Approximating k with Shooting Method and Euler's Method

In summary, to approximate k using the shooting method and Euler's method, start with an initial estimate and use a few steps with that estimate to find a value for k. Then, refine the estimate by using more steps and adjusting the value of k until the desired output is achieved. This process can be repeated until a satisfactory approximation is obtained.
  • #1
dy/dt = ky, where k is a constant.
y|t=0 = 1; y|t=10 = 4

I need to approximate k using the shooting method and Euler's method... please help.. :)

wat's the procedure to approximate k using the shooting method :confused:
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  • #2
Do you know what "Euler's method" is?

Start with an easy estimate: take dt= 5 so we have only two steps
Initially, t= 0, y= 1, so dy/dt= k and dy= 5k

then t= 5, y= 1+ dy= 1+ 5k so dy/dt= k(1+ 5k)= k+ 5k2 and so dy= 5(k+ 5k2)= 5k+ 25k2.

Finally, then, x= 10, y= 1+ 5k+ dy= 1+ 5k+ 5k+ 25k2= 1+ 10k+ 26k2= That is, 25k2+ 10k- 3= 0. Solve that for k.

Now that you know, roughly, k, use, say, 10 steps from x= 0 to x= 10 with that k and see if you get 4 there. You won't of course, but that will tell you whether to make k smaller or larger. Do that repeatedly until you get a good method.
  • #3

The shooting method is a numerical technique used to approximate the value of a constant in a differential equation. In this case, we are trying to approximate the value of k in the equation dy/dt = ky. The shooting method involves using an initial guess for the value of k and then solving the differential equation using that guess. The resulting solution is then compared to the desired boundary condition (in this case, y|t=10 = 4). If the solution does not match the boundary condition, the initial guess for k is adjusted and the process is repeated until a satisfactory approximation is found.

Euler's method is a numerical method for solving differential equations. It involves breaking the interval of interest (in this case, t=0 to t=10) into smaller intervals and approximating the solution at each interval using the derivative at that point. The approximation is then used to calculate the solution at the next interval, and this process is repeated until the desired endpoint is reached.

To approximate k using the shooting method and Euler's method, we can follow these steps:

1. Choose an initial guess for k, let's call it k0.
2. Using Euler's method, solve the differential equation dy/dt = k0y from t=0 to t=10, with the initial condition y|t=0 = 1. This will give us an approximation of y at t=10, let's call it y10.
3. Compare y10 to the desired boundary condition of y|t=10 = 4. If they do not match, adjust the value of k0 and repeat step 2 until a satisfactory approximation is found.
4. Once a satisfactory approximation is found, the value of k used in step 2 is the approximate value of k for the given differential equation.

In summary, the shooting method and Euler's method can be used together to approximate the value of a constant in a differential equation. By adjusting the initial guess for the constant and using Euler's method to solve the equation, we can iteratively find a satisfactory approximation.

Related to Approximating k with Shooting Method and Euler's Method

What is the Shooting Method?

The Shooting Method is a numerical technique used to approximate solutions to boundary value problems. It involves converting the boundary value problem into an initial value problem and using an iterative process to find the solution.

What is Euler's Method?

Euler's Method is a numerical technique used to approximate solutions to ordinary differential equations. It involves using small time steps and a first-order Taylor series approximation to estimate the next value of the solution.

How do you use the Shooting Method to approximate a value of k?

To approximate a value of k using the Shooting Method, you first convert the boundary value problem into an initial value problem by fixing the value of k and solving for the initial conditions. Then, using an iterative process, you can adjust the value of k until the solution converges to the desired value.

How do you use Euler's Method to approximate a value of k?

To approximate a value of k using Euler's Method, you first convert the differential equation into a system of first-order equations. Then, by using small time steps and an initial guess for the value of k, you can iterate through the system of equations until the solution converges to the desired value of k.

What are the advantages of using both the Shooting Method and Euler's Method together?

By combining the Shooting Method and Euler's Method, you can take advantage of the strengths of both techniques. The Shooting Method allows for the approximation of boundary value problems, while Euler's Method is useful for solving ordinary differential equations. Together, they can provide a more accurate and efficient way to approximate values of k.

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