Applying to Canadian Universities: Process, Programs, and Tips

In summary: This gives you more time with the company, but also means you're more likely to get a job after your internship.
  • #1
I've been considering applying to a few Canadian universities (in Ontario), but I'm somewhat oblivious to the application process there.

I went the online application route and made myself a user name and everything on the ouac website. Now, from what I understood, I can choose a bunch of "programs" to apply to in each University. Is there a limit to how many programs I choose? And will I be charged for everyone of them, or does the application fee include this? Also, the application fee depends on the number of universities I pick -- I mean, every university has a set application fee that I have to pay, right? Or do I pay one application fee for all the Ontarian universities?

Now, I need help selecting the right schools. I'm interested in: Computer Engineering, Computer Science, Software Engineering, Mathematics and interjoined programs. So I was thinking U of Toronto and Waterloo as reaches, and U of Ottawa as a safety (right?). Any comments, or recommedations?

One final question: what exactly is this "co-op" thing?

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  • #2
When I applied (2 years ago) there was a standard $80 I believe, and that allowed you to select 3 programs. You then pay an extra $25 for each extra program you want to apply for. Basically, it costs money for the universities to consider your application, so that's what you're paying for.

U of T (which is where I am) and Waterloo are, as far as I know, the best choices for those types of studies.

Co-op is something Waterloo is big on. Normally, you'll go to school for two semesters, then work for a semester, school for 2 semesters, work for one, etc. (or something like that). A co-op program is one that has work semesters (as opposed to just having a 4 month break like a summer). So, if you take Software Engineering, you will have to apply through your school to find an appropriate co-op placement related to software engineering, and do that job for four months.
  • #3
Thanks for the info. :smile:

I found a link on the ouac site and this is what I gathered:
Base Application Fee: $105
Surcharge: $10 (if mailing address is outside of Canada)
U of T: $60
Waterloo: $60
U of O: $50

I also read that I have 3 program choices per university, and for every additional choice I have to pay $33. I'm thinking opting for 3 programs in each of the 3 universities, does this mean I have to pay $(6*33) for the additional programs, or are they included in the base fee?

Is co-op a bad thing? A couple of guys I know told me it was, but I think it's pretty good. I'm probably not seeing the whole picture.
  • #4
devious_ said:
Thanks for the info. :smile:

I found a link on the ouac site and this is what I gathered:
Base Application Fee: $105
Surcharge: $10 (if mailing address is outside of Canada)
U of T: $60
Waterloo: $60
U of O: $50

I also read that I have 3 program choices per university, and for every additional choice I have to pay $33. I'm thinking opting for 3 programs in each of the 3 universities, does this mean I have to pay $(6*33) for the additional programs, or are they included in the base fee?

Is co-op a bad thing? A couple of guys I know told me it was, but I think it's pretty good. I'm probably not seeing the whole picture.

Co-op is definitely a good thing. The major drawback is the added time to get your degree but I fail to see why that is a bad thing considering during your co-op time you are getting on the job training and great connections for your future, not to mention earning money while you do so.
  • #5
Well, that pricing structure is news to me, but I'm not even sure if I remember the one I dealt with right. I also do remember there being a limit to the number of choices you can make per university, either that, or a limit to the number of choices you can make per university before you get charged more. I would think that the base application fee covers some of your choices, then the extra choices you want to make will cost extra.

Co-op is not a bad or good thing, it depends on you. If you're looking for a job in one of the fields that you're studying in, co-op might be a good thing because you get real-world experience, and you spend some time (4 mos.) working for a company, so when you're done school, they're more likely to hire you. You will end up probably working with 3 or 4 companies. There is a variant of co-op called internship. Rather than spending 3 or 4 disjoint 4-month-periods working, you take a full year off and work with one company. Some people say that you create a much stronger tie to a company through the internship program, and they really get to see how you work, and might not get to see much in 4 months, so an internship is better if you want to get hired. Some people will say otherwise, so keep that in mind. If Waterloo doesn't have internship programs, I'm pretty certain U of T does, especially if you go into engineering.

They have what is called PEY (Professional Experience Year) which I believe is mandatory for engineers, and optional for computer science students, where you take a year off (normally between 2nd and 3rd, or between 3rd and 4th) and work for a year. You also make a lot of money doing co-op and doing internship/PEY. So there are indeed benefits to it, but if you aren't interested in working, or want to have summers off, or want to finish school faster, or don't want the pressure of having to find a job just to get your degree, etc. then it might not be good for you.
  • #6
Thanks a lot you guys. That was pretty helpful.

Two more questions:
1. Is there any form of financial aid, and does it affect my application?
2. Are there any standarized tests that I have to take?
  • #7
I don't think there are any standardised tests you have to take, unless if English is not your first language, or your HS background is called into question. btw, are you considering universities only in Eastern Canada?
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  • #8
Yeah. I have friends living there.
  • #9
The two most popular political catchphrases regarding postsec education right now are that no student shall be denied a university education solely for reasons of financial need, and that a student's financial situation is NOT a consderation when evaluting his or her application. That, or course, is the ideal case...

