Application (specific) of polar and non polar capacitor

In summary, there are two types of capacitors - polar and non-polar. Polarized capacitors, also known as electrolytics, require the voltage across them to always be positive and are often used for filtering in DC power supplies. Non-polarized capacitors come in many types and do not have the same requirement for positive voltage. They are commonly used in power applications, with film capacitors being more expensive but having lower series resistance and longer life. Polarized capacitors are cheaper and smaller for higher values, but cannot match the frequency performance of non-polarized capacitors. The decision to use a polarized or non-polarized capacitor depends on the specific application and desired frequency performance.
  • #1
Dear all,
As we know, there are two kind of capacitor polar and non polar. From that, I still did not know yet about specific application of them.
Can give me something a clear of explanation of that?

thank you
Engineering news on
  • #2
Typically "polar" or polarized caps, are electrolytics - they requuire the voltage across them to always be positive ( in relation to their polarization) - often used when Large capacitance are needed and are typically lower cost (per farad) than other non-polarized types. Think a filter for a DC power supply - the Voltage across the Cap is always the same polarity - however it does see ripple - or AC current.

Non polarized there are many types from signal to power applications - but technically they do not have the same requirement that the applied voltage always be Positive.
I know the Power caps off the top of my head as comparison:

These two caps are about the same physical size and we use both as a DC Bus Capacitor in Power Electronics
Electrolytic 3900uf / 500VDC : Lower cost, more bulk energy storage, lower voltage ( we often use in series to get higher bus V - which halves the capacitance), shorter life.

Film Cap 420uf / 1100V (AC or DC) :Higher cost, lower energy BUT typically LOWER Series Resistance and therefore a higher Ripple Current allowed, longer life etc.

Most of our customer spec the Film Cap.
  • #3
You can get higher value polarized cap cheaper and smaller. But polarized cap cannot match the frequency performance of the non polarized cap. Mainly you use polarized cap with high value of above 4.7uF. For lower value below 1uF, there is no reason to use a polarized cap.

Application wise, it is too broad to say. Usually, people tends to use polarized cap for power supply filtering as you can get high value in smaller size and cheaper. But this is such a general statement as people use polarized cap for DC blocking in signal path also.
  • #4
Hmm, may I think it is dependent of frequency to use
  • #5

Hello Reza_diharja,

I am happy to provide you with a clear explanation of the specific applications of polar and non-polar capacitors.

Polar capacitors, also known as electrolytic capacitors, are designed to handle large capacitance values and are used in applications that require high capacitance, such as power supply filtering and audio amplification. These capacitors have a polarity, meaning they need to be connected in the correct orientation in a circuit in order to function properly. They are typically made of aluminum and have a higher capacitance-to-volume ratio compared to non-polar capacitors.

On the other hand, non-polar capacitors, also known as ceramic or film capacitors, are used in applications that require smaller capacitance values, such as signal coupling and filtering. These capacitors do not have a polarity and can be connected in any direction in a circuit. They are made of materials like ceramic, plastic, or paper and have a lower capacitance-to-volume ratio compared to polar capacitors.

In summary, polar capacitors are used for high capacitance applications, while non-polar capacitors are used for smaller capacitance applications. It is important to choose the appropriate type of capacitor for your specific application in order to ensure proper functioning of your circuit. I hope this explanation helps clarify the differences and applications of polar and non-polar capacitors.

FAQ: Application (specific) of polar and non polar capacitor

1. What is the difference between polar and non polar capacitors?

Polar capacitors have a positive and negative terminal, while non polar capacitors do not have a designated positive or negative side. This means that polar capacitors can only be connected in a specific direction, while non polar capacitors can be connected in either direction.

2. What are some common applications of polar capacitors?

Polar capacitors are commonly used in applications where the direction of the electric current needs to be controlled, such as in audio equipment and power supplies. They are also used in timing circuits and as filters in electronic circuits.

3. How are polar capacitors made?

Polar capacitors are typically made from a dielectric material, such as ceramic or plastic, with a thin metal film coating on each side. The metal films act as the conductors, while the dielectric material serves as the insulator. The two films are then rolled together to form a cylinder, with the dielectric material separating them.

4. What are some applications of non polar capacitors?

Non polar capacitors are often used in applications where the direction of the electric current is not important, such as in lighting circuits and motor start capacitors. They are also used in high frequency circuits, as they have a lower parasitic inductance compared to polar capacitors.

5. Can polar and non polar capacitors be used interchangeably?

No, polar and non polar capacitors have different properties and are designed for different applications. Attempting to use them interchangeably can result in damage to the circuit or malfunctioning equipment. It is important to use the appropriate type of capacitor for each specific application.
