Archimedes force due to air on a person

In summary, when calculating the Archimedes' force due to air on your body, the buoyant force is simply the weight of the air you displace. Surface area does not play a role as long as the air can flow freely around the object. However, if there is no air underneath the object, the force would be downwards instead of upwards.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Calculate the Archimedes' force due to air on your body.

Homework Equations

F = pVg

The Attempt at a Solution

This problem is more so conceptual, I believe, than calculation-based. My first thought was that the buoyant force equals to the weight of the air displaced by my body. If that were the only case, then it would be just finding out the weight of air that my volume displaces. But since I am in a very hard physics class, it would never be this simple. The surface area that buoyant force can act on my body might also be a factor. Can anyone please help me think through this conceptually?
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  • #2
It's as simple as you thought, the upthrust is just the weight of the air you displace.

Unless you are going to account for the difference in air pressure between your head and toes (probably negligible unless your initials are K.K.) there isn't much else to it.
  • #3
yeah...Im studying the K.K. intro to mechanics book...


But it doesn't have any fluid section. so yeah :T.
  • #4
No, he was referring to King Kong, not the K&K book. :biggrin: Even for King Kong, the pressure difference would probably be negligible (unless you want 3 or more significant digits).
  • #5
lol i did not get the joke, how slow am i XD.

I also have another question. Doesnt the surface area available for the air to push up an important factor in calculating the Archimedes force? Because air has to be able topush up forom the bottom. Analogously, if i were to lie flat on the earth, and assumes there's no air underneath, then buoyant force would not exert any stress right?
  • #6
Yes I meant King Kong.
I didn't realize Kleppner&Kolenkow was still the standard.
I used that as an ugrad MANY years ago - I suppose Newtonian mechanics hasn't changed much since Newton.
  • #7
out of curiosity, where did you go for undergrad mgb ?
  • #8
As long as air can flow freely around the object, surface area plays no role; only volume matters. Think of it this way. If you were made out of air, the surrounding air would need to push up with a force equal to your weight to prevent you from accelerating. The surrounding air doesn't know that you're flesh and not air, so it pushes up with the same force as it does on an "air person". That's why Archimedes' principle works.

You're right that if there's absolutely no air underneath you, there would be no upwards buoyant force. In fact, the air would press you downwards onto the ground. This is the principle behind suction cups.

Related to Archimedes force due to air on a person

1. What is Archimedes force due to air on a person?

Archimedes force due to air on a person, also known as buoyancy force, is the upward force exerted on an object immersed in a fluid (such as air) due to the difference in pressure between the top and bottom of the object.

2. How is Archimedes force calculated?

Archimedes force can be calculated by multiplying the density of the fluid by the volume of the displaced fluid and the acceleration due to gravity. In the case of air, the density is typically very small, so the force is usually negligible.

3. Does Archimedes force affect all objects equally?

No, Archimedes force affects objects differently depending on their shape and density. Objects that are less dense than the fluid they are in will experience a greater upward force, while objects that are more dense will experience a lesser upward force.

4. Can Archimedes force be greater than the weight of an object?

Yes, Archimedes force can be greater than the weight of an object, causing the object to float. This is because the buoyancy force is dependent on the volume of the displaced fluid, not the weight of the object.

5. How does Archimedes force due to air on a person affect their weight?

Archimedes force does not directly affect a person's weight, but it can make them feel lighter or heavier depending on whether the buoyancy force is greater or lesser than their weight. This is why people feel lighter when they are swimming in water compared to when they are standing on land.

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