Are All Numbers in This Mathematical Sequence Exact Cubes?

  • MHB
  • Thread starter anemone
  • Start date
In summary, POTW #136 is the 136th Problem of the Week challenge presented by a website or organization. It refers to the Problem of the Week for November 3, 2014. The Exact Cube Sequence in POTW #136 is a sequence of numbers where each number is the exact cube of the previous number, starting with 1. To prove this sequence, one must show the mathematical relationship between each number and its predecessor. The significance of this sequence lies in its mathematical complexity and real-world applications. There is a solution to the Exact Cube Sequence in POTW #136, which can be proven by finding the pattern and relationship between each number in the sequence. It is up to the individual to come up with their own
  • #1
Gold Member
POTW Director
Prove that all numbers of the sequence $\dfrac{107811}{3},\,\dfrac{110778111}{3},\,\dfrac{111077781111}{3},\,\cdots$ are exact cubes.

Remember to read the to find out how to!
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  • #2
Congratulations to the following members for their correct solutions:

1. kaliprasad
2. Opalg

Solution from kaliprasad:

Let us look at 1st few terms

1st term = $\dfrac{107811}{3} = \dfrac{1 * 10^5 + 77 * 10^2 + 111}{3}$

2nd term = $\dfrac{110778111}{3} = \dfrac{11 * 10^7 + 777 * 10* 3 + 1111}{3}$

3rd term = $\dfrac{111077781111}{3} = \dfrac{111 * 10^9 + 7777 * 10^4 + 11111}{3}$


$\begin{align*}\text{nth term}&= \dfrac{(10^n- 1) * 10^{2n+3} + 7 * 10^{n+2} -1)(10^{n+1} + (10^{n+2} - 1)}{3*9}\\&=\dfrac{ (10^n-1) * 1000 * 10^{2n} + 7 *( 100 * 10^n - 1)(10 * 10^n) + (100 * 10^n - 1)}{27}\\&=\dfrac{1000 * 10^{3n} - 1000 * 10^{2n} + 7 *1000 * 10^{2n} - 7 *10 * 10 ^n + 100 * 10^n - 1}{27}\\&=\dfrac{1000 * 10^3n - 300 * 10 ^2n + 30 * 10 ^n -1}{27}\\&=\dfrac{10^{3n+3} - 3 * 10^{2n+2} + 3 * ^10{n+1} -1}{27}\\&=\dfrac{(10^{n+1} - 1)^3}{27} \end{align*}$so nth term = $(\dfrac{10^{n+1} -1}{3})^3$, which is a perfect cube
Solution from Opalg:
The numerator, call it $N_k$, of the general term in this sequence consists of $3k$ digits which we can divide into three groups of $k$ digits. The first group consists of $k-1$ ones followed by a zero; the second group consists of $k-1$ sevens followed by an eight; and the third group consists of $k$ ones:
N_k = \overbrace{11\cdots10}^k \overbrace{77\cdots78}^k \overbrace{11\cdots11}^k.
Let $P_k = \frac13\!\cdot\!10^k(10^k - 1) = \overbrace{33\cdots33}^k \overbrace{00\cdots00}^k$, using the fact that $10^k - 1 = \overbrace{99\cdots99}^k.$ Then
N_k + P_k = \overbrace{11\cdots10}^k \overbrace{77\cdots78}^k \overbrace{11\cdots11}^k + \overbrace{33\cdots33}^k \overbrace{00\cdots00}^k = \overbrace{11\cdots11}^k \overbrace{11\cdots11}^k \overbrace{11\cdots11}^k = \tfrac19(10^{3k} - 1).
Therefore $N_k = \frac19(10^{3k} - 1) - P_k = \frac19(10^{3k} - 1) - \frac13\!\cdot\!10^k(10^k - 1) = \frac19(10^{3k} - 3\!\cdot\!10^{2k} + 3\!\cdot\!10^k - 1) = \frac19(10^k-1)^3.$But $10^k - 1 = 3R_k$, where $R_k = \overbrace{33\cdots33}^k$. It follows that $N_k = 3R_k^3$ and so $N_k/3$ is the cube of $R_k.$

FAQ: Are All Numbers in This Mathematical Sequence Exact Cubes?

1. What is POTW #136 and what does it stand for?

POTW #136 refers to the 136th Problem of the Week, which is a weekly challenge presented by a website or organization for individuals to solve. In this case, it is the Problem of the Week for November 3, 2014.

2. What is the Exact Cube Sequence in POTW #136?

The Exact Cube Sequence in POTW #136 refers to a sequence of numbers where each number is the exact cube of the previous number, starting with 1. For example, the sequence would be 1, 1, 8, 27, 64, 125, 216, etc.

3. How do you prove the Exact Cube Sequence in POTW #136?

To prove the Exact Cube Sequence in POTW #136, you would need to show that the sequence follows the rule of each number being the exact cube of the previous number. This can be done by showing the mathematical relationship between each number in the sequence and how it is related to the previous number.

4. What is the significance of the Exact Cube Sequence in POTW #136?

The Exact Cube Sequence in POTW #136 can be seen as an interesting and challenging mathematical concept to explore. It also has real-world applications, such as in computer programming and data encryption.

5. Is there a solution to the Exact Cube Sequence in POTW #136?

Yes, there is a solution to the Exact Cube Sequence in POTW #136. It can be proven by showing the relationship between each number and how it is the exact cube of the previous number, as well as finding the pattern in the sequence. It is up to the individual to come up with their own solution or to research and find a known solution.
