Applying for Math PhD: Tips & Advice

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In summary, the individual is applying for math PhD programs and has a strong background in analysis and undergraduate math courses. They have been teaching mathematics during their time off from school and have completed a master's degree. Their GRE scores are impressive and they plan to take the subject test. They are hoping to attend UCLA but are unsure if their letters of recommendation will be strong enough.
  • #1
Hi all,

I'm applying to math phd programs this fall. I'm not sure what I will want to research yet, but I liked analysis best in ug. I've been off school for abt 2 yrs this december. In the meantime I have been teaching mathematics.

I have all a's in my ug math courses, except for 1 b+ in an easier class. I've taken almost every ug math class. I also completed a masters with my B.S., but I had some issues and my last semester was all b+'s and a-'s. The school is not well known, and I'm guessing my lors will be average. I also completed a physics major, with a 3.5 major gpa.

My GRE is 720 V 800 Q, and I'm waiting to take the gre subject in Nov. I'm hoping to break 80%, maybe 90%.

I would love to go to UCLA, but I don't know if that is within my range, given that I don't think my lors will be spectacular, and I've heard that is the most important part of the app.

Btw, I'm an American White Male
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  • #2

Hi there!

As a fellow mathematician, I would recommend focusing on your strengths in analysis and your strong grades in undergraduate math courses. It's great that you have been teaching mathematics during your time off from school, as this shows your dedication and passion for the subject.

Your GRE scores are very impressive, and I would suggest also trying to score high on the subject test to strengthen your application. In terms of letters of recommendation, try to choose professors who know you well and can speak to your mathematical abilities and potential for research. The fact that you completed a master's degree shows that you are capable of handling graduate-level coursework, so don't worry too much about the grades in your last semester.

In terms of your target school, UCLA, it's always worth applying to schools that you are interested in, even if they may seem like a reach. Your strong academic background and GRE scores make you a competitive candidate, and you never know what the admissions committee is looking for in their applicants. Best of luck with your applications!

FAQ: Applying for Math PhD: Tips & Advice

1. What is the typical application process for a Math PhD program?

The application process for a Math PhD program typically involves submitting an online application, transcripts, letters of recommendation, a personal statement, and test scores (such as the GRE). Some programs may also require a writing sample or additional materials. It is important to carefully review the requirements of each program you are applying to.

2. How important are grades and test scores in the application process?

Grades and test scores are important factors in the application process for a Math PhD program. However, they are not the only factors that are considered. Admissions committees also look at research experience, letters of recommendation, and the personal statement. It is important to have a strong overall application, not just strong grades and test scores.

3. What can I do to strengthen my application for a Math PhD program?

There are several things you can do to strengthen your application for a Math PhD program. These include getting research experience, taking advanced math courses, getting strong letters of recommendation, and writing a compelling personal statement. It is also important to highlight any relevant skills or experiences you have, such as programming or teaching experience.

4. Is it necessary to have a specific research topic in mind when applying for a Math PhD program?

No, it is not necessary to have a specific research topic in mind when applying for a Math PhD program. However, it is helpful to have a general area of interest and to mention this in your application. Admissions committees want to see that you have a strong interest in math and are motivated to pursue research in the field.

5. How can I stand out in the application process for a Math PhD program?

To stand out in the application process for a Math PhD program, it is important to have a strong academic record, relevant research experience, and strong letters of recommendation. It can also be helpful to have a unique perspective or experience that sets you apart from other applicants. Additionally, taking the time to tailor your application to each program and highlighting your passion for math and research can make you stand out to admissions committees.

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