Archimedes Principle and resonance

In summary: If all of the world's ice were to melt, the water level would rise by about 20 meters.In summary, the Artic Ice cap is a floating ice mass. If the ice were to melt, the depth of the ocean would change. If you use Archimedes principle, the volume of water displaced is equal to the volume of the rock. If you use resonance, the water level would drop because the rock displaced water. However, global warming scientists are harping about melting ice cap because the ice is less dense than water and if all of the ice were to melt, the water level would rise.
  • #1
Ukitake Jyuushirou
i got 2 qn , 1 on archimedes principle and the other on resonance

1)The Artic Ice cap is a floating ice mass. If the ice were to melt, how would the depth of the ocean change?

my ans was that it will become deeper but the ans was it will remain the same...why?

2) my understanding is that resonance occur when u do something that matches or exceed the natural frequency of an object rite?
Physics news on
  • #2
Ukitake Jyuushirou said:
2) my understanding is that resonance occur when u do something that matches or exceed the natural frequency of an object rite?

This is incorrect. Resonance occurs only when you drive an ocsillating body at its natural frequencey ([itex]f_{0}[/itex]). At its natural frequency an ocsillator driven at [itex]f_{0}[/itex] will absorb the maximum amount of energy and therefore will reach it's maximum amplitude. If the system is undamped then the amplitude will tend to infinity. If the occilator is undamped and driven at a frequency of [itex]f<<f_{0}[/itex], then the amplitude of the oscillations will be equal to the amplitude of the driver.

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  • #3
Hootenanny said:
This is incorrect. Resonance occurs only when you drive an ocsillating body at its natural frequencey ([itex]f_{0}[/itex]). At its natural frequency an ocsillator driven at [itex]f_{0}[/itex] will absorb the maximum amount of energy and therefore will reach it's maximum amplitude. If the system is undamped then the amplitude will tend to infinity. If the occilator is undamped and driven at a frequency of [itex]f<<f_{0}[/itex], then is will osciallte at [itex]f[/itex].

woah...i'm doing introductory physics at university, i don't know some of the terms ur using. wat do u mean by "undamped"? can u explain abit more about natural frequency in layman's term please

thank :D
  • #4
Undamped basically means that the body (what ever it may be) experences no retarding forces.

The natural freqencey of an object is defined by that object's physical characteristics. If an object is set in motion and not driven by any external force, then it will osciallate at its natural frequency. For example an undriven mass spring system will always ocsillate at a frequencey of;

[tex]f_{0} = \frac{1}{2\pi}\sqrt{\frac{k}{m}}[/tex]

[itex]f_{0}[/itex] refers to the natural frequency of an osciallting body, fundamental frequency or the first harmonic.

  • #5
1)The Artic Ice cap is a floating ice mass. If the ice were to melt, how would the depth of the ocean change?

Here is a hint:

If a boat had a rock on it with a mass of 1 ton and 1 [tex]m^3[/tex] was in a lake, and suddently the rock got pushed into the lake. The water level would drop.

Volume on boat [tex]mg=\rho gh[/tex]
Volume in the lake= 1 [tex]m^3[/tex]

Try to expand that thinking :)
  • #6
Mattara said:
1)The Artic Ice cap is a floating ice mass. If the ice were to melt, how would the depth of the ocean change?

Here is a hint:

If a boat had a rock on it with a mass of 1 ton and 1 [tex]m^3[/tex] was in a lake, and suddently the rock got pushed into the lake. The water level would drop.

Volume on boat [tex]mg=\rho gh[/tex]
Volume in the lake= 1 [tex]m^3[/tex]

Try to expand that thinking :)
if using archimedes principle, the volume of water displaced is = to the volume of the rock. are u saying that if ice cap were to melt slowly then there wouldn't be a change in depth?
  • #7
ice cube in a glass of water

Think of the artic ice cap as an ice cube floating in a glass of water. If the ice cube melts, does the water level rise? (Hint: How much water is displaced by the ice cube? When the ice cube melts, how much water is created?)
  • #8
would it be safe to assume that the ice cube itself the mass is made up of water and thus the water displaced is = to its own mass so no change in the sea level?

if that's the case why are global warming scientists harping about melting ice cap?
  • #9
Ice is less dense that water, that's why it floats.
  • #10
Ukitake Jyuushirou said:
would it be safe to assume that the ice cube itself the mass is made up of water and thus the water displaced is = to its own mass so no change in the sea level?

if that's the case why are global warming scientists harping about melting ice cap?
While the melting of floating ice will not affect sea level, most of the world's ice is grounded.

FAQ: Archimedes Principle and resonance

What is Archimedes Principle?

Archimedes Principle, also known as the Law of Buoyancy, states that the upward force exerted on an object immersed in a fluid is equal to the weight of the fluid that the object displaces. In simpler terms, it explains why objects float or sink in a fluid.

How does Archimedes Principle apply to real-life situations?

Archimedes Principle has many practical applications, such as in shipbuilding, where the weight and shape of a ship must be carefully calculated to ensure it will float and remain stable in water. It also explains why some objects float in water, while others sink, based on their density and volume.

What is resonance?

Resonance is a phenomenon that occurs when an object or system vibrates at its natural frequency due to the influence of an external force. This can result in a dramatic increase in amplitude, or the amount of vibration, and can cause objects to vibrate or even break apart.

How is resonance used in technology?

Resonance is used in various technologies, such as musical instruments, radio communication, and medical imaging. It is also used in bridges and buildings to prevent damage from earthquakes by allowing them to vibrate at their natural frequency without breaking.

What is the relationship between Archimedes Principle and resonance?

Archimedes Principle and resonance are related in that they both involve the movement of objects in a fluid or medium. Archimedes Principle explains the buoyant force on an object in a fluid, while resonance explains the amplification of vibrations in an object or system. Both principles are important in understanding and engineering structures and technologies.

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