Applying the superposition theorem

In summary, In question 1b, when you attempted to calculate current through load using Thevenins theorem, you got a different value than when you calculated current through load using superposition. However, the two values are close enough to be considered correct.
  • #1
David J
Gold Member
Member advised to use the homework template for posts in the homework sections of PF.
I am wondering is someone could comment on a question I have recently answered. I have attached the question and my answer. Apologies for not following the standard procedure of Latex but there are drawings associated with this question. I answered section A and my results are written on the sheet marked as "Question 1b"
##V1=j415v##, ##V2= 415v## and i calculated the current through the load to be ##5.71+j0.892##

When i attempted question 1b i did not use the polar or rectangular values. I followed the hand out notes literally and my answers are posted on the attached Q1b answer PDF.

I am just wondering if someone could take a look and advise have I done this correctly or not. I think its correct as I have followed my notes but what I cannot understand is the value I got for ##Ic## is 8.71A using the superposition theorem. Using the the Thevenins theorem i got a different value, ##5.71+j0.892##

2 different value of which I am struggling to understand. Any help would be appreciated


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  • #2
Your result for superposition is incorrect because you summed only the magnitudes of the individual current phasors, not the phasors themselves. That is, the load currents you calculated will have both magnitude and phase angle (complex values) and must be summed as such.

You also need to use the complex impedance for the load in your calculations (the load has a power factor specification).
  • #3
Hello gneill, thanks for the heads up. I am still a little confused by this system of math. I had a feeling my method was incorrect. So in order to get the correct answer the calculations should be done using the complex values as you stated

As shown below I think I have converted these correctly:-

##V1= j415## or ##415 \angle 90^0##
##V2=415## or ##415 \angle 0^0##
##50\Omega## @ ##0.7pf## is actually written as ##50\Omega \angle 45.6^0## or ##35+j35.71## in rectangular form
##j4## is written as ##4\Omega \angle 90^0## or simply ##0 + j4##
##j6## is written as ##6\Omega \angle 90^0## or simply ##0+j6##

So assuming the values above are converted correctly (please advise) and my initial equation steps were correct then it would be the normal complex numbers arithmetic
  • #4
Yes. Your complex values look good, and yes, the same steps you would use for DC voltages and resistors apply.
  • #5
Thanks for that, I started again and came up with this. Apologies for the attachment but I have included drawings and I cannot put the drawings in Latex. However the attachment is clear. I think I am correct. There is a slight difference in the value achieved using superposition and the value achieved using Thevenins theorem but on the whole I think it both values make sense. Does this make sense to you?

Using Thevenins theorem i calculated a current through the ##50\Omega## resistor of ##5.78a## and ## \angle 8.9^0##

Using the superposition theorem i got ##6.08a## and ##\angle 8.1^0##



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  • #6
Your value for ##I_3## is off a bit. The method is okay, so perhaps a typo or rounding error slipped in along the way. You should have reached a value of 3.544 + 3.255j A.

I'm not sure why you bothered to calculate all the extraneous currents. After you found the current from the source, you are presented with a current divider situation which you used to find ##I_3##, but then when you had the same situation for ##I_6## you calculated the other currents too, and then employed KCL to find ##I_6##. Too much extra work, and too many chances for rounding errors to slip in! You only need ##I_3## and ##I_6## to find the current through the load.

Anyways, enough ranting :smile:. The value you found for ##I_6## is close enough. I'm seeing 2.170 - 2.363j A, so nothing to worry about there.

Fix up your ##I_3## and you should be able to duplicate your Thevenin approach's results with your superposition results. You really should be able to achieve identical answers.
  • #7
Hello gneill, thanks for the update. I will review the issue of ##I3##. The approach was based purely on the hand out information but I did wonder why I needed to calculate the extraneous currents when I only required 2 out of 6 so to speak. I am understanding it a little bit better now. Thanks for your help once again
  • #8
Hello again, I reworked the ##I3## and i have no idea where i got the first value from. it must have been an arithmetic mistake. I have the correct, identical values now using superposition and Thevenin approach. Thanks for your help.

Regarding part C of this question (looking back at the attachment in post 1) I can't even understand what this question is asking "forming a pair of norton generators" can anyone advise on this? What is the question asking me to do ? I think I need to confirm the correct value of current using this method as was done with the first 2 methods but where to begin ??
  • #9
For part (c) they want you to convert both of the voltage sources into current sources (think: Thevenin to Norton). Once that is done, a further simplification should become obvious.

FAQ: Applying the superposition theorem

What is the superposition theorem?

The superposition theorem is a principle in circuit analysis that states that the voltage or current at any point in a linear circuit can be determined by summing the individual contributions of each independent source.

How is the superposition theorem applied?

To apply the superposition theorem, each independent source in the circuit is considered one at a time while all other sources are turned off. The voltages or currents are then calculated for each individual source, and the final result is determined by adding all of the individual contributions together.

What types of circuits can the superposition theorem be applied to?

The superposition theorem can be applied to linear circuits, which are circuits that follow Ohm's law and have elements such as resistors, capacitors, and inductors. It cannot be applied to non-linear circuits, which have elements that do not follow Ohm's law, such as diodes and transistors.

What are the limitations of the superposition theorem?

The superposition theorem can only be applied to circuits with a single frequency or in the frequency domain. It also assumes that the circuit is in a steady-state condition, meaning that all transient effects have dissipated. Additionally, it cannot be applied to circuits with dependent sources, such as a voltage source controlled by a current.

Why is the superposition theorem useful in circuit analysis?

The superposition theorem allows for a simplified analysis of complex circuits, as it breaks down the circuit into smaller, easier to solve parts. It also allows for the determination of the individual effects of each source on the circuit, which can be useful in designing and troubleshooting circuits.

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