Applying to REUs as a community college student -- Advice?

In summary, Community college student with no research experience is trying to figure out how to write an essay to get accepted into a research REU program.
  • #1
Hi everyone -

I'm in my second year at a community college in the US. I'm applying to REUs for the summer. I have no previous research experience as there aren't opportunities at my school. I'm confident in my letters of rec, and I suppose I have an edge because I'm a female from a community college. I'm working through this personal statement. I keep reading conflicting tips and sample essays. I started writing one that I thought was good. It was personable, but when I read example essays it seemed informal. So I went for a more formal approach, and then I read tips to introduce myself and the college I go to, like I'd done originally. Also, a lot of the advice I've read was geared towards people who were from universities and had done research before.

I know the point of these essays is to say why I'm interested in a particular program and what value I'd bring, but how do I do that without saying, "I'm a diligent, independent worker who wants nothing more than to do research"? All that is true, but it's nothing special. I know that those are things my professors will put in their letters, so I don't necessarily need to write it like this, but I know it needs to be conveyed. And I've also emailed many of the professors I'm interested in working with, so they at least know of my interest. I feel like my professors are going to try to make me stand out in their letters, but I'm not sure how to do this is my essay because I don't have experience to talk about. I have personal experiences unrelated to physics that might be of interest, but again they're not related to physics.

Here are some things I've written that I kind of like. This isn't one essay, just snippets I still need to piece together. I've included a little bit on my background, but not much:

Before I took an astronomy class in Fall 2016, I was a classical musician who had no interest in becoming a physicist. A newfound interest in rocketry inspirited me to learn astronomy. I realized I would understand more by learning math and physics. That semester, I started independently learning physics and calculus. I took my first physics class in Fall 2017. The lab portion of class became what I looked forward to all week. In lab I was able to apply what I learned in lectures to experiment, compute, and analyze data while working with classmates to solve a problems. I realized that although I loved learning about physics, actually doing physics research was what inspires me to become a physicist. To me, research is when physics concepts come to life.

And I'm not sure where to fit this into that paragraph, but it will go somewhere: Now I plan to transfer to a university in 2019 to finish my degree in physics. From there, I hope to get my PhD in astrophysics and do astrophysics research.

Unfortunately, there are no research opportunities at my school. Because of this, I must look for opportunities at other institutions. This has brought me to REUs. My goal for any REU is to merge what I've learned in physics, astronomy, chemistry and math and apply it to fascinating research. I'm interested in your program because *reasons I'm interested in program*. I am very intrigued by *names of researchers, talk about why I like their research*.

Through your program, I want to greater my analytical, computational, and experimental skills because I have limited opportunity to do so at my college. I believe these skills will be achieved by applying my knowledge of astronomy, physics, chemistry, math and computing to fascinating research. Because doing astrophysical research is my main objective in becoming a physicist, your program directly factors into my longterm plans. It would act as a necessary component for pursuing a PhD in astrophysics.

I've described why I want to do research, specifically at the institution, but I haven't said much about how I'll contribute. I guess that can go in with where I list the specific research I'm interested in.

Any advice on what I've written, or more general advice, is greatly, greatly appreciated!
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  • #2
You're overthinking it.

Gather information and whatnot, but try to recognize when you've crossed the line into obsession and save yourself some stress.

Re: Conflicting advice
I just collect it all then do what I want.
  • #3
First of all, I think you will find it difficult to be accepted at an REU while a community college student, simply due to a lack of physics background. Very few university students are accepted after their first full year as well, presumably after having completed the same courses you have thus far. The application deadline has passed, but next year you may consider applying for the CCI program at a national lab.

In regards to your essay snippets, have you partaken in any sort of extracurricular activities that are even vaguely science related? Have you participated in a local astronomy club, or tutored, or anything like that? Even in high school, did you participated in any sciencey clubs?
  • #4
byzantine04 said:
You're overthinking it.

Gather information and whatnot, but try to recognize when you've crossed the line into obsession and save yourself some stress.

Re: Conflicting advice
I just collect it all then do what I want.

That's good advice, thanks.
  • #5
Dishsoap said:
First of all, I think you will find it difficult to be accepted at an REU while a community college student, simply due to a lack of physics background. Very few university students are accepted after their first full year as well, presumably after having completed the same courses you have thus far. The application deadline has passed, but next year you may consider applying for the CCI program at a national lab.

In regards to your essay snippets, have you partaken in any sort of extracurricular activities that are even vaguely science related? Have you participated in a local astronomy club, or tutored, or anything like that? Even in high school, did you participated in any sciencey clubs?

