Applied Physics vs. Computer Engineering

In summary, the speaker is at a crossroads between studying Physics or Engineering. They have ambitious goals of owning a consumer electronics company and being involved in space-based programs. They believe that both Computer Engineering and Physics are important for their goals, but they are unsure which one to choose. They are considering dual majoring or focusing on a specific specialization in Computer Engineering. They are also concerned about the level of specialization in Computer Engineering and whether it offers enough foundations in math and physics. The other person in the conversation suggests that any field will be specialized and that the speaker should explore and figure out what they enjoy, rather than choosing based on what they think would be cool.
  • #1
Ian Smyth
Hey all,

I'm at a bit of a major crossroads between studying Physics or Engineering. There are two major milestones in my life that I want to achieve, or die trying: a) Own and operate a consumer electronics company (definitely computers) and b) If astronaut and space based programs begin kicking into high gear at some point, apply to those and be apart of them. These are two ambitious goals, and I have every intention of achieving at least one of them.

Computer Engineering of course satisfies the first goal, and is literally full to the brim with every course being 100% useful. I need that underlying knowledge of how silicon based computer systems work, and how information science can be applied to any type of computing system. However, I feel that this doesn't adequately prepare me for the second aim. In that realm, I would really want to know the underlying foundations and first principles of any physical phenomena that I could apply to the job. Elon Musk has spoken frequently about this, and I really do agree with him. Physics is the study of the first principles behind physical phenomena, and physical phenomena comprise both goals.

Also, I want to get an undergraduate education not just based on the world now, but on where we're headed. I want to be able to understand, in great detail, the science behind quantum computing. Both Computer Engineering and Physics contribute to it in both ways so importantly, and I really do want to know both.

I know that I want to do graduate school, but in that realm I'm still not sure which is the best option. Applied Physics stuck out to me for awhile, and the Electronics laboratory and Undergraduate research I get to do in fourth year definitely satisfies both requirements, but I feel that still isn't comprehensive enough.

I've also looked into Engineering Physics, and while it does sound good on paper it sounds like it may be a tad less respected than an Engineering degree in one discipline or a Physics degree which covers the foundation for all disciplines. It looks like basically an Applied Physics undergraduate degree (some of them aren't even BEng degrees) but please correct me if I'm wrong there.

Am I asking for too much here, and should just pick one? Or, should I just go in for the long haul and dual major in them. It may take 5-7 years (I'd probably graduate in 2021) but by that time I'm sure I'd know which one I liked more for graduate school, and I'd have the added benefit of a truly comprehensive Science and Engineering background.

I'm trying to pick based on what's in demand now, where the wind of innovation is blowing, and how to leverage my undergraduate degree as best as I can based on my interests.

Any advice?
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  • #2
You say you want to be involved in space programs. I'm willing to bet places like NASA and SpaceX hire far more engineers than physicists. Combine that with the fact that a graduate degree (in any STEM field) is essential for anyone aspiring to be an astronaut, and it seems like computer engineering would be the better choice.

Now, certain specializations would give you different opportunities. For instance, if you focused on embedded systems work in computer engineering, you'd probably have a better chance of finding work with NASA than if you focused on semiconductor devices.
  • #3
axmls said:
You say you want to be involved in space programs. I'm willing to bet places like NASA and SpaceX hire far more engineers than physicists. Combine that with the fact that a graduate degree (in any STEM field) is essential for anyone aspiring to be an astronaut, and it seems like computer engineering would be the better choice.

Now, certain specializations would give you different opportunities. For instance, if you focused on embedded systems work in computer engineering, you'd probably have a better chance of finding work with NASA than if you focused on semiconductor devices.

Thanks for the reply. I did some research on the different streams of CE, and you're totally right about embedded systems. These decisions are really frustrating - I feel like whatever I choose I have to leave something behind. Do you think that CE offers enough foundations in math and physics, or is it even too specialized? I mean, any engineering is specialized, but at least EE/CE seems to offer a really great balance between math, physics, chemistry, programming, and current technologies. Plus the ability to go into an AI stream is a nice bonus, with self-driving cars finally becoming more mainstream.
  • #4
Any field you go into will be specialized in a way that you won't get to experience other fields. If it wasn't that specialized, it wouldn't be a separate field. With computer engineering, you'd probably have to take 3 semesters of calculus, differential equations, Newtonian mechanics, electricity and magnetism, a couple courses in circuit analysis, digital circuit design, maybe semiconductor devices, maybe control systems, etc.

In terms of modern physics, the most you'd see is maybe some basic quantum mechanics in a semiconductor device course, if you'd even take one. But computer engineers don't need quantum mechanics. Heck, NASA engineers don't need modern physics. We can land on the moon with Newtonian physics.

It seems to me like you would prefer computer engineering, but that you like the idea of doing physics. That's okay--just explore the fields some more and figure out what you like doing, not what you think would be cool to do without experiencing what it's like. I may be biased on this as an electrical engineering major, though.

Related to Applied Physics vs. Computer Engineering

What is the difference between Applied Physics and Computer Engineering?

Applied Physics is a branch of physics that focuses on using scientific principles to solve real-world problems, while Computer Engineering is a field of study that combines elements of both computer science and electrical engineering.

Which field has better job prospects, Applied Physics or Computer Engineering?

Both Applied Physics and Computer Engineering have good job prospects, as they are both highly sought after fields in industries such as technology, research, and manufacturing. However, the demand for computer engineers may be slightly higher due to the growing reliance on technology in various industries.

What skills are needed to succeed in Applied Physics and Computer Engineering?

In Applied Physics, strong mathematical and analytical skills are crucial, as well as a deep understanding of scientific principles and the ability to apply them to real-world problems. In Computer Engineering, knowledge of computer hardware and software, programming languages, and problem-solving skills are essential.

Is it possible to combine Applied Physics and Computer Engineering in a career?

Yes, it is possible to combine these two fields in a career. Many companies and research institutions often seek individuals who have a strong background in both Applied Physics and Computer Engineering, as they can bring a unique perspective and skillset to their work.

Which field offers more opportunities for research and innovation?

Both Applied Physics and Computer Engineering offer numerous opportunities for research and innovation. However, Applied Physics may provide more opportunities for fundamental research, while Computer Engineering may offer more opportunities for applied research and product development.

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