Applcation of the inverse function theorem

In summary, the inverse function theorem states that if a function F:Rn -> Rn exists, then there exists an open neighbourhood U of x0 such that F(U) is open and f: U -> F(U) is a diffeomorphism. Additionally, if Df(x0) is invertible, then F(x0) is also invertible.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Let f [tex]\in[/tex] C1(Rn) be a function such that f(0) = 0 and [tex]\delta[/tex]1f(0) is nonzero. ([tex]\delta[/tex]1 means partial derivative with respect to x1)
Show that there exist neighbourhoods U and V of x=0[tex]\in[/tex] Rn and a diffeomorphism g:U->V such that f(g(x)) = x1 for all x = (x1,...,xn) [tex]\in[/tex] U.

Homework Equations

Inverse function theorem:
Let S[tex]\subseteq[/tex]Rn be open, f [tex]\in[/tex]C1(S,Rn) and x0[tex]\in[/tex]S. If Df(x0) is invertible then there exists an open neighbourhood U of x0 such that f(U) is open and f: U -> f(U) is a diffeomorphism. Also Df-1(f(x0)) = (D(f(x0))-1.

The Attempt at a Solution

I have a hint that says to apply the inverse function theorem to some function F:Rn -> Rn.
But, I really have no idea what this should be. I think it should involve f but I'm not sure how. Also I noticed g(x) = f-1(x1) if f-1 exists but then I'm not sure this makes sense as f is defined on Rn not R. So any help with finding this F would be great!
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  • #2
Hi Kate2010! :smile:

You're correct that you can't apply the theorem directly to [itex]f:\mathbb{R}^n\rightarrow \mathbb{R}[/itex]. But maybe you can extend f so that the codomain is good. I mean, your function F should be of the form


where ? are the functions you still need to find. Don't look too far, the ?-functions are very easy (but make sure that the condition DF(0) is invertible).

You should use [ itex] and [ /itex] to make LaTeX. The [ tex]-brackets automatically start a new line.
  • #3
Ok, thanks!
How about F(x1,...,xn) = (f(x1,...,xn), x2,..., xn)? Then DF(0) is a matrix that is upper triangular, with 1s on the diagonal except for the first diagonal which we know is non-zero, then the det is non-zero, so it is invertible. Also we know that F(0,...,0) = (0,...,0). So by the inverse function theorem F is a diffeomorphism.

But I'm still not sure about how this helps me with g? If we look at the first component, the inverse of F will map f(x1,...,xn) to x1, so I can kind of see that it is true, but I don't know how to write this properly.
  • #4
What if we just choose g=F-1, won't that work?
  • #5
But then doesn't that give g(f(x)) = x1 instead of f(g(x)) = x1?

FAQ: Applcation of the inverse function theorem

1. What is the inverse function theorem?

The inverse function theorem is a mathematical theorem that states that if a function is differentiable at a point, then the inverse of that function is also differentiable at that point.

2. How is the inverse function theorem used in real-world applications?

The inverse function theorem is used in many areas of science and engineering, including physics, economics, and computer science. It is especially useful in optimization problems, where finding the inverse of a function can help determine the optimal solution.

3. Can the inverse function theorem be applied to any function?

No, the inverse function theorem can only be applied to functions that are differentiable at a point. This means that the function must have a well-defined tangent line at that point.

4. What is the significance of the inverse function theorem?

The inverse function theorem is significant because it allows us to determine the behavior of a function and its inverse near a specific point. This can help us understand the overall behavior of the function and make predictions about its behavior in other areas.

5. Are there any limitations to the inverse function theorem?

Yes, the inverse function theorem has certain limitations. It only applies to functions that are differentiable at a point, and it does not guarantee that the inverse function will exist or be continuous. Additionally, it only provides information about the behavior of the function and its inverse near a specific point, not for the entire domain of the function.

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