Applying Moore's Law to Predict Computational Simulation Times

In summary: If you wanted doubling every six months (half a year), it would be ##2^{2n}##. How could you change it so that the doubling occurs every two years?
  • #1
Thread originally posted in a non-homework section, so missing the homework template
[Mentor note: Thread title changed to reflect problem content]

I have a problem that I would like to solve with Python, but I don't know the equation for this, here it is:

It has been shown that Moore's law not only applies to semiconductor density, but it also predicts the increase in (reasonable) simulation sizes, and the reduction in computational simulation run-times. First show for a fluid mechanics simulation that takes 4 hours to run on a machine today, that it should only take 1 hour to run on machines built 3 years from now, and only 15 minutes on machines built 6 years from now. Then show that for a large simulation that has an estimated run-time of 5 years that it would complete sooner if we waited 3 years to start the simulation.

What is the formula I would use to solve this?
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  • #2
TheQuizmaster said:
I have a problem that I would like to solve with Python, but I don't know the equation for this, here it is:

It has been shown that Moore's law not only applies to semiconductor density, but it also predicts the increase in (reasonable) simulation sizes, and the reduction in computational simulation run-times. First show for a fluid mechanics simulation that takes 4 hours to run on a machine today, that it should only take 1 hour to run on machines built 3 years from now, and only 15 minutes on machines built 6 years from now. Then show that for a large simulation that has an estimated run-time of 5 years that it would complete sooner if we waited 3 years to start the simulation.

What is the formula I would use to solve this?
A better question is "What is Moore's Law?" Have you done any research on the statement of this law?
  • #3
I know that formula is expressed as Pn = Po x 2^n, the only thing I can surmise is that n = 3 / 2 = 1.5 for 3 years, 6 years would n = 6 /2 = 3, but that's all, how do I translate the rest, like how it should only take 1 hour on one and 15 minutes on the other, or for a large simulation with an estimated run-time, how do I work that into the Moore's Law formula?
  • #4
TheQuizmaster said:
I know that formula is expressed as Pn = Po x 2^n
No. According to Wikipedia,
"Moore's law" is the observation that, over the history of computing hardware, the number of transistors in a dense integrated circuit doubles approximately every two years.
Your formula doesn't take into account that the doubling occurs every two years.
TheQuizmaster said:
, the only thing I can surmise is that n = 3 / 2 = 1.5 for 3 years, 6 years would n = 6 /2 = 3, but that's all, how do I translate the rest, like how it should only take 1 hour on one and 15 minutes on the other, or for a large simulation with an estimated run-time, how do I work that into the Moore's Law formula?
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  • #5
Guess I shouldn't trust this source then
That is why I'm here, so I can learn how to do these kinds of problems, what is the correct way to do it?
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  • #6
TheQuizmaster said:
Guess I shouldn't trust this source then
That article states:

Equation: Pn = Po x 2^n
n = number of years to develop a new microprocessor divided by 2 (ie. every two years)
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  • #7
Right, so it isn't suitable for the one I'm trying to solve, how would you go about solving this?
  • #8
TheQuizmaster said:
Right, so it isn't suitable for the one I'm trying to solve, how would you go about solving this?
Adjust the formula so that you get doubling every two years instead of each year. It's not a big change. It shouldn't be too hard for a quizmaster...
  • #9
Mark44 said:
Adjust the formula so that you get doubling every two years instead of each year. It's not a big change. It shouldn't be too hard for a quizmaster...
I'm not that good yet, how would I adjust that, I want to learn how to solve this, but I don't know how?
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  • #10
If you wanted doubling every six months (half a year), it would be ##2^{2n}##. How could you change it so that the doubling occurs every two years?

Related to Applying Moore's Law to Predict Computational Simulation Times

What is Moore's Law?

Moore's Law is an observation made by Gordon Moore, co-founder of Intel, in 1965 that the number of transistors on a microchip will double approximately every two years, while the cost of the chip will decrease. This law has been used to predict the growth of computing power and has held true for several decades.

How does Moore's Law affect technology?

Moore's Law has driven the rapid advancement of technology, specifically in the field of computing. It has allowed for smaller, faster, and more powerful devices to be created at a lower cost. This has led to the development of smartphones, laptops, and other devices that we use in our daily lives.

Is Moore's Law still applicable today?

There is debate about whether Moore's Law is still applicable today. While the number of transistors on a chip continues to increase, the rate of decrease in cost has slowed down. This is due to physical limitations and the increasing difficulty of manufacturing smaller and more complex chips.

What are the implications of Moore's Law?

The implications of Moore's Law are vast. It has allowed for the development of new technologies and has driven the growth of industries such as electronics and computing. It has also led to concerns about the environmental impact of constantly producing and disposing of electronic devices.

What challenges does Moore's Law present in the future?

As technology continues to advance, the challenges posed by Moore's Law include the need for more efficient and sustainable manufacturing methods, as well as finding new ways to continue increasing computing power without relying solely on increasing the number of transistors on a chip. Additionally, there are concerns about the potential end of Moore's Law and the impact it could have on the technology industry.

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