Are all smooth functions square-integrable?

In summary, the conversation discusses the concept of essential self-adjointedness in the context of the operator P, which is defined as the derivative of a function in the space of smooth complex functions on R. The conversation also clarifies that the subscript c in C^{\infty}_c (\mathbb{R}) refers to compactly supported functions, not complex functions. This means that the space of smooth compactly supported functions is indeed a subset of the space of square-integrable functions on R.
  • #1
Came across this in a discussion of essential self-adjointedness:

Let P be the densely defined operator with Dom(P) = [itex]C^{\infty}_c (\mathbb{R}) \subset L^2 ( \mathbb{R} )[/itex] and given by [itex]Pf = -i df/dx[/itex]. Then P is essentially self-adjoint.

It is the [itex]C^{\infty}_c (\mathbb{R}) \subset L^2 ( \mathbb{R} )[/itex] part that bothered me. Doesn't this say the space of smooth complex functions on R is contained in the space of square-integrable functions on R? But isn't, say, f(x) = x an element of [itex]C^{\infty}_c (\mathbb{R}) [/itex] ? And isn't f(x) = x not square-integrable on R?

I am thinking maybe I don't know what the author means by the symbols [itex]C^{\infty}_c (\mathbb{R}) [/itex] or [itex]L^2 ( \mathbb{R} )[/itex]
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  • #2
##C^\infty_c## means smooth compactly supported functions (subsript c is for compactly supported). Compactly supported means it is 0 outside of some finite interval, so yes ##C^\infty_c(\mathbb R)\subset L^2(\mathbb R)##.
  • #3
Ah! thank you. I thought the c subscript meant complex. Makes perfect sense now.

FAQ: Are all smooth functions square-integrable?

1. What does it mean for a function to be square-integrable?

Square-integrability is a mathematical concept that describes the behavior of a function when it is integrated over a specific interval. A function is said to be square-integrable if its square is integrable, meaning that the integral of the function's square exists and is finite.

2. Are all smooth functions square-integrable?

No, not all smooth functions are square-integrable. A function must satisfy certain conditions, such as being bounded and continuous, in order to be square-integrable. Smoothness alone does not guarantee square-integrability.

3. Why is it important for a function to be square-integrable?

Square-integrable functions have a variety of applications in mathematics, physics, and engineering. They are commonly used in Fourier analysis, which is essential in signal processing and data analysis. Square-integrable functions also play a crucial role in probability and statistics, as they are used to calculate probabilities and expected values.

4. Can a non-square-integrable function be made square-integrable?

Yes, a non-square-integrable function can be made square-integrable by manipulating its domain or range. For example, if a function is not bounded, it can be multiplied by a decaying factor to make it square-integrable. Similarly, if a function is unbounded, its domain can be restricted to a finite interval to make it square-integrable.

5. How is square-integrability related to convergence?

Square-integrable functions are closely related to convergence because they are a type of convergent function. A square-integrable function is said to converge in the mean to zero if its integral over any finite interval approaches zero as the interval's size increases. In other words, the function's average value approaches zero, indicating that the function is becoming increasingly "flat" or close to zero over the interval.
