AP Statistics and AP Computer Science

In summary, a student in grade 9 is considering self-studying for the AP statistics and computer science exams in May, with the help of a teacher and workbooks. They already have previous Java programming experience and are considering taking a MOOC course. They ask if this is doable and express their desire to finish APs early. Other students offer advice and share their experiences with AP statistics and self-studying. The consensus is that self-studying for AP statistics and computer science is doable, but requires effort and a strong understanding of math concepts. Some suggest checking with the school for AP statistics course options, and others recommend taking classes at a community college for college credit. In summary, the conversation revolves around the feasibility
  • #1
I'm currently in grade 9 and I want to do the AP statistics and computer science exams in May. I go to semi-private computer classes on the weekends and the teacher there says he is going to prepare me for the AP computer science exam. Along with that I have a Barron's ap computer science workbook and a Barron's ap statistics workbook. I do have previous Java programming experience. I'm thinking of self studying for the AP statistics and maybe doing a free MOOC course on Coursera or edX. So my questions is: Is this doable? Of course I am way ahead of my school's curriculum, but with a bit of effort I think the odds shouldn't be too stacked against me.

Any response is appreciated! Thanks.
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  • #2
I suppose the real question is: if you're going to work through a MOOC and spend all that time to prepare for an exam so you can test through it, why not just take the course?
  • #3
My school doesn't offer AP courses until grade 12. I want to do some APs early.
  • #4
kevinshen18 said:
I want to do some APs early.

Why? Are you afraid there won't be any statistics left to do by then?
  • #5
Vanadium 50 said:
Why? Are you afraid there won't be any statistics left to do by then?

Since he can only take AP classes in 12th grade there may be other AP classes that he may want to take but will not have room for them in his schedule.
  • #6
That's actually correct. I want to take some APs early and maybe in grade 12 or something I'll be doing AP Calculus or something like that. Plus, in grade 12, I don't want to die of stress by keeping up with AP, extracurricular and academics.
  • #7
Have you considered taking classes at a community college? One advantage is that you can earn college credit for them without having to bother with an AP exam.
  • #8
I'd rather prefer to self study and go at my own pace.
  • #9
To answer your question more directly, AP Statistics and Computer Science aren't that hard to self-study compared to other APs. This is not to say thes fields are easy, but the breadth of material in these AP classes isn't quite as abundant in something like, AP Chem or Enviro. Plus with Computer Science background, knowledge can really contribute. So, I think it is definitely doable if you can juggle the self studying with your other classes.
  • #10
kevinshen18 said:
I'm currently in grade 9 and I want to do the AP statistics and computer science exams in May. I go to semi-private computer classes on the weekends and the teacher there says he is going to prepare me for the AP computer science exam. Along with that I have a Barron's ap computer science workbook and a Barron's ap statistics workbook. I do have previous Java programming experience. I'm thinking of self studying for the AP statistics and maybe doing a free MOOC course on Coursera or edX. So my questions is: Is this doable? Of course I am way ahead of my school's curriculum, but with a bit of effort I think the odds shouldn't be too stacked against me.

Any response is appreciated! Thanks.

It appears as if you are the type of person that is a good individual learner, considering that you are way ahead of your school's curriculum and that you are planning to teach yourself statistics. I also happen to be a good individual learner, and I find that learning things on my own is often more effective for me than learning them in a classroom. I would advise that you to go for it. If you are a virtuous math student, then the AP Statistics exam shouldn't be a problem for you. This is because high school students usually choose between doing either statistics or calculus, and the students who choose to do calculus are usually the ones who are better at math. As the AP exams are graded on a curve, this should give you the statistical advantage.
  • #11
Yea, I agree in some situation it is often better to self study and solo it. I will have to check with my school to see if they offer AP Statistics. I know they have AP Calculus for sure, but I don't remember seeing AP Statistics on the list.
But, is AP Statistics hard. I know I can handle AP Computer Science due to my previous programming experience, but AP Statistics is where the bulk of my work will have to lie. Then again, I think it would be better to finish these exams early on in grade 9 than to wait till grade 12 and die of stress trying to study for the APs.
  • #12
kevinshen18 said:
Yea, I agree in some situation it is often better to self study and solo it. I will have to check with my school to see if they offer AP Statistics. I know they have AP Calculus for sure, but I don't remember seeing AP Statistics on the list.
But, is AP Statistics hard. I know I can handle AP Computer Science due to my previous programming experience, but AP Statistics is where the bulk of my work will have to lie. Then again, I think it would be better to finish these exams early on in grade 9 than to wait till grade 12 and die of stress trying to study for the APs.

