AP Physics: Solving for Acceleration in a Cart Experiment

In summary: I think I've got this. In summary, students were able to find the acceleration of a cart using kinematics, dynamics, and energy. They also needed to use moment of inertia to calculate the torque and angular acceleration of the cart.
  • #1
I've gone ahead and uploaded the paper I had filled out during class.

For this experiment, students must be able to find the acceleration of a cart using kinematics, dynamics, and energy. A cart with a mass on it (mc=2.48kg) is connected to a mass-less string which is connected to a pulley (mp=0.004kg). A hanging mass (0.02kg) is also connected to the pulley. I tried the kinematics route of solving for the acceleration and I got a=(2Δx)/t2. Also, since our tables weren't high enough, we couldn't use the time for the entire cart to get to the pulley. Instead, we stopped the cart at 0.64m (which would be x) from the starting point. The time we got was 2.73s to get to 0.64m from the starting point. So using the equation I previously stated, I got 0.17m/s^2 to be my acceleration. Can someone check if my work is correct or if my equation is used correctly?

Aside from kinematics, we had to use dynamics and energy. We also did dynamics in class today. I made three free body diagrams (in the paper from class), with the cart having FG down, FN up, and FT to the right. The hanging mass has FG down and FT up. Also, my teacher said that there must be a free body diagram for the pulley because it is rotating and taking acceleration. So the free body diagram for the pulley was FT down, FG down and FN up from the center (not in the image uploaded), and with a torque going clockwise with an acceleration of α. So far, what I have tried doing is finding the FT. I got Ft= M(cart)g - ma and Ft=m(hanging mass)a. So then I made both FTs equal to each other and got Mg - Ma = ma. Obviously I've got no clue as to what I'm doing at this point considering I ended up solving for acceleration instead of FT. I still have no idea where the pulley plays into all of this. Can someone lead me in the right direction?

I also needed some help with finding acceleration using energy, and even though I haven't tried it yet, I don't know where to start ...


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  • #2
Welcome to the PF.

Can you try scanning your page or somehow posting a cleared-up vertical image? It's pretty much unreadable for me.

As to the pulley, have you covered Moment of Inertia (MOI) yet in class? You will need that to help you with your torque & angular acceleration part of this problem.
  • #3
Unfortunately all I could do is make it vertical. The actual paper is not with me so I can't scan it for a sharper image. Sorry.

As for moment of inertia, yes. We have gone over that earlier in the year (I want to say mid to late December?). We are now reviewing for the AP Physics 1 exam which will be in the first week of March. The pulley is a solid disk, so I=1/2MR^2. However, how would I tie that in with the other two (the cart and the hanging mass)? I recall some sort of equation that went like A(total)=√ac2 + at2, with ac being centripetal acceleration and at being transitional. Would this be something I would use?

Thanks a lot, berke.

FAQ: AP Physics: Solving for Acceleration in a Cart Experiment

1. What is the purpose of the "AP Physics: Cart Experiment"?

The purpose of the "AP Physics: Cart Experiment" is to demonstrate the principles of motion and force, specifically in relation to objects on a horizontal surface.

2. What materials are needed for the "AP Physics: Cart Experiment"?

The materials needed for the "AP Physics: Cart Experiment" may include a cart, a track, a motion sensor, a force sensor, and various weights or objects to place on the cart.

3. How is data collected and analyzed in the "AP Physics: Cart Experiment"?

Data is collected using sensors and software, which record the position, velocity, and acceleration of the cart. This data can then be graphed and analyzed to understand the relationship between force and motion.

4. What are the key concepts and equations used in the "AP Physics: Cart Experiment"?

The key concepts and equations used in the "AP Physics: Cart Experiment" include Newton's laws of motion, friction, and the relationship between force, mass, and acceleration (F=ma).

5. How does the "AP Physics: Cart Experiment" relate to real-world applications?

The "AP Physics: Cart Experiment" relates to real-world applications by demonstrating the fundamental principles of motion and force, which are essential in understanding and predicting the behavior of objects in our daily lives. This experiment can also be applied to engineering and designing systems that involve motion and force, such as vehicles or machines.