I'm in my second year, but I understand what you mean. As far as extracurriculars...I tutored kids in math, and was selected to a regional physics conference. I'm in the process of starting a physics club. I'm also independently learning Python. I don't have anything from high school as I only ever did things related to music.

Thanks for your help.
  • #6
Some wordsmithing advice:

NatalieJones said:
Before I took an astronomy class in Fall 2016, I was a classical musician who had no interest in becoming a physicist. A newfound interest in rocketry inspirited me to learn astronomy.
It would be more modest and more accurate to say "to study astronomy".

I realized I would understand more by learning math and physics.
An astronomer might think you don't understand anything without the math and physics. Say "I realized that to understand astronomy I needed to study math and physics".

That semester, I started independently learning physics and calculus. I took my first physics class in Fall 2017.
Mention that you did well in the class - if you did.

The lab portion of class became what I looked forward to all week. In lab I was able to apply what I learned in lectures to experiment, compute, and analyze data while working with classmates to solve a problems. I realized that although I loved learning about physics, actually doing physics research was what inspires me to become a physicist. To me, research is when physics concepts come to life.

Most labs associated with an introductory course are not research. If your lab used the Socratic method and you actually did research in that sense, you should mention it. Otherwise it would be better to say "actually doing experiments is what inspires me. To me, the laboratory is where physics concepts come to life."

Through your program, I want to greater my analytical, computational, and experimental skills because I have limited opportunity to do so at my college.
Is "want to greater" a typo? Say "want to develop".

I believe these skills will be achieved by applying my knowledge of astronomy, physics, chemistry, math and computing to fascinating research.
It would better to say "My skills will be sharpened" or "My skills will be developed". You don't need to say "I believe". You can say "I hope".

Because doing astrophysical research is my main objective in becoming a physicist, your program directly factors into my longterm plans.
If your objective is astrophysical research, shouldn't your main objective be to become an astrophysicist? - or an astronomer? It would be better to say "my main objective in studying physics".
  • #7
Stephen Tashi said:
Some wordsmithing advice:It would be more modest and more accurate to say "to study astronomy".

An astronomer might think you don't understand anything without the math and physics. Say "I realized that to understand astronomy I needed to study math and physics".Mention that you did well in the class - if you did.
Most labs associated with an introductory course are not research. If your lab used the Socratic method and you actually did research in that sense, you should mention it. Otherwise it would be better to say "actually doing experiments is what inspires me. To me, the laboratory is where physics concepts come to life."Is "want to greater" a typo? Say "want to develop".It would better to say "My skills will be sharpened" or "My skills will be developed". You don't need to say "I believe". You can say "I hope".If your objective is astrophysical research, shouldn't your main objective be to become an astrophysicist? - or an astronomer? It would be better to say "my main objective in studying physics".

Thank you for the tips and corrections!
  • #8
I would like to direct your attention to two Department of Energy Internship programs. They look to be right up your alley.

First is the Community College Internship Program. Here is a page about it from the DOE you are eligible for an Internship at any National Lab.

Applications are closed for Summer 2018, but you can still apply for Fall 2018 (and the competition would be less).

Second is SULI (Science Undergraduate Laboratory Internship). It is also closed for summer 2018, but you can apply for the fall.

If you can get one of these it is worth doing.

Related to Applying to REUs as a community college student -- Advice?

1. What is an REU?

An REU (Research Experience for Undergraduates) is a competitive program funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF) that provides undergraduate students with hands-on research experience in their field of interest.

2. Can community college students apply for REUs?

Yes, community college students are eligible to apply for REUs. However, they may face additional challenges in the application process due to limited research opportunities and resources at their institution.

3. What are the benefits of participating in an REU as a community college student?

Participating in an REU can provide community college students with valuable research experience, exposure to graduate-level coursework and networking opportunities with professionals and peers in their field of interest. It can also enhance their resume and increase their chances of being accepted into a competitive graduate program.

4. How can I increase my chances of being accepted into an REU as a community college student?

To increase your chances of being accepted into an REU, it is important to have a strong academic record, relevant coursework, and research experience (if possible). You should also carefully review the application requirements and tailor your application materials to showcase your skills and interests in the specific research area.

5. Are there any specific tips for community college students applying to REUs?

Community college students should start their search for REUs early and reach out to potential mentors or faculty members at their institution for guidance and support. They should also take advantage of any research opportunities available at their community college and consider taking additional coursework in their field of interest to demonstrate their dedication and passion for the subject.

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