I'm taking AP Statistics this year as a sophomore, alongside my Advanced Pre-Calc class. I find that so far, the class is actually quite easy. Most of the work in the class lies in designing experiments, so if you read all the instructions in the book on how to set up experiments, you should be fine. Just remember, you should describe exactly how you're setting up an experiment on tests. Do not simply say, "I would sample an SRS from this population." It is necessary to describe exactly how you would create the SRS.

There are also a few mathematical formulae in AP Statistics, but most of these are simple and easy to remember. For example, you will need to know the formula #S_x = \sqrt{\frac{\Sigma (x_i - \bar{x})}{n-1}}#. (In AP Statistics, you will always use #S_x#, not #\sigma x#.)

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  • #13
Choppy said:
I suppose the real question is: if you're going to work through a MOOC and spend all that time to prepare for an exam so you can test through it, why not just take the course?

Because, Choppy, this person may not have this course at their school or they may learn better on their own. Also, it could allow them to take a class they wouldn't be able to take if they simply took the course, as it would free up a space on their schedule.
  • #14
Are the formulas and stuffs hard to understand? I'm a grade 9, but I'm further ahead of the math curriculum here(I would cap my knowledge at Algebra 2).
  • #15
They weren't hard for me, but I taught myself calculus when I was 14, so I'm not a reliable source of what's easy or hard when it comes to math. However, most students at my school who were in Algebra 2 in grade 9 have no problem using them, so I think you should be fine.
  • #16
Okay, Thank you for the advice! I will try my best!
  • #17
lukasleibfried said:
LaTeX didn't work

Use two pound-signs before and after laTeX code, not one.

Related to AP Statistics and AP Computer Science

What is the difference between AP Statistics and AP Computer Science?

AP Statistics is a course that focuses on data analysis and interpretation, while AP Computer Science is a course that teaches students how to write and analyze computer programs. AP Statistics is more focused on math and probability, while AP Computer Science is more focused on coding and problem-solving using programming languages.

Is it necessary to have prior knowledge in statistics or computer science to take these courses?

No, prior knowledge in statistics or computer science is not required to take these courses. However, a strong foundation in math and problem-solving skills can be helpful for understanding and succeeding in these courses.

Are these courses beneficial for future careers?

Yes, both AP Statistics and AP Computer Science can be beneficial for future careers. AP Statistics can help students develop critical thinking and data analysis skills, which are useful in fields such as business, economics, and social sciences. AP Computer Science can provide students with valuable coding skills, which are in high demand in various industries, including technology, finance, and healthcare.

What is the format of the AP exams for these courses?

The AP Statistics exam consists of two sections: a multiple-choice section and a free-response section. The multiple-choice section includes 40 questions and the free-response section includes 6 questions. The AP Computer Science exam also consists of two sections: a multiple-choice section and a free-response section. The multiple-choice section includes 40 questions and the free-response section includes 4 questions.

How can I prepare for the AP exams for these courses?

To prepare for the AP exams, it is recommended to attend classes regularly, complete all assignments and practice problems, and review materials from previous lessons. Additionally, using review books, online resources, and taking practice exams can also be helpful in preparing for the exams.

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