Are All Modules Merely Vectors, or Do They Vary by Type and Operation?

In summary: The Cartesian product is just the usual product between modules, where the leftmost module is multiplied by the rightmost module. The tensor product is a little more complicated, but it works like this: First, you create a vector consisting of the elements of both modules, and then you do a dot product between the vector and each element of the first module. The result is the same as the scalar product between the two modules, but it's a lot faster.
  • #1
I know there are many examples of rings like R[x], N, Q, where the elements can be fundalmentally different like polynomials and numbers.

But are there different type of modules like there are rings? Or are modules just any vector? And the modules are different when you consider which R module they are. So N-Module is different to N[x]-Module. But all N-Modules are identical?
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  • #2
pivoxa15 said:
I know there are many examples of rings like R[x], N, Q, where the elements can be fundalmentally different like polynomials and numbers.

But are there different type of modules like there are rings? Or are modules just any vector? And the modules are different when you consider which R module they are. So N-Module is different to N[x]-Module. But all N-Modules are identical?
Every abelian group is a Z-module, for example.

Every N[x]-module can also be viewed as an N-module.

Edit: I'm assuming either:
(1) N was just a variable denoting a ring
(2) N is the natural numbers and you're talking about modules over semirings. (N, of course, isn't a ring)
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  • #3
I see what you mean but I was referring to what kind of things are the modules themselves without considering the scalars in the ring R.

In the definition, you have
A left R-module over the ring R consists of an abelian group (M, +) and an operation R × M → M (called scalar multiplication)

So the module without considering the scalar is any abelian group (M, +). So the module could be (Z, +) or (matrix, +) or (R+R, +) where + between the R's denote direct sum etc.
  • #4
pivoxa15 said:
I see what you mean but I was referring to what kind of things are the modules themselves without considering the scalars in the ring R.

In the definition, you have
A left R-module over the ring R consists of an abelian group (M, +) and an operation R × M → M (called scalar multiplication)

So the module without considering the scalar is any abelian group (M, +). So the module could be (Z, +) or (matrix, +) or (R+R, +) where + between the R's denote direct sum etc.
If a module is an abelian group with extra structure, and you discard the extra structure, then you simply have an abelian group. I guess I don't understand the point of your question.
  • #5
Good point. Modules are nothing more than abelian groups with ring scalars that interact via a few axioms.
  • #6
There is no such thing as multiplying two modules together is there since modules are additive abelian groups only. So they can only add with each other.
  • #7
pivoxa15 said:
There is no such thing as multiplying two modules together is there since modules are additive abelian groups only. So they can only add with each other.
You mean that a generic module doesn't have a multiplication operation for its elements.

There are at least two useful ways to multiply modules: the Cartesian product and the tensor product.
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FAQ: Are All Modules Merely Vectors, or Do They Vary by Type and Operation?

What is R?

R is a programming language and environment for statistical computing and graphics. It is commonly used for data analysis, machine learning, and statistical modeling.

What is N?

N is a symbol in mathematics that represents the set of natural numbers, which are positive integers including 0.

What is Q?

Q is a symbol in mathematics that represents the set of rational numbers, which are numbers that can be expressed as a ratio of two integers.

What are some examples of modules in R?

Some examples of modules in R include the "dplyr" module for data manipulation, the "ggplot2" module for data visualization, and the "caret" module for machine learning algorithms.

Can modules in R be used together?

Yes, modules in R can be used together to perform more complex tasks. Many modules are designed to work together and have built-in compatibility with each other.