Scholarships and bursaries are available for students entering University, some on the basis of grades, some on financial need, some on extracurricular/leadership/sports, some on a combination of all of these factors. Some are offered by the University as a whole, and some by specific faculties IF you decide to enrol in their program. Some are offered automatically, and others require application. Student loans are also available, if you want to go that route. Explore the options thoroughly. :smile:
  • #10
cepheid said:
Scholarships and bursaries are available for students entering University, some on the basis of grades, some on financial need, some on extracurricular/leadership/sports, some on a combination of all of these factors. Some are offered by the University as a whole, and some by specific faculties IF you decide to enrol in their program. Some are offered automatically, and others require application. Student loans are also available, if you want to go that route. Explore the options thoroughly. :smile:
That sounds good. :approve:

Outta curiosity, where do you go to? (Unless you're still in high school, that is.)
  • #11
UBC (in Vancouver). Thanks for asking! :smile:
  • #13
Some more questions! :shy:

1. If I apply to two programs at a university, is there a chance of me being accepted in one and reject from the other?
2. Can I change the program I got accepted to after I enroll, or at any other time?
3. Are there double-majors?
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  • #14
1. Yes
2. Yes
3. Yes
  • #15
If I can change the program I applied to, how come I can get rejected from another program? Or will I have to reapply if I want to change, which could possibly mean being rejected again?
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  • #16
devious_ said:
I've been considering applying to a few Canadian universities (in Ontario), but I'm somewhat oblivious to the application process there.

I went the online application route and made myself a user name and everything on the ouac website. Now, from what I understood, I can choose a bunch of "programs" to apply to in each University. Is there a limit to how many programs I choose? And will I be charged for everyone of them, or does the application fee include this? Also, the application fee depends on the number of universities I pick -- I mean, every university has a set application fee that I have to pay, right? Or do I pay one application fee for all the Ontarian universities?

Now, I need help selecting the right schools. I'm interested in: Computer Engineering, Computer Science, Software Engineering, Mathematics and interjoined programs. So I was thinking U of Toronto and Waterloo as reaches, and U of Ottawa as a safety (right?). Any comments, or recommedations?

One final question: what exactly is this "co-op" thing?


hey...i live in ontario and I am applying for university this year too...there is no limit to how many you choose...however, you can pick three universities and that costs you 80 (i think) ...those are your three primary universities...they will see on your application that they are your three top uni's. there isn't a limit just costs 30$ more for every other university you apply for. and just so you know, i had a few friends applying to universities last year and supposedly (or so they said) McMaster university (in toronto) is best for engineering and waterloo is the best school in Canada for math...i have a few friends in each and they all love the places they've chosen u of ottawa is good (thats one of the universities I am applying to as well) ...but they're best known for politics, crim and english.
for you, hearing what my friends in each uni tell me...mac sounds awesome for the programs you want to might want to look into mac...and co op is amazing...its really just going into the field you are interested in and working in it. if you want more info i can find out some universities from my guidance counslers office at school and send some web sites to you...just pm me or e mail e mail is

i hope i helped somewhat :rolleyes:
  • #17
sorry for the double post! :redface:

devious_ said:
If I can change the program I applied to, how come I can get rejected from another program? Or will I have to reapply if I want to change, which could possibly mean being rejected again?

you need to re apply to the program you want to change pretty sure

and check out OSAP for assistance!
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  • #18
I don't the I can apply to McMaster since I'm limited to 3 choices (by my parents!).

Anyway, here's my final selection:
1. University of Toronto - Computer Engineering [Software Engineering option]
2. University of Waterloo - Computer Science [Co-op]
3. University of Waterloo - Mathematics [Pure Mathematics - w/o co-op]
4. University of Toronto - Mathematics
5. University of Ottawa - Computer Science [Honours]
6. University of Ottawa - Mathematics [Honours]

Good, bad...? Will I regret going the co-op route in regards to Comp Sci at Waterloo? I hear it's almost impossible for international students to get admitted into a co-op program.

Also, I read on U of T's and Waterloo's websites that only international applicants with "outstanding" academic records should consider applying... What exactly do they mean by "outstanding"?

Here are my stats, are they good enough?
Top 5% of the class (no exact ranks available)
IGCSE results: 8As 1D
O-levels pending: Human Biology & Classical Arabic.
A-levels pending: Math (already done -- got an A), Further Math, Physics, Biology and Modern Arabic.
I'm pretty sure my teachers will give me As for my estimations.

FAQ: Applying to Canadian Universities: Process, Programs, and Tips

1. What is the application process for Canadian universities?

The application process for Canadian universities typically involves submitting an online application, providing transcripts and standardized test scores, and possibly submitting additional documents such as letters of recommendation or a personal statement. Some universities may also require an application fee.

2. How do I choose which Canadian universities to apply to?

It is important to research and compare different Canadian universities based on factors such as program offerings, location, cost, and reputation. Consider your academic and career goals, as well as any specific requirements or preferences you may have for a university.

3. What programs are available at Canadian universities?

Canadian universities offer a wide range of programs in various fields such as business, engineering, arts and humanities, sciences, and more. It is important to research the specific programs offered by each university and see which ones align with your academic interests and goals.

4. Can international students apply to Canadian universities?

Yes, international students are welcome to apply to Canadian universities. However, they may have to meet additional requirements such as providing proof of English proficiency and obtaining a study permit. It is important to check with each university for their specific requirements for international students.

5. What tips do you have for a successful application to Canadian universities?

Some tips for a successful application to Canadian universities include starting the process early, carefully reviewing and following all application requirements, showcasing your strengths and achievements in your application materials, and seeking assistance from counselors or advisors if needed. It is also important to keep track of application deadlines and submit all materials on time.

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