Application of Fick's First law (diffusion problem)

In summary, the conversation discusses the steady state concentration of molecules in a large pool, considering Fick's First law and the assumption that flux is equal to the rate at which molecules are added over the surface area of a sphere. The participants also question the intuitiveness of this assumption and consider the implications of particles piling up or diffusing out at different rates.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Molecules with diffusion coefficient of 1.0 x 10^-10 m^2s^-1 are released at a constant rate of 10^10 molecules/s in the middle of a large pool and dffuse away ( assume the 3-dimensional pool is of infinite size). What is the steady state concentration 1 cm away from the source? [Hint: Consider molecules diffusing out through a spherical surface of radius r, with a source at the centre of the sphere].

Homework Equations

Fick's First law: Flux = -Dgradient(n) with n being the concentration of the molecules

The Attempt at a Solution

I took flux to be equal to the rate at which molecules are being added/surface area of a sphere. Plug it into Fick's first law and then isolate dn/dr (since the source is a point phi and theta should be trivial) and integrate. I have no idea if the assumption that flux = rate/surface area is correct especially since the rate is particles added to the system. If this is not right how should I find the flux? Thank you in advance.
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  • #2
jokkon said:
I took flux to be equal to the rate at which molecules are being added/surface area of a sphere. Plug it into Fick's first law and then isolate dn/dr (since the source is a point phi and theta should be trivial) and integrate. I have no idea if the assumption that flux = rate/surface area is correct especially since the rate is particles added to the system.

It is correct. If n molecules/second are released at the center of the sphere, n molecules/second
must go out through the surface of the sphere after the steady state condition is reached.
you can convert the amount of molecules entereing, the concentration and the flux to mol/second
mol/m^3 and mol/m^2 s, instead of particles/second if you want.
  • #3
thank you for your reply! I am happy that I got it right :D
I can see that all molecules going into the center has to go out of the sphere at some point in time, but the fact that they diffuse out of the sphere at the same rate as the particles entering the system doesn't seem very intuitive to me. Is there any way to show that must be the case?
  • #4
jokkon said:
thank you for your reply! I am happy that I got it right :D
I can see that all molecules going into the center has to go out of the sphere at some point in time, but the fact that they diffuse out of the sphere at the same rate as the particles entering the system doesn't seem very intuitive to me. Is there any way to show that must be the case?

well in the steady state, it seems obvious that they must become the same in the long term, because otherwise the particles would pile up inside the sphere to infinite density, or there would be more coming out then going in.

FAQ: Application of Fick's First law (diffusion problem)

What is Fick's First Law?

Fick's First Law is a mathematical equation that describes the diffusion of particles in a solution or gas. It states that the flux (rate of diffusion) is directly proportional to the concentration gradient and the diffusion coefficient.

How is Fick's First Law applied in science?

Fick's First Law is used to calculate the flux of particles in various systems, such as drug delivery, chemical reactions, and heat transfer. It is also used in environmental and biological studies to understand the movement of substances through membranes and tissues.

What are the variables in Fick's First Law?

The variables in Fick's First Law include the flux, concentration gradient, and diffusion coefficient. The flux is the rate of diffusion, the concentration gradient is the change in concentration over a distance, and the diffusion coefficient is a measure of how easily particles can diffuse through a substance.

What are the limitations of Fick's First Law?

Fick's First Law assumes that the system is in steady-state, meaning that the concentration gradient and diffusion coefficient do not change over time. It also assumes that the particles are moving in a straight line and that there are no external forces acting on them. In reality, these assumptions may not hold true in all situations.

How can Fick's First Law be modified for non-steady-state systems?

In non-steady-state systems, Fick's First Law can be modified by including a time-dependent term to account for changes in the concentration gradient and diffusion coefficient over time. Additionally, other factors such as external forces and barriers to diffusion can be incorporated into the equation for a more accurate description of the system.

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