Are All Prime Numbers Expressible as 6n ± 1?

In summary, the conversation discusses the idea that all prime numbers (except 2 and 3) can be expressed as 6n+-1, as long as the result divided by 5 is not another integer. This statement is proven by showing that for any prime number, there is a unique n with p=6n+r where r is one of 0,1,2,3,4,5. It is also mentioned that not every number of this form is prime, but it is possible for a prime number to be expressed as 6n+-1.
  • #1
I was told that all prime numbers (except 2 and 3) could be expressed as 6n +- 1 as long as the result divided by 5 is not another integer.

Is this true? Is there a proof for this (hopefully if possible not going much beyond basic calc, I am only in calc 1).
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  • #2
Try writing down the first prime after 2,3,5,7, and the third prime after 7, and, oh, many others. Although I@m not sure what you mean when you refer to 'result'
  • #3
2 and 3 don't count for some reason.
6(4)+1=25 but 25/5=5 (the result divided by 5 equals an integer)
6(6)-1=35 but 35/5=7 (the result divided by 5 equals an integer)

I couldn’t think of any primes between 1-37 not in that list, so it appeared at my first glance that:
Where n is an integer if (6n+-1)/5=non integer, then n is prime.

I have no idea how to look into this more than picking random primes I know of and seeing if they can be expressed that way…
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  • #4
Ah! On my fonts it looks like 6n+1, not, as I now see in your examples, 6n+/-1.

Ok, ever number is of the form 6n, 6n+1, 6n+2, 6n+3 6n+4, or 6n+5 for some n. As long as n is bigger than 1 (or we get the degenerate cases of 2, 3 and 5) all but 6n+1 and 6n+5 (ie 6m-1) are divisible by 2 or 3 and cannot be prime.
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  • #5
Um it maybe me, but I have no clue what that post means… please help?
  • #6
The result you asked states: if p is a prime not equal to 2 or 3 (or 5), it can be written as p=6n+/-1 for some n in N.

Firstly, this does not state anything about whether n is prime or not, nor does it state every number of the form 6n+/-1 is prime.

Let p be any number greater than or equal to 7, then write p as 6n+r, where r is one of 0,1,2,3,4,5. n is at least 1. This can be done, and you were doing it all the time until you learned about fractions and decimals which are just evil.

6n+2 = 2(3n+1) so nothing of this form can be prime

6n+3 = 3(2n+1) so nothing like that can be prime

6n+4 =2(3n+2) so that can't be prime

obviously numbers of the form 6n aren't prime as they're divisible by 6.

so the only chance p has of being prime is if it is 6n+1 or 6n+5. 6n+5 = 6(n+1)-1.

Not every number of this form is prime:

121 is divisible by 11 and is of the form 6*20+1I stil don't know what the 'result' and divisible by 5 means.
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  • #7
The result I’m talking about is 6n+/-1

What I do not get about what you are doing is why are you increasing the +/-1? The +/-1 is a constant. And in a pervious post you had an M variable what is that for?

You answered half my question though, everything that satisfies if 6n+-1/5 =non integer then it isn’t necessary prime.

But can call prime numbers be express as 6n+/-1?
  • #8
How about a statement along the lines "every prime except 2 and 3 is congruent to 1 or 5 mod 6?"

Edit: notation.

  • #9
I think I got the mix up now, I’m not very good at all this math terminology, please forgive me.

N isn’t the prime number. I was told that all primes can be expressed as: P=6n+/-1. Where p is the prime, and n can be any integer.

My question is: Is this true? And if it is, is there a proof for it?
  • #10
You wanted to know if every prime except for 2 or 3 is expressible as 6n+/-1. By considering all possible expressions of 6n+r, I showed that the only ones where the number 6n+r is prime is for r equal to 1 or 5 (with the exception of those small cases). Thus as every number is expressible as 6n+r for r equal to 0,1,2,3,4,5, then the only possibility for a prime is 1 or 5.

The m is n+1, because then 6n+5=6m-1 and it is in the form you wanted originally.

In short I proved exactly what the result you gave states, that every number that is prime (and not 2 or 3) is of the form 6n+/1 for some n.
  • #11
Thank you, and I appreciated your bearing with my confusing way of saying things.
  • #12
Re looking over things I see that you proved 6n+1 or 6n+5 are the only possible 6n+something combinations (except for the ones that are just adding multiples of 6) that can be prime? But is there any way to prove that 6n+-1 is a way that all primes can be expressed?
  • #13
Yes. The reason appeared earlier in the middle of a paragraph; here it is on its own.Let p be *any* number. Then there is a unique n with p=6n+r where r is one of 0,1,2,3,4,5 and also unique. Any number on division by 6 has a remainder one of those numbers. n is the largest number such that 6n is less than or equal to p. Now if p is also a prime number (not 2 or 3), then we showed that the remainder can't be one of 2,3,4 or 0. So it must be that for any prime there is some n with p=6n+1 or 6n+5 = 6(n+1)-1. And is of the form you wanted.
  • #14
thanks, got it now.

Related to Are All Prime Numbers Expressible as 6n ± 1?

What are prime numbers?

Prime numbers are positive integers that are only divisible by 1 and themselves. They have only two factors, making them the building blocks for all other numbers.

What is the significance of 6n ± 1 in relation to prime numbers?

6n ± 1 is a pattern that can be used to identify prime numbers. All prime numbers (except 2 and 3) can be expressed in the form of 6n ± 1, where n is a positive integer.

How do you use 6n ± 1 to determine if a number is prime?

To use the 6n ± 1 pattern, you first multiply the number by 6 and then add or subtract 1. If the resulting number is divisible by any integer other than 1 and itself, then the original number is not prime. If it is not divisible, then the original number is prime.

Are all numbers that follow the 6n ± 1 pattern prime?

No, not all numbers that follow the 6n ± 1 pattern are prime. For example, 25 follows the pattern (25 = 6*4 + 1), but it is not a prime number because it is divisible by 5.

What is the largest known prime number?

The largest known prime number as of 2021 is 2^82,589,933 - 1. This number has over 24 million digits and was discovered in December 2018. However, it is believed that there are infinitely many prime numbers, so there may be larger ones yet to be discovered.

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