Application of WKB method to a magnetization problem

In summary, the conversation discusses the application of the WKB method to a multi-dimensional problem involving the conversion from classical to quantum Hamiltonian. The WKB approximation is used, and the method of separation of variables is applied to solve the resulting coupled equations. The conversation also addresses possible mistakes and offers guidance on solving the problem.
  • #1
It is not from my howework(due I'm not in the undergrad now), but it seems to be a very easy question I have to know answer to, but I fail to do so.

Homework Statement

I have to go from classical to quantum Hamiltonian via WKB method (and both to solve Schroedinger equation)
It looks like E=-K1Mz2+K2Mx2-(H,M). H =(Hx,Hy,Hz) - external magnetic field, constant in time, M2=const. Here M is the magnetization vector.

Homework Equations

I've got the system of equations of motion for classical case



The Attempt at a Solution

Then I need to use WKB method, and I have 2 variables. When I write down the Schroedinger equation I either need to separate variables (and then solve using WKB like hydrogen atom) or to use multiple-variables WKB method if they cannot be separated.

Both in xyz and spherical (if I didn't do any mistake) I cannot separate variables in Schroedinger equation.
Any ideas how to apply WKB here (or ideas of I did mistakes)?

So, the question is
- to help me check whether in any coordinate system variables can be separated, if yes - in which one?
- if they cannot - how to apply 2-variable WKB method here?
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  • #2

Thank you for reaching out for help with this problem. It is a common misconception that the WKB method can only be applied to one-dimensional problems. In fact, it can be extended to multi-dimensional problems as well, such as the one you have described here.

In order to apply the WKB method to this problem, you will need to use the WKB approximation for a multi-dimensional system. This approximation involves expanding the wave function in a series of powers of ℏ, and taking into account the derivatives with respect to each variable. This will result in a set of coupled equations, similar to the ones you have already derived for the classical case.

To solve these equations, you will need to use the method of separation of variables. In this case, you will need to find a set of coordinates in which the Hamiltonian can be written as a sum of squares of operators. This will allow you to separate the equations into a set of one-dimensional equations, which can then be solved using the WKB method for one-dimensional systems.

I hope this helps you to successfully solve the problem. Good luck!

FAQ: Application of WKB method to a magnetization problem

What is the WKB method and how is it applied to a magnetization problem?

The WKB (Wentzel-Kramers-Brillouin) method is a mathematical technique used to approximate solutions to differential equations with rapidly varying coefficients. It can be applied to a magnetization problem by considering the magnetization as a function of position and solving for its behavior in a magnetic field.

What are the advantages of using the WKB method for solving magnetization problems?

The WKB method is advantageous because it allows for an approximate solution to be obtained quickly and easily, without the need for complex calculations. It also provides a good approximation for systems with large spatial variations in the magnetization.

What are the limitations of the WKB method when applied to magnetization problems?

The WKB method is not suitable for highly oscillatory systems or systems with strong magnetic fields. It also assumes that the magnetization is slowly varying in space, which may not hold true for all systems.

How does the WKB method compare to other methods for solving magnetization problems?

Compared to other methods, the WKB method is relatively simple and straightforward to implement. It is also more accurate than other approximation techniques, such as the perturbation method, when applied to systems with strong spatial variations in the magnetization.

Can the WKB method be applied to other physical systems besides magnetization?

Yes, the WKB method can be applied to a variety of physical systems, including quantum mechanics, optics, and fluid dynamics. It is a versatile technique that can be adapted to solve various types of differential equations with rapidly varying coefficients.
