long and the audience has undergraduate degrees with basic understanding of quantum mechanics. The speaker is open to suggestions for articles that are cool and easy to understand.
  • #1

Would anyone happen to know of any neat physics (more preferably quantum related within the last year or so) journal articles which would be good to do a casual talk / mini colloquium?

I've been trying to find something published in nature of physical review letters but some of the more interesting things I have found (in PRL) are far too involved for this kind of talk.

Has anyone seen any neat, kind of straight forward papers?

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  • #2
How much time do you have, and what is the audience and purpose of the talk?
Most papers use quantum physics in some way.
  • #3
Couldn't any subject essentially be discussed in a casual manner? I know some things require more critical thinking in terms of presentation than others; but it's my belief that if you understand a subject thoroughly enough, and are passionate about it, you can contrive ways to make it relatable and interesting to others. Easier said than done, of course.
  • #4
Hey guys,

Kimosabae, sorry but I don't think what you have said is very true at all, if you want to get the message across sometimes you can't just keep it to the basics.

mfb, the talk is around 30 minutes, the audience will generally be people with undergraduate degrees with very basic understanding of quantum mechanics. I've been trying to find neat papers which explain concepts using the basics, I actually think I might have found a good nature experimental article which essentially requires only the background knowledge of bra-ket notation and unitary transformations, the rest is pretty much conceptual.

But yea if you have seen anything cool please let me know
  • #5

Hello there,

As a fellow scientist, I understand the desire to find interesting and accessible physics papers for casual talks or mini colloquiums. I would recommend checking out the American Physical Society's Physics journal, which covers a wide range of topics including quantum physics. Additionally, the New Journal of Physics also publishes cutting-edge research in the field of physics, including quantum-related studies. Both of these journals have a mix of more complex and straightforward papers, so I suggest browsing through their recent publications to find something that fits your needs. Good luck with your talk!

FAQ: Anyone seen any neat physics paper for a casual talk?

1. What are some interesting physics papers that are easy to understand for a casual conversation?

Some interesting physics papers that are easy to understand for a casual conversation include "The Theory of Relativity" by Albert Einstein, "The Big Bang Theory" by Georges Lemaître, and "Quantum Mechanics: The Uncertainty Principle" by Werner Heisenberg.

2. Can you recommend any physics papers that are not too technical?

Yes, some physics papers that are not too technical include "The Law of Gravity" by Isaac Newton, "The Double-Slit Experiment" by Thomas Young, and "Black Holes: The Event Horizon" by Stephen Hawking.

3. Are there any physics papers that have recently gained attention in the scientific community?

Yes, some recent physics papers that have gained attention in the scientific community include "Gravitational Waves: A New Era of Astronomy" by the LIGO Scientific Collaboration, "The Higgs Boson: The Missing Piece of the Standard Model" by the ATLAS and CMS Collaborations, and "Dark Matter: Unraveling the Mysteries of the Universe" by the Dark Energy Survey Collaboration.

4. Can you recommend any physics papers that have practical applications?

Sure, some physics papers that have practical applications include "The Laws of Thermodynamics" by Rudolf Clausius, "Electricity and Magnetism: The Basis of Modern Technology" by James Clerk Maxwell, and "The Theory of Relativity and GPS" by Albert Einstein and Richard Feynman.

5. Are there any physics papers that have revolutionized our understanding of the world?

Absolutely, some physics papers that have revolutionized our understanding of the world include "The Principia" by Isaac Newton, "On the Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies" by Albert Einstein, and "The Standard Model of Particle Physics" by the Standard Model Group.

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