Applicablilty of the Wheeler-DeWitt equation

In summary, the conversation revolves around Carlo Rovelli's book "Quantum Gravity" and the use of the Wheeler DeWitt equation in different contexts. The question is raised if this equation is applicable to other quantum field theories besides quantum gravity. The conversation also mentions Wikipedia and the work of Hartle and Hawking in relation to the Wheeler DeWitt equation.
  • #1

Throughout much of Carlo Rovelli's book "Quantum Gravity", he continually refers to the Wheeler DeWitt equation, but not always in the context of quantizing gravity. In his section on normal (quantum) field theory, he does a significant portion of the work around the Wheeler DeWitt equation with no reference to quantum gravity in the section. Is the Wheeler DeWitt equation applicable to other QFTs besides quantum gravity?

Let me be even more specific, it seems to me that Rovelli implies that every equation of motion for any field theory can be written
H\left( x^\alpha, \frac{\delta}{\delta x^\alpha}, \phi, \frac{\delta}{\delta \phi}\right)\Psi=0

Physics news on
  • #2
  • #3
Thanks for the link :)


FAQ: Applicablilty of the Wheeler-DeWitt equation

1. What is the Wheeler-DeWitt equation?

The Wheeler-DeWitt equation is a mathematical equation that describes the quantum state of the universe. It was proposed by physicists John Wheeler and Bryce DeWitt in the 1960s as a way to combine the principles of general relativity and quantum mechanics.

2. How is the Wheeler-DeWitt equation applied in physics?

The Wheeler-DeWitt equation is used in theoretical physics to study the nature of the universe at a quantum level. It is commonly applied in the study of quantum cosmology, quantum gravity, and the origins of the universe.

3. What is the significance of the Wheeler-DeWitt equation?

The Wheeler-DeWitt equation has significant implications for our understanding of the universe and the fundamental laws of physics. It suggests that the universe may have originated from a quantum state and that time may be a purely emergent concept.

4. Can the Wheeler-DeWitt equation be solved?

Currently, the Wheeler-DeWitt equation remains unsolved as it is a highly complex equation with no known analytical solutions. However, scientists have proposed various approximations and numerical methods to solve it and gain a better understanding of the universe.

5. How does the Wheeler-DeWitt equation relate to the theory of everything?

The Wheeler-DeWitt equation is often considered a key component in the search for a theory of everything. It is believed that by solving this equation, we can gain a deeper understanding of the fundamental laws of the universe and potentially unify the theories of general relativity and quantum mechanics.